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  1. #1
    d2000honda's Avatar
    d2000honda is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2006

    All supplements at once or morning then afternoon?

    My friend is about to do a cycle of sd. He has sd, rebound xt, retain xtreme, hawthor berry, niacin, milk thistle. He wants to know if he can split the amount of pills.

    Morning half of the pills and After lunch take the other half.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    what are the amounts he is going to be taking?

  3. #3
    d2000honda's Avatar
    d2000honda is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2006
    I think he said:

    Week 5-8 ..........Rebound XT (PCT) 3 Caps
    ......... Anabolic Retain 3 Caps

    1000 mg Milk Thistle
    1000 mg Hawtornberry
    1000 mg Niacin

    All three during entire cycle.
    Last edited by d2000honda; 04-03-2006 at 03:26 PM.

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