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  1. #1
    lc1987's Avatar
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    sd cycle diary. please critique my plan!!

    i will start my sd cycle this tuesday. it's gonna be 10/20/20/20 and i will take the following supps:
    hawthorne berry extract 1000 mg
    no flush niacin 1000 mg
    milk thistle 1050 mg
    efa's 10-15 g
    multivitamin 2 pills a day
    vit.c 4 g a day


    day 1
    chest 9 sets
    back 9 sets

    day 2
    shoulders 9 sets
    traps 5 sets
    legs 9 sets
    calves 4 sets

    day 3
    triceps 9 sets
    biceps 9 sets

    day 4 rest

    day 5 back to day 1

    day6 back to day 2

    day7 back to day 3

    and so on.....

    diet would be clean bulk. i would take about 200-230 grams of carbs, 250 grams of pro and about 40-50 g fat

    for pct i will be taking the same supps as my cycle but i am gonna add clen for only 2 weeks and i am gonna cut during pct. maybe downing carbs to 150g but same amount of fat and protein. here is my clen plan

    day1 20mcg
    day2 40mcg
    day3 60mcg
    day4 80mcg
    day5 80mcg
    day6 100mcg
    day7 100mcg
    day8 100mcg
    day9 100mcg
    day10 100mcg
    day11 80mcg
    day12 60mcg
    day13 40mcg
    day14 20mcg

    taurine 5g a day

    is this a good plan for clen? should i stop clen after 2 weeks? is 2 weeks good enough? also where can i get a mcg measurer because i will get the liquid clen from i b e nutrition and i don't wanna mess things up? please critique my plan! thanks guys.

    p.s. i will get the 60ml vial one do you guys think it's enough for a 2 week cycle?
    Last edited by lc1987; 03-23-2006 at 08:37 PM.

  2. #2
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    wheres your PCT?

    i dont see any clomid and/or tamox

  3. #3
    lc1987's Avatar
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    i do have tamox. it's gonna be 40/20/20/20. sorry i forgot to add it lol

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    only one day of rest during each week? you may want to take another day off in there...remember resting = growing...

  5. #5
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    only one day of rest during each week? you may want to take another day off in there...remember resting = growing...
    i beleive i get 3 full days of rest between muscle groups b/c i don't work the same one everyday....

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    yeah well i get 6 days of rest, some guys like to train twice a week but i find that less is more in that respect, and while being on SD i think rest will really help your results... some guys say they didn't see good results off of these designer steroids , but i did Phera-plex and i rested my ass off and my gains were fantastic!

  7. #7
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    yeah well i get 6 days of rest, some guys like to train twice a week but i find that less is more in that respect, and while being on SD i think rest will really help your results... some guys say they didn't see good results off of these designer steroids, but i did Phera-plex and i rested my ass off and my gains were fantastic!
    shoyld i get a full week then?

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    shoyld i get a full week then?
    it depends on how your body reacts, i am seeing my best gains training each group once a week, but in the fall i am going to try a lower impact training that will consist of training a few groups twice a week, just to see how i repond. you may just incorporate a rest day between day 1 & 2...that would give your traps and shoulders time to recover a little after that chest/back day.

    you know what you could change it to this if you wanted, just a thought.

    day1. chest/back
    day2. legs
    day3. rest
    day4. shoulder/trap/abs
    day5. bi's/tris
    day6. rest
    day7. rest

  9. #9
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Upon cycling i will train only 3 times in the gym.


    and thats it.

  10. #10
    novastepp's Avatar
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    ok, you could potentially put a rest day in between each of those training days if possible...that would help with the resting IMO...

  11. #11
    lc1987's Avatar
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    well i revised my routine. i pretty much got this idea from skip la cour from ast-ss. here it is:

    mon. legs
    tues. arms and forearms
    wed. shoulders
    thurs. back and traps
    fri. chest

    do you think it's ok to workout traps and back on the same day or should i switch it up to shoulders day?

  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
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    if you deadlift, do them on back day...

  13. #13
    lc1987's Avatar
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    cyc le starts 2 days form now can't wait!!!

    i will also do hiit cardio about 4-5 times a week about 16 min. each during cycle.
    my finalyze routine is like this.

    mon. chest
    tues. shoulders, traps
    wed. back
    thurs. arms and forearms
    fri. legs
    sat. off
    sun. off

    i think that'll be a pretty good split for me. a full 6 days of rest. i am also gonna be doing the max ot routine for better muscle growth.

  14. #14
    novastepp's Avatar
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    i hope it works out for you...good luck...

  15. #15
    lc1987's Avatar
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    took sd this mornig adn then i trained about 40 min. after. i obviously have not seen any strength gain yet b/c it's too early but one thing i noticed though.... i was able to finish up my reps today. during my workouts, i do 4-6 reps of heavy weights. so before sd, i do dumbell bench 6 reps on 1st set. and then i try to do 6 again after about 2 min. of rest but i couldn't finish up the reps i usually fail at about 5 reps. but today all reps were finished. i did 6 reps of total of 9 sets!!! i know that it is too early to notice the effects but i was just happy when i finished up my reps. also my chest was burning like crazy during the workout. but anyway... what are the symptoms of gyno? what should i do if i get the symptoms?

  16. #16
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    took sd this mornig adn then i trained about 40 min. after. i obviously have not seen any strength gain yet b/c it's too early but one thing i noticed though.... i was able to finish up my reps today. during my workouts, i do 4-6 reps of heavy weights. so before sd, i do dumbell bench 6 reps on 1st set. and then i try to do 6 again after about 2 min. of rest but i couldn't finish up the reps i usually fail at about 5 reps. but today all reps were finished. i did 6 reps of total of 9 sets!!! i know that it is too early to notice the effects but i was just happy when i finished up my reps. also my chest was burning like crazy during the workout. but anyway... what are the symptoms of gyno? what should i do if i get the symptoms?
    that is probably what i call the Amped Syndrome, the group of symptoms you get when you start a cycle and you are so pumped you actually are stronger. and if you notice any puffy nipples (the only thing most people will see on SD) take 20mg of your nolva Ed. but i doubt you will see gyno at all with SD...

  17. #17
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    that is probably what i call the Amped Syndrome, the group of symptoms you get when you start a cycle and you are so pumped you actually are stronger. and if you notice any puffy nipples (the only thing most people will see on SD) take 20mg of your nolva Ed. but i doubt you will see gyno at all with SD...
    well my nipps have been puffy lately b/c of winter bulking gotten a little fat lol. i'm about 14-15%.

    i'm 5'7 168.

    but i have a question though......

    i am not really sure about sd anymore. i am only 19 and i don't know if i should just stop now and do everything right, eat right and train right. i mean i don't wanna have some liver problems in the future or anything. also, i ship out for the navy july 21st and i don't wanna fail the drug test or something if they test for sd. the main reason why i am taking sd is b/c i am going to be a seal and i wanna look big when i go in.... sounds like i am just trying to show off but maybe i don't really know. but should i just stop right now and put this thing on hold till i'm let's say 21 or so? will my tamox expire soon? thanks a lot novastepp you've been i big help lately man.

  18. #18
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    well my nipps have been puffy lately b/c of winter bulking gotten a little fat lol. i'm about 14-15%.

    i'm 5'7 168.

    but i have a question though......

    i am not really sure about sd anymore. i am only 19 and i don't know if i should just stop now and do everything right, eat right and train right. i mean i don't wanna have some liver problems in the future or anything. also, i ship out for the navy july 21st and i don't wanna fail the drug test or something if they test for sd. the main reason why i am taking sd is b/c i am going to be a seal and i wanna look big when i go in.... sounds like i am just trying to show off but maybe i don't really know. but should i just stop right now and put this thing on hold till i'm let's say 21 or so? will my tamox expire soon? thanks a lot novastepp you've been i big help lately man.
    SD can show up in a drug test, and if you are worried than just don't do it. you should be able to make gains easily for many years to come. if your supps are right on and your PCT is a go, you should be able to recover to 100% after wards. but if you are worried it isn't worth the stress...

  19. #19
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    SD can show up in a drug test, and if you are worried than just don't do it. you should be able to make gains easily for many years to come. if your supps are right on and your PCT is a go, you should be able to recover to 100% after wards. but if you are worried it isn't worth the stress...
    so do u think if i start my 4 week cycl;e right now then pct on may do you think i can bypass the test? cuz after sd, i got pct month which is may and then june and july to recover.... i mean most of july cuz i ship out july 21st. does it show up on the urine test? and is it too late to quit cuz i started today already. thanks man

  20. #20
    lc1987's Avatar
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    ok i have a question here. this is my first day of sd and i think i am gonna stop. but my question is, my nipples feels weird today. i mean i think it's too early for gyno to happen cuz i only took 10mg today but my nips feel warm and hard (lol no jokes here) they are usually puffy from fat cuz of winter bulking and they usually get hard when i feel cold or get goose bumps. but they are warm and kind of hard today. do you think it's an early sign of gyno right away? i will not take sd anymore though i call it quits but do you think i should start taking nolva for only one day of sd? is it maybe cuz i'm just paranoid of this side effect?

  21. #21
    skipsmokesbud's Avatar
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    dont take sd

  22. #22
    lc1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipsmokesbud
    dont take sd
    lol thanks. i already know that. but is it ok to just stop after one day of taking it?

  23. #23
    CatalysT's Avatar
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    i would not listen to that, SD is a great thing, but do not take it if you are not knolagabul of it and it's potential sides... keep in mind bro, superdrol is a roid that some how got leagalized, it is not a phormone, so you getting gyno from it is not likley, deff not in one day, its all in your head man. but to each his own, it is safe to come off it after one days use so no worries there. but its not SD that can be bad for the user, it is the user that can be bad for SD, you need to read up on that sh*t before you do it. just my 2 cents...

  24. #24
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    I find it hard to believe that you are feeling gyno after only one pill of SD It's not even fully in your system yet.. Maybe your paranoid, it happens to everyone.. But if your really going to be paranoid your whole cycle, then there is no point in continuing..

  25. #25
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    no way gyno after one pill. crazy talk

  26. #26
    lc1987's Avatar
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    yeah it was def. not gyno. i was just paranoid. i guess i'll just stay normal for now though and wait a couple more years to grow before taking sd b/c i am also paranoid of getting tested positive for the military when i ship out on july. but you guys have been great and i learned a lot from you guys so i wanna take this chance to say thanks. i will hit the gym harder and eat more now c ya.

  27. #27
    lc1987's Avatar
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    how long does sd and tamox/nolva last? i have them right now but i don't know when they expire. can i take them like 2 years from now cuz i really don't need it anymore.

  28. #28
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    how long does sd and tamox/nolva last? i have them right now but i don't know when they expire. can i take them like 2 years from now cuz i really don't need it anymore.
    there should be some expiration date on the SD bottle. and nolva will last about 5 years if you don't refrigerate it.

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