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  1. #1
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
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    Best cutting supplements for me?

    20 years old
    6'2 180lbs

    I am currently finishing up my bulk cycle here in the next 4-6 weeks and hope to hit 190lbs by then. Before my cycle my body fat was at 8.2%. Right now cardio is at a minimum while i am bulking but that will change when i turn around to cut for summer.

    My goal:

    Simple. I want to be at sub 6% body fat by summer time. Along with proper training, dieting, (which i will seek help for in the proper forum) based on what i have described which supplements should i look into to help me be more defined? I have never really worried too much about cutting in the past being my body fat is generally low naturally. But now I want to go to the next level.

    Thanks for all the help, willing to answer any question to help you diagnose what would be best for me.

  2. #2
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    might want to look into an eca or ecy stack, also im trying out stimulant x from ax and if you check out sonars thread on it you might get a better idea about it. im not sure how it works yet but i will post how i feel tomorrow in his thread. here is the link to his thread and the link to stimulant x web page that will tell you alot about it. hope this helps

    Stimulant X feedback (1 week results so far)

  3. #3
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    man you're bulking at still stayed at 8%?? that rocks bro, i'd keep bulking. if you can keep that lean i'd bulk. but if you are going to cut an ECA is probably a good idea. worked great for me.

  4. #4
    mkk359 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurplePatriot
    20 years old
    6'2 180lbs

    I am currently finishing up my bulk cycle here in the next 4-6 weeks and hope to hit 190lbs by then. Before my cycle my body fat was at 8.2%. Right now cardio is at a minimum while i am bulking but that will change when i turn around to cut for summer.

    My goal:

    Simple. I want to be at sub 6% body fat by summer time. Along with proper training, dieting, (which i will seek help for in the proper forum) based on what i have described which supplements should i look into to help me be more defined? I have never really worried too much about cutting in the past being my body fat is generally low naturally. But now I want to go to the next level.

    Thanks for all the help, willing to answer any question to help you diagnose what would be best for me.
    Great job on getting below 8%. However I don't get why you want to get below 6%. Are you competing? If not it might be smarter to hang out around 7% like you are now. I assume like a lot of us here on the forum your lifting for vanity, if thats the case its been my experience that most girls find anything under 6% to be gross (better than being 22% bf if you want to look at the other extreme but you get what I'm saying),then again thats just me. On top of that even for someone thats forutunate enough to have the genetics you've been blessed with its hard to maintain a sub-6% bf for a substantial period of time, and in most cases dangerous.

    With that said I'm not here to judge your goals. I'm here to help answer your questions. The prime cutting supplements that are even more beneficial for someone like you trying to get to that next level are Clenbuterol , T3, and DNP . You owe it to yourself to search the forums and the net for info on Clen and T3 if you haven't heard of them already. They can do a better job than I can of describing how and why to use them.

    However as for DNP, I refuse to even consider it. Stories I've heard involving DNP include stuff like heat stroke, originally used as a way to ignite TNT, and skin turning yellow when it comes into contact with your skin in liquid form. Personally I'd rather stay as far away from it as possible.

    Less powerful but still effective supplements include the ECA stack and Adderall if you've been diagnosed with ADD or you can come across it by some other means. ECA is perfectly legal right now so you should have no problem getting a hold of it.

    Anyway whatever the motivation is behind your goals I wish you the best of luck.

  5. #5
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawktribal
    man you're bulking at still stayed at 8%?? that rocks bro, i'd keep bulking. if you can keep that lean i'd bulk. but if you are going to cut an ECA is probably a good idea. worked great for me.
    Yes im naturally a hardgainer, i have it easy when it comes to low body fat. My bodyfat has actually gone down now that im bulking and working out because of the fact im putting a load on my body and doing some work. Im finishing up a long test/dbol /deca cycle here which will be a total of 16 weeks when finished.

    I would like to try an ECA stack and see how my body reacts to it and then try a clen +t3 stack afterwards later this summer to compare the 2. Hear opinions that go positive and negative for them both about the effectiviness, im guessing different people have different results. ECA doesnt have quite the seriousness of side effects has clen can have thats why id like to try it first and if im happy with the results I have no reason to swap the the clen/t3.

    Are there any local stores that sell ephedrine? The one guy above said he got his from that website which i checked and it said they have stopped selling it since april 05 or something. I would like to get it locally, anything that can be found in gnc that contains a majority of ephedrine? What do you reccomend? Thanks

  6. #6
    mkk359 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurplePatriot
    Yes im naturally a hardgainer, i have it easy when it comes to low body fat. My bodyfat has actually gone down now that im bulking and working out because of the fact im putting a load on my body and doing some work. Im finishing up a long test/dbol /deca cycle here which will be a total of 16 weeks when finished.

    I would like to try an ECA stack and see how my body reacts to it and then try a clen +t3 stack afterwards later this summer to compare the 2. Hear opinions that go positive and negative for them both about the effectiviness, im guessing different people have different results. ECA doesnt have quite the seriousness of side effects has clen can have thats why id like to try it first and if im happy with the results I have no reason to swap the the clen/t3.

    Are there any local stores that sell ephedrine? The one guy above said he got his from that website which i checked and it said they have stopped selling it since april 05 or something. I would like to get it locally, anything that can be found in gnc that contains a majority of ephedrine? What do you reccomend? Thanks
    Yeah your not gonna find a GNC with anything containing Ephedrine. However it's still legal to sell. Just about every other gas station in the country sells Ephedrine Tablets at 25 mg in bottles of 48 for about $10. All you need is your ID, your 20 like me so it shouldn't be a problem. The tablets are usually at the counter where all the lottery tickets, black and milds, and energy supplements are. The reason that its legal is its sold as an asthma control medicine, don't worry you won't have to prove you have asthma to get them, all you have to prove is that your over 18. I think the law is now that its illegal to sell it as a weight loss supplement.

    Plus its better this way since GNC has the ability to charge way above market value for these supplements due to high demand for effective weight loss products (or any products that promise weight loss for that matter). Why do you think crap like Leptoprin is selling for $75 a bottle when its not nearly as effective as a $30 ECA stack.

    BTW, your next step is obviously to find caffine pills, some asprin, and then your good to go.

  7. #7
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
    PurplePatriot is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkk359
    Yeah your not gonna find a GNC with anything containing Ephedrine. However it's still legal to sell. Just about every other gas station in the country sells Ephedrine Tablets at 25 mg in bottles of 48 for about $10. All you need is your ID, your 20 like me so it shouldn't be a problem. The tablets are usually at the counter where all the lottery tickets, black and milds, and energy supplements are. The reason that its legal is its sold as an asthma control medicine, don't worry you won't have to prove you have asthma to get them, all you have to prove is that your over 18. I think the law is now that its illegal to sell it as a weight loss supplement.

    Plus its better this way since GNC has the ability to charge way above market value for these supplements due to high demand for effective weight loss products (or any products that promise weight loss for that matter). Why do you think crap like Leptoprin is selling for $75 a bottle when its not nearly as effective as a $30 ECA stack.

    BTW, your next step is obviously to find caffine pills, some asprin, and then your good to go.
    Best info ive got yet thanks man, last question is on caffine is all generally the same or are there ingredients i should look out for? Whats a good brand.

  8. #8
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    I used the most basic caffeine from body I believe it was around 3 bucks for a bottle of 100 and it contained 200 mg caffein per tablet. Since they say you should have 250 caffein 25 eph and 83 grams of aspririn, i would sip some coffee on the way to the gym and Id be good to go! Personally I had decent resultss while I was on my ECA for 3 weeks. I lost roughly around 8 pounds which I believe is all fat no muscle loss considering my strenghth continued to increase with my well put together diet. Now Im cycling Lipo6 for 2 or 3 weeks just for the extra energy kick.

  9. #9
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
    PurplePatriot is offline Associate Member
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    How long should ECA stacks generally be run? 3 weeks? 6?

  10. #10
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    the usual is 4 weeks on and 4 off, if you run it for too long your receptors will get burned out and it wont have as good of an effect on your body

  11. #11
    novastepp's Avatar
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    taking benadryl every 3rd wekk will help replenish your receptors. but i wouldn't do it longer than 6 weeks IMO.

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