I shred up every year but this year this effort is accompanied with an uncharacteristic loss in strengh. I'm trying to figure out why and I'm hoping you can help. Here's a few things to consider: This year, I'm using ECA stack every other day. My eca stack is 50, 400, 300, ECA, respectively. My weight loss rate averages to 5 pounds a week. I know, that's fast and there's certainly some muscle lost as a result. I've lost about 1.5" off my legs and 1" off my arms. Most would leap to the conclusion that my strength loss is due to rapid weight and muscle mass loss. But hold on......
There is another potential cause and I wonder if this more subtle reason is factoring in significantly. I recently stopped my creatine supplementation. Could creatine make that much of a difference in maintaining strength? Anyone ever have the experience of ceasing creatine use while on a calory restictive diet and lossing strength?