Now to be totally honest I'm not sure how all of this works... too much time invested in researching hormones and not much in supplements... now I'm taking protein shakes 3-4 a day.. NO XPLODE pre-workout.. gonna switch to super pump though.... and I want more though... I don't see enough with just the preworkout crap so I want to start taking Ethyl Ester Creatine in the morning and at night and also some NO2 with it... Is this overkill??? I just want to improve my nutrient transport 24/7 instead of just around my workout.. as well as get my creatine levels high for effective recovery between sets and what not... I take 20g glutamine a day... I am going to purchase some ZMA and take that at bed time for better sleep because I workout at night and the NO XPLODE is keeping me up... anyways if someone has some pointers on why I shouldn't do this or where it's TOTALLY overkill then let me know... but more than likely I'll try it because I have experienced great results with 20g Creatine Mono in the past.... so I figure more is better in this case too but we'll see.... just want some opinions.