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Thread: L-glutamine vs glutamine peptides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    L-glutamine vs glutamine peptides

    hey guys:
    i had read in other threads that l-glutamine and glutamine peptides are not the same. what's the difference between L-glutamine and glutamine peptides. does it means they don't give the same results??
    which of them is more effective?? which brands you recommend??
    thanks for your feedbacks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    In The Chocolate Factory
    L-gultamine must be taken on an empty stomach
    while the peptides dont have to be

    i cant recall exactly for what reasons, but i did read this in an article
    you can get the same results from each but which is more convient for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    they arent the same. L-glutamine is a free form amino acid while the peptides are small molecular weight proteins, usually di and tri-peptides. They absorb differently in the body. I am not sure, but I believe the peptides are processed by the small intestine as per other proteins, while glutamine is absorbed much earlier. I may be wrong on this, though. What I am sure of is that the bioavailability of glutamine peptides goes down as chain length (protein size) goes up. This is why although muscle contains a lot of glutamine, you have to eat about 5 lbs of red meat to get a gram of glutamine. glutamine converts rather easily to glutamic acid. The longer the time before it passes into the bloodstream the more likely it is converted. Since long chain proteins must be broken down before they pass, you can see why it isnt very bioavailable.

    In short you probably need free form supplementation. There have been reports that eating other protein sources may inhibit absorbtion, probably by delaying absorption and thus leading to its breakdown, or maybe by carrying it along into a non-optimal absorption area. Unfortunately, I have not seen these studies in detail and cant make a judgement on thier merit (whether they are reputable or not). Likely, this problem can be overcome by limiting free-form glutamine intake to being with other free form amino acids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Manchester, England
    You have to take free form on an empty stomach because if taken with other protein sources it doesn't get absorbed. Reason = transporters in the small intestines that transport glutamnie are taken up by smaller amino acids, hence there is no way for them to enter into the portal blood stream. Glutaimne is to expensive to waste like that. Therefore take it first thing in the morning, before training (empty stomach). Hope this has helped.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    Its not that heavy its mass is 146, so there are 7 AA's heavier, and most are close to each other in MW. Id like the reference to glutamine inhibition by other amino acids if you have it.

  7. #7
    let me break it down for you
    if using l-glutamine take it on an empty stomach
    if your using peptide absorbtion wont be jepordized if taking it with protein or carbs

  8. #8
    too bad its sold out righ now but here is some info on GP's

    as in Gplenish

    but I am the Pres so read this with a critical eye, and do more research bofore hand

    all I can tell you is that it caused me to start Gplenish

  9. #9
    If this is the case then taken L-Glutamine with your protein shake in the morning is wasting the L-Glut

  10. #10
    Also them why on the package of L-Glut it says to take it right after workout and 1-2 more time a day with meals?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzal78
    Also them why on the package of L-Glut it says to take it right after workout and 1-2 more time a day with meals?
    Cause they are ignorant. Simple fact...take L-glut on an empty stomach to reap the benefits. Use glut peptides with or without food to reap the benefits. Some supplement companies don't even know the best way to use the products they produce.

  12. #12
    Lord Valmont

    I never have had a problem with Nelson? and I don't know about the other companies ??

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