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Thread: Time of day for superdrol and support supps.

  1. #1

    Time of day for superdrol and support supps.

    I am about to start a superdrol cycle of 10/20/20 and was just wondering what time of day I should take the superdrol and the support supplements. Along with the superdrol I will be taking the milk thistle (1000mgs/day), hawthorne berry, Red yeast rice (1200mgs/day), and Coq10 (100mgs/day). Along with time of day, I was also wondering which I should take with food and which i should take w/out food etc. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    do a search bro, this has been answered numerous times, what happenned to that SEARCH button thread, where's Giants when ya need him???

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by hawktribal
    do a search bro, this has been answered numerous times, what happenned to that SEARCH button thread, where's Giants when ya need him???

    If yall are going to take the time to write some smart ass comments about how we should search for the answer first then why dont you just write the answer. How come so many people get aggravateed with members who post questions that have already been answered? If you dont want to answer it cant you just ignore it?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Baseballlifter
    I am about to start a superdrol cycle of 10/20/20 and was just wondering what time of day I should take the superdrol and the support supplements. Along with the superdrol I will be taking the milk thistle (1000mgs/day), hawthorne berry, Red yeast rice (1200mgs/day), and Coq10 (100mgs/day). Along with time of day, I was also wondering which I should take with food and which i should take w/out food etc. Any help would be appreciated.
    could somebody please help me out with this because I would like to start tommorrow taking the hawthorne and ryr and coq10. I already know when to take milk thistle so I just need to know when to take the others. Thank you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    take the servings before 6pm. so they don't possibly lower your evening test push during sleep. take your 10mg dose an hour before your workout (wait...personally i think you should run it at 20mg ED for 3 weeks if that's how long you're going to run it) and when you take 20mg take one 10mg dose with your first meal and your secodn dose again, an hour before your workout. support supps can be spaced throughout your day at your convenience. hope that helps. good luck brosef!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    take the servings before 6pm. so they don't possibly lower your evening test push during sleep. take your 10mg dose an hour before your workout (wait...personally i think you should run it at 20mg ED for 3 weeks if that's how long you're going to run it) and when you take 20mg take one 10mg dose with your first meal and your secodn dose again, an hour before your workout. support supps can be spaced throughout your day at your convenience. hope that helps. good luck brosef!
    Thanks alot for your help. Finally someone who will answer a question. I think I will go ahead and run it 20 for all three weeks because thats what I have been hearing alot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Baseballlifter
    Thanks alot for your help. Finally someone who will answer a question. I think I will go ahead and run it 20 for all three weeks because thats what I have been hearing alot.
    just curious, what are your stats...such as: height, weight, age, and experience with training?

  8. #8
    Please just go naturally and stop messing with steroids..all these are 17/18 years old and nowhere near what you could achieve naturally...put down the superdrol.

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