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Thread: Best Fat Burner on the market ??

  1. #1

    Best Fat Burner on the market ??

    Hey guys ... New to the forum.

    I'm currently 6 foot 7 and 320 lbs. I put on muscle very fast - just have a hard time burning the fat it seems like. Currently on a Sus 250 Deca cycle. My question is whats the best fat loss supplement I can buy. I do one hour of hard ass cardio each morning to help shed the fat, but it seems like I need more. Apparently my metabolism runs slow.

    What products would you recommend for fast hard core weight loss? There seems to be alot of products on the market and each claim they are the best .... so I figured I'd ask the true experts. Any advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    welcome to the board mate..............
    i will move this to the supplement forum where you will get more answers...........

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  3. #3
    IMO supps wont do much for you. It's 90% cardio and diet and supps MAY help with that extra 10%. Lipo6..lipoderm ultra for spot reduction..AMP come to mind. ECA if you wanna go that route.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, NY
    I here good things about CLA. But you gotta reduce your calories and do a ton of cardio. 45 min every morning on empty stomach.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    IMO supps wont do much for you. It's 90% cardio and diet and supps MAY help with that extra 10%.

    I find the best fat-loss supps are the ones not directly geared at fat-loss


    Chromium picolinate: maintenance of blood sugar

    B-complex vits: aide in release of energy from food ingested.. stress maintenance (especially in the high-stress environment of the cutting phase)

    Vitamin C: stress maintenance (moderating stress is important because high stress= High cortisol.. High cortisol alters fat distribution and glucose tolerance)

    That's the basics..

    Now add a stimulant: Ephedrine HCL(+ caffeine HCL.. Yohimbe HCL optional).. speed up the metabolism; increase the rate of fatty acid mobilisation etc.

    I also find an over-looked area of fat-loss supplementation is estrogen control:

    Enter 6-oxo...

    Put that together and you've fat-blast stack worth using


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Add EFAs and Maybe 7-keto-Dhea to that stack.

    lmao.. just reading this has me feeling like cutting


  7. #7
    Is your diet in check? Cuz thats the most important key in weight loss.

    Get those calories down, but still take it your good protein, complex carbs only, and efa's.

    From there, 6 days cardio a week.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    a, methyl ripped by nx care has helped me alot for my contest, i think more so for energy but thats just me

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    I find the best fat-loss supps are the ones not directly geared at fat-loss


    Chromium picolinate: maintenance of blood sugar

    B-complex vits: aide in release of energy from food ingested.. stress maintenance (especially in the high-stress environment of the cutting phase)

    Vitamin C: stress maintenance (moderating stress is important because high stress= High cortisol.. High cortisol alters fat distribution and glucose tolerance)

    That's the basics..

    Now add a stimulant: Ephedrine HCL(+ caffeine HCL.. Yohimbe HCL optional).. speed up the metabolism; increase the rate of fatty acid mobilisation etc.

    I also find an over-looked area of fat-loss supplementation is estrogen control:

    Enter 6-oxo...

    Put that together and you've fat-blast stack worth using

    Yep. This time around with cutting I have learned to love Vitamin B&C..I dont know why I never had them in there can really tell a difference. I use all of those except Chromium picolinate

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County
    I've had to start taking my B/C complex before bed becuase it makes me super hungry... does that sound right?

    When do you guys take your vitamins/supplements?

  11. #11
    I take C throughout the day and B at morning and night

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    vitamin b/c at night helps curb appettite?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    I find the best fat-loss supps are the ones not directly geared at fat-loss


    Chromium picolinate: maintenance of blood sugar

    Now add a stimulant: Ephedrine HCL(+ caffeine HCL.. Yohimbe HCL optional).. speed up the metabolism; increase the rate of fatty acid mobilisation etc.

    Hey Nark... I used to take Chromium, I was told it helps curb your cravings.. at the time i was also taking an ECA stack and when I took the chromium after taking my caffeine I got all hot and red and it felt like my skin was burning off.. any idea why?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    I find the best fat-loss supps are the ones not directly geared at fat-loss


    Chromium picolinate: maintenance of blood sugar

    B-complex vits: aide in release of energy from food ingested.. stress maintenance (especially in the high-stress environment of the cutting phase)

    Vitamin C: stress maintenance (moderating stress is important because high stress= High cortisol.. High cortisol alters fat distribution and glucose tolerance)

    That's the basics..

    Now add a stimulant: Ephedrine HCL(+ caffeine HCL.. Yohimbe HCL optional).. speed up the metabolism; increase the rate of fatty acid mobilisation etc.

    I also find an over-looked area of fat-loss supplementation is estrogen control:

    Enter 6-oxo...

    Put that together and you've fat-blast stack worth using


    Exactly how do you implement these into your cutting diet? I am familar with supps you posted but have not used them this way.

    Do you take them all together? VitC in the morning and Vit B at night? And chromium? (this one is new to me)

    Basically, what is the best format for using these supps?
    ***No source checks!!!***

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

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