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  1. #1
    jobyjoe's Avatar
    jobyjoe is offline Associate Member
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    Need some superdrol help!!!

    Hi all,
    I've taking superdrol for the past two weeks (check out this thread for info on my cycle

    Well I did my first week at 20mg each day, and last week I was taking 30mg each day. Weighed myself today, and have only gained 1 pound. Needless to say, I'm REALLY pissed. I have been eating like CRAZY, so that isn't the problem. Also, I've been working out very hard over the last two weeks. I do cardio twice a week, for no more then 20minutes and I don't go too hard. I just like doing a little cardio to get the blood pumping. So, I'm thinking about bumping it up to 40 mg a week for the next two weeks. Currently, I haven't had any sides. No lower back pumps, no headaches, no elevated blood pressure. Is this a bad idea??

  2. #2
    diamonds's Avatar
    diamonds is offline Banned
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    In your head
    too lazy too look at your other posts. how much do you weigh? If you are a lean 230+ you could prob get away with 40 but THAT"S IT! do not go higher than 40 ever. In your case, if you see no results with 30, then 40 anint gonna do much more. I'm on week 2 of my SD and my weight bounces up and down.
    You should also know to never gauge your gains based on your body weight. Take measurements and track your progress.

  3. #3
    jobyjoe's Avatar
    jobyjoe is offline Associate Member
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    I weigh 261, 16%bf. I will start 40mg tomorrow. Checked my bp today, and it was fine. Hope the liver is doing ok though!

  4. #4
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    i did not really notice anything till the start of the 3 week running 30mg ED
    id wait till the middle/end of your 3rd week b4 id bump up too 40mg .

    altho you are 260 if 40 is too much you can always drop back down to 30

  5. #5
    jobyjoe's Avatar
    jobyjoe is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks DD

  6. #6
    Cory Gunz is offline New Member
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    dont bump it ...

  7. #7
    Cory Gunz is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    i got bad chest pains...and pressure was building from superdrol....this stuff worked alot....but i wish it didn't have the sides....gained 30 lbs...and my max 225 bench went from 8 reps to 16 .....good luck

  8. #8
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cory Gunz
    i got bad chest pains...and pressure was building from superdrol....this stuff worked alot....but i wish it didn't have the sides....gained 30 lbs...and my max 225 bench went from 8 reps to 16 .....good luck

    damn dude, chest pains? How old are you? I wouldnt be superdolin past age 35 IMHO. Are you over that?Maybe take a few aspirins a day while on that stuff. Yowser!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    huh in the steroid section I have been told by a vet up to 50 mg.

  10. #10
    jobyjoe's Avatar
    jobyjoe is offline Associate Member
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    You got a link?? For the past 2 days, I've done 40mg's. While I know it is to early to see results from 40mg, I haven't felt any sides yet. BP is still normal however.

  11. #11
    llsdotmacll's Avatar
    llsdotmacll is offline Associate Member
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    how many weeks into it are you? i hear u lose a lot of water weight in the beginning of a SD cycle

  12. #12
    jobyjoe's Avatar
    jobyjoe is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    I'm into my third week

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