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  1. #1
    pilyo is offline New Member
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    Is Nolva neccesary for PP?

    Is Nolva neccesary for PP? I'm planning on running PP with, fish oil, vitamins, rebound, retain, cycle and hawthorn berry is there anything else missing. Looking at anabolicx site I got everything that I need. I'm gonna follow the site reccomendation also on how to take them.

  2. #2
    pilyo is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    i think nolvadex is going to be superior than anything that is "otc" (yes i know nolva pretty much is). whether it's entirely necessary i couldn't tell you. from what i've read people on this board are either running clomid, nolva, or a combination of both. i'd read the diaries and see what you come up with

  4. #4
    pelly789's Avatar
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    i would at least keep it on hand it may not be nessecary if your following AX's website on how to take it but you should keep it on hand in case when i run the phera plex im going to be taking nolva and clomid for pct

  5. #5
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    PP is a steroid , would you feel comfortable taking Some OTC
    if you were running deca , d-bol, or some form of test, etc...?

    you should not treat SD or PP any different for that matter!

  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    PP is a steroid , would you feel comfortable taking Some OTC
    if you were running deca , d-bol, or some form of test, etc...?

    you should not treat SD or PP any different for that matter
    good point!

  7. #7
    bigsd67's Avatar
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    Makes you wonder though if PP is a roid if the PCT products also have the real stuff in them...i've used Gaspari Novedex in the past and retained all my gains and got my natty test up to par within a week...just a thought....of course i did have nolva and clomid on hand in the event of a failure.

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
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    questions like this upset me, why would you want to cheap out on your body? it's a steroid , take proper precautions. these things cost money, if you don't have it, dont do it...

  9. #9
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    questions like this upset me, why would you want to cheap out on your body? it's a steroid, take proper precautions. these things cost money, if you don't have it, dont do it...
    spoken like a true hoosier

  10. #10
    pilyo is offline New Member
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    I don't mind paying for it if i could find where to get it

  11. #11
    pilyo is offline New Member
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    Nevermind found one "Nolva = Tamox"

  12. #12
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Ok you guys made me feel bad for buying the OTC PCT now i am gonna buy some TAMOX off the internet.

    I dont wanna sound like a complete idiot but how do i use this stuff?

    Do i need to inject it? been a while since i did that back in 1999?

    Sorry for asking but i need to know.

    Thanks guys.

  13. #13
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Ok you guys made me feel bad for buying the OTC PCT now i am gonna buy some TAMOX off the internet.

    I dont wanna sound like a complete idiot but how do i use this stuff?

    Do i need to inject it? been a while since i did that back in 1999?

    Sorry for asking but i need to know.

    Thanks guys.
    It is taken by an oral syringe. Squirt the nolva in your mouth and chase it with water.

    Didn't recognize your avy Sonar, what's up? Your back must be doing better.

  14. #14
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    BTW i dont plan on using phera plex just yet, i started using Stimulant X with some great results, my appetite is down and no sugar cravings has of yet.

    All of this on a 1 pill a day imagine, i do not have any stomach pains like ephedrine did the last few times i took it.

    Current bodyweight this morning was 201 pounds, i plan i shedding some ugly fat love handles.

    I should be able to get down to 190 pounds, i will get a new membership in the gym by next week, i have been doing lost of back rehab, working on posture.

    We are almost in the month of April and i plan to run my phera plex around June.

    I plan to order TAMOX or anything you guy would suggest being better then this and will have it way before June.

    After all what is the sense of starting phera plex if my bodyfat is 16%.

    THis is what i look like right now, and i will post some more pics has i go along.

    I will also include a log of my phera plex cycle with before and after pics and after PCT pics has well to see if i was able to maintain the gain i made during my cycle.

    You guys are the absolut best and i wanna thank you all once again for your help.
    Last edited by sonar1234; 05-10-2006 at 07:28 PM.

  15. #15
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Sonar, check Papi93's Phera Plex Log. I have all of my workouts, dosages, PCT, etc. covered in detail. I have to update the log.

  16. #16
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    It is taken by an oral syringe. Squirt the nolva in your mouth and chase it with water.

    Didn't recognize your avy Sonar, what's up? Your back must be doing better.
    Hey Papi i read your pp diary on another site great stuff bro, yeah my 6 year old female cat died 2 weeks ago was hell , father passed away last month what a great year.

    Theses are my 2 new little furball, they are so cuit that i wanted them has my avatar.

    Posture is getting better, but still work to do. For the time being i will forget about martial arts and get back in the gym.

    Thanks for asking.

  17. #17
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilyo
    Is Nolva neccesary for PP? I'm planning on running PP with, fish oil, vitamins, rebound, retain, cycle and hawthorn berry is there anything else missing. Looking at anabolicx site I got everything that I need. I'm gonna follow the site reccomendation also on how to take them.
    I ran Phera Plex at 20mg ED for 4 weeks.

    I took 40mg of nolva ED for the first two weeks, of PCT, and finished the last two weeks with 20mg ED. During PCT, my libido was gone. It shut my libido down hard. Nolva and/or clomid (SERM's) is a must!

    As a side note, I did not experience much, if any, testicular atrophy.

  18. #18
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Hey Papi i read your pp diary on another site great stuff bro, yeah my 6 year old female cat died 2 weeks ago was hell , father passed away last month what a great year.

    Theses are my 2 new little furball, they are so cuit that i wanted them has my avatar.

    Posture is getting better, but still work to do. For the time being i will forget about martial arts and get back in the gym.

    Thanks for asking.
    Are you just a guest or do you use a different username? We need all the members we can get. It's not competition to AR because it is another AR site. All are welcome.

  19. #19
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    Are you just a guest or do you use a different username? We need all the members we can get. It's not competition to AR because it is another AR site. All are welcome.
    No not a member just followed your link that you gave to that website.

  20. #20
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    I ran Phera Plex at 20mg ED for 4 weeks.

    I took 40mg of nolva ED for the first two weeks, of PCT, and finished the last two weeks with 20mg ED. During PCT, my libido was gone. It shut my libido down hard. Nolva and/or clomid (SERM's) is a must!

    As a side note, I did not experience much, if any, testicular atrophy.
    Well thats a keeper right there, i will paste this in a document and run its has you did, we are about the same weight and height so its all good.

    Thanks again papi93.

  21. #21
    Natty99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    I ran Phera Plex at 20mg ED for 4 weeks.

    I took 40mg of nolva ED for the first two weeks, of PCT, and finished the last two weeks with 20mg ED. During PCT, my libido was gone. It shut my libido down hard. Nolva and/or clomid (SERM's) is a must!

    As a side note, I did not experience much, if any, testicular atrophy.
    You mean you had no sex drive or ED?

  22. #22
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natty99
    You mean you had no sex drive or ED?
    No sex drive at all during PCT. Next time I will run nolva 40mg ED and tongkat ali 800-1200mg ED for 4 weeks or until have fully recovered.

  23. #23
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Well thats a keeper right there, i will paste this in a document and run its has you did, we are about the same weight and height so its all good.

    Thanks again papi93.
    Sonar, you might want to do some research on tongkat ali. 800-1200mg will help with libido issues during PCT. I'm going to add that to my next PCT.

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