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Thread: Trying to understand unusual strength loss: Your viewpoint

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY

    Trying to understand unusual strength loss: Your viewpoint

    I shred up every year but this year this effort is accompanied with an uncharacteristic loss in strengh. I'm trying to figure out why and I'm hoping you can help. Here's a few things to consider: This year, I'm using ECA stack every other day. My eca stack is 50, 400, 300, ECA, respectively. My weight loss rate averages to 5 pounds a week. I know, that's fast and there's certainly some muscle lost as a result. I've lost about 1.5" off my legs and 1" off my arms. Most would leap to the conclusion that my strength loss is due to rapid weight and muscle mass loss. But hold on......

    There is another potential cause and I wonder if this more subtle reason is factoring in significantly. I recently stopped my creatine supplementation. Could creatine make that much of a difference in maintaining strength? Anyone ever have the experience of ceasing creatine use while on a calory restictive diet and lossing strength?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    did you lose the weight this fast in previous years? If not, i think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned it was very fast weight loss.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    any time you cut your going to loose strength sorry man but its just one of those things!!!

    and the creatine is just adfding to that fact as well CEE doent cause bloat if this was your main choice in stopping creatine.

    try it up again and see how much strength you gain back

    But ultimatley its just sumthing yer gonna have ta deal with

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    But in years past cutting hasn't led to this much strength loss. I reintroduced creatine so I'll see if that makes a difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    any time you cut your going to loose strength sorry man but its just one of those things!!!

    and the creatine is just adfding to that fact as well CEE doent cause bloat if this was your main choice in stopping creatine.

    try it up again and see how much strength you gain back

    But ultimatley its just sumthing yer gonna have ta deal with

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    I am lossing a little faster than in previous years. I'm still trying to make the adjustment. I cut down on cardio.

    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    did you lose the weight this fast in previous years? If not, i think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned it was very fast weight loss.

  6. #6
    its the creatine

    start taking 5 grams of CEE a day to get power up again

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    That's what I'm wondering. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I went to vitamin shop and got pinnacle "ripped mass?" - marketed as creatine for cutting.....whatever. It seems that many of the creatines are now sold as mixes with NO and other stuff. Do you know if this pinnacle product has a good rep>?

    Quote Originally Posted by *****
    its the creatine

    start taking 5 grams of CEE a day to get power up again

  8. #8
    get real CEE
    find a good brand that sells it

    I know that PrimaForce., Scotts Finest, and Thermolife have legit forms, as well as San

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i don't know why but i'm on eca stack right now and i've only lost a pound on my first week. i am seeing results though even though i've only lost a pound. i still try to lift heavy in the gym because i am afraid of losing muscles. i've obviously lost "some" strength though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    What does CEE stand for? And do you dislike the brand I mentioned (pinnacle).
    Quote Originally Posted by *****
    get real CEE
    find a good brand that sells it

    I know that PrimaForce., Scotts Finest, and Thermolife have legit forms, as well as San

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    CEE Creatine Estyl ester, i bought some Vault by San but i wont be using it til summer.

    Will give you guys some feedback for sure.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Many guys at my job used CEE and they told me that there is no bloating, no water retention like the old monohydrate, the strengh gains where the same but they just look huge theses guys and really well defined.

    I cant wait to try it, i lost about 20 pounds in a month and a half using the protein diet 203 to around 183, but i am not training cause i still have back pain.

    The so called expert told me that by this summer i should be alright to train again since there is no bone damage to my spin and its pertty much posture related now.

    I plan to get down to 175 pounds if i can then rebuild my body without fat this time, no gut, no lovehandles

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Well, a update here, adding creatine brought back my strength. I didn't realize it made that much of a difference. Apparently it does. Word to your mother!

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