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Thread: Flax Oil

  1. #1
    ruffrydadd is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004

    Flax Oil

    Exsactly what are all the benefits of flax oil and what is it's main purposes? I know a lot of people who stress the importance of flax oil and when i ask these questions I never seem to get a complete answer. I was hoping you guys would be able to help me out...

  2. #2
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    I don't know everything about flax oil, but i know a little. Flax is a great source of omega 3's. These fatty acids are essential, because the body can't make them itself. As i understand it, these omega 3's have many, many benifits. The brain is 1/3 omega 3 by weight (the mylien sheaths around the nerves are omega 3- these protect the nerves from damage) Thats why fish is called a brain food- fish is high in omega 3's (some argue that the form of omega 3's in fish is more effective than those in plant sources, but the accumulation of toxins in fish is a concern when eating them - stick to salmon and sardines - smaller fish equals less bio-accumulation). Omega 3's also help the body promote lipolsis (the burning of fat) though i;m not sure by what mechanism. these fatty acids also can block fat storage, are anti-inflammatory, control gene transcription (don't really know what that means) and can enhance thermogenisis (heat production). A lack of EFA's can lead to insulin resistance (syndrome X). SO, in short, it aids with fat loss, blocks fat gain, and improves overall health.
    What you want to take depends on your goals. If fat loss is your goal, i would recommend a higher omega 3 intake, compared to omega 6. If general health is more a concern, take hemp oil, as it has a better ration of omega 3 to omega 6. Hope this helps

  3. #3
    ruffrydadd is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yeah, that helped. Thanks man.

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