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Thread: happy again thanks for all of your help progress report

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up happy again thanks for all of your help progress report

    Hi guys, thanks big al, billy boy, codzilla, ptby jason.

    I started training to be a pro wrestler, ok indys so i dont plan going to wwf, i really wanted to get my weight training in gear and have all the questions answered about my lack in supplement knowlege.

    I think board are great for that becose no one is here to sell, so you can get real feedbacks for real bodybuilders that have tried it.

    Now for billy boy, i have printed all the info that you have given me, be sure that you havent wasted your time and thanks a million again.

    BTW i have stopped using ephedrine, becose i got these nightsweats, i have allergies right now and i sort of mixed allegra and ephedrine guess they dont go togheter at all anyways.

    I have huge sugar cravings but i have found an herbe called Gymnema, i put some on my tough and it takes away the sugar craving.

    Now i started taking 3 shakes a day, and 15 grms of glutamine, drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day and lost of water, i have lost about 4 pounds and lost no size in my arms at all.

    So i guess that glutamine can help you keep size even when dieting.

    I have also cut high glycemic carbs, in the morning i usually eat whole wheat bread for my carbs , and at lunch small amount of rice , i eat a lot of veggies to replace the carbs that are missing, and afer i train i will treat myself to 150 grms of carbs becose i think its the right time to take it.

    I train 4 days a week now and always do one on one off, i have grouped my bodyparts to get the most rest out and only train each body part once a week.

    Exercices are very basics, bench press squats, deadlifts, military press etc etc

    i warm up then shoot for 3 sets of 6 reps.

    That has changed my body major.

    Now i am getting ride of the love handles slowly not to lose muscles and the advise you guys gave me helps a lot here, boost protein levels.

    I am very happy, and thanks big al my girlfriend is gonna try what you said.

    good luck guys your the best

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up

    Your a good bro and I,m glad the info that has been offered has been of some use.Its bro,s like you who make the posts worth while answering.

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Congrats on the progress, but dont forget to perfect that piledriver!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    actually i use a draven driver

    Actually i use a draven driver ( well its more like a emerald fusion ) but hey thanks for the encouragement.

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