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  1. #1
    Pelon is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up When To Take Phera-plex ??????

    I will start my first cycle of PP today, I am thinking to do a cycle for 4 week on 10/20/20/30 mgs each day. I am also thinking to take my first 10mgs dose 30 minutes before each workout for the first week, but I'm not sure if you are suppost to take the 20 and 30 mgs all together before workout or if you are to take it in the morning and before workout when on 20mgs? and or in the morning, before workout and at night when on 30mgs?.

    How do you guys do it ? and when do you think is the best time of the day to take PHERA-PLEX?.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    for the 10mg i would say before workout would be fine, but what time do you workout? i took mine all before 6pm. because i didn't want it to halt my natural test production too much during my sleep. so i took all mine morning and afternoon and early evening. 10mg each does, but spread slightly thorught my day, but not at night...

  3. #3
    Pelon is offline Junior Member
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    I usually workout right after work that is after 6pm or 7pm sometimes later after diner. I think it is ok to take it 30 to 45 minutes before workout but, my question to you is, why do you have to take each mgs througth out the day when on 20 or 30 mgs? and not take it all before workout.

  4. #4
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    do you understand the Phera-plex is a steroid ? so the more it is in your system the more androgenic it will be,(so would you take it on your off days? you should.) and 30mg at a time i would assume to be harder on your liver and produce harder sides than spacing them out...

    taking it 40 minutes before your workout would be fine...

  5. #5
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    do you understand the Phera-plex is a steroid ? so the more it is in your system the more androgenic it will be,(so would you take it on your off days? you should.) and 30mg at a time i would assume to be harder on your liver and produce harder sides than spacing them out...

    taking it 40 minutes before your workout would be fine...
    For sure i am 200 pounds and when i start phera plex i dont think i am ever gonna go behond 20mg a day.

    Question is when to take the first dose, i can take the other one before training around 5pm.

    If i stay at 20mg for 4 week cycle will i have some good gains or i need to up this to 30mg a day at some point?

    I have also ordred the ultimate cycle liver protection that i will take with this.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    For sure i am 200 pounds and when i start phera plex i dont think i am ever gonna go behond 20mg a day.

    Question is when to take the first dose, i can take the other one before training around 5pm.

    If i stay at 20mg for 4 week cycle will i have some good gains or i need to up this to 30mg a day at some point?

    I have also ordred the ultimate cycle liver protection that i will take with this.
    take your first serving at about 10 am or so, whenever you have a meal around then would be fine. you will probably be fine with 20mg but i experimented with a 30mg dose myself and i can't say i noticed anymore of an actual effect (maybe a little), i maybe psyched myself up more for a specific workout or lift, which could have been a placebo effect in strength. even at 30mg i still was done dosing before 6-7 pm. be sure to up your cals, i did about 600 over maintenance and i feel like i looked as ripped if not more ripped after the 4 weeks, and still gained 10 pounds...

  7. #7
    Pelon is offline Junior Member
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    great thanks I will do that, but I do not think I will use any liver protection product, I have use so many products in my life and plus I do a fisical every year and check my liver and everything looks and feel good, so any product of that nature for me is a wate of money.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelon
    great thanks I will do that, but I do not think I will use any liver protection product, I have use so many products in my life and plus I do a fisical every year and check my liver and everything looks and feel good, so any product of that nature for me is a wate of money.
    I would greatly advise against this... look at Anabolic Extreme's "Perfect Cycle", One Bottle will last you the whole time... I would strongly recommend it... prevention is the key to never having a problem in the first place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    I would greatly advise against this... look at Anabolic Extreme's "Perfect Cycle", One Bottle will last you the whole time... I would strongly recommend it... prevention is the key to never having a problem in the first place.
    Thats what i bought for liver protection myself and there pct too.

    I should be all set them thanks a million novastepp.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Thats what i bought for liver protection myself and there pct too.

    I should be all set them thanks a million novastepp.
    no problem bro! good luck let us know how it goes for you...maybe do a log???

  11. #11
    Pelon is offline Junior Member
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    I have been looking for that seccion of PERFECT CYCLE on Anabolic Extrems site but I can not found it, can you please tell me where is it I need to go on the site to look for it?

  12. #12
    OoOGazOoO is offline New Member
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    What exactley is Phera-Plex? ? ?

    Do you get anything like gyno or anything like that if you run it? ? ?

  13. #13
    Natty99's Avatar
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    Phera Plex is Designer Steroid . Please don't Hi Jack Threads GAZ

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelon
    I have been looking for that seccion of PERFECT CYCLE on Anabolic Extrems site but I can not found it, can you please tell me where is it I need to go on the site to look for it? has it. I just ordered some yesterday for 22.95 I think

  15. #15
    Venum's Avatar
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    588 just said it has been discontinued

  16. #16
    StateChamp's Avatar
    StateChamp is offline Junior Member
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    NutraPlanet is still one of the cheapest, have not bought any yet but it is on sale for 23.99 right now..

  17. #17
    paul56 is offline Junior Member
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    I am going for the police dept in in july will Phera Plex show up in my system if i take a medical that includes a drug test in june...i wanna start taking it in a few weeks or should i stay away?

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