I got this bottle of protest given to me and was wondering if anyone has used it, does it work and can it be taken during PCT? If not I'm just gonna toss it.

ProTest - Testosterone Preservation System
ProTest works at the site of receptors on steroid sensitive cells to preserve testosterone and boost testosterone levels . ProTest helps to locally inhibit 5-alpha reductase and 3-ketosteroid reductase which are enzymes involved in converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), thus preserving active testosterone. Conversion of testosterone to DHT is an unwanted effect because DHT has been linked to:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Hirsutism (too much hair in the wrong places)
Male pattern baldness or hair loss.

Supplemental Facts:

Ingredients 2 caplets supply % Daily Value
Niacin 50 mg 250
Zinc 20 mg 133
Testosterone Preservation Blend 870 mg *
Saw Palmetto Berry Standardized Extract (85-95% sterols and fatty acids), Cranberry & Chokeberry Juice Concentrates (25% quinic acid), Cholestatin™ (purified plant phytosterols, 50% beta-sitosterol, 25% campersterol. 20% fuctosterol), Yohimbe Bark Standardized extract (10% alkaloids), Korean Ginseng Root Standardized Extract (4% ginsenosides), Avena Sativa (green oat straw), Stinging Nettle Leaf, Muira puama Stem, Ho-shou Root

Recommended dosage: 2 to 4 caplets daily.
*Daily value not established