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Thread: Taraxatone

  1. #1
    AnthonyM's Avatar
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    i was thinking about usin this to get rid of some excess water. why type of precautions should i use when taking this. I know this is just a otc diurectic but i was wonderring what type of precautions i shouls use

  2. #2
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    how long were you planning on taking it? it's noot something you shouldn't take long term.

    You have to drink 6, 8oz glasses of water at least.

    Remember though our bodies have water for a reason so taking too much or not drinking enough while taking them can be deadly.

    Don't use if you have a heart condition, thyroid issues, diabetes

    Something that is not as drastic is dandelion root- it's what i use when i feel a little excess water.

  3. #3
    AnthonyM's Avatar
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    hmm, I guess maybe 5-7 day's i was thinkin about runnin it. I actually hadnt looked that far into it. I was just starting to get into thinking about it. How much dandelion root should be taken a day for it to act as a diuretic. I know that a script like lasix can be deadly, I didnt think a otc could be as dangerous as we'll

  4. #4
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnthonyM
    hmm, I guess maybe 5-7 day's i was thinkin about runnin it. I actually hadnt looked that far into it. I was just starting to get into thinking about it. How much dandelion root should be taken a day for it to act as a diuretic. I know that a script like lasix can be deadly, I didnt think a otc could be as dangerous as we'll
    i have a prescription from the doctor called hydrochloride and i sit on it.. because i know it's not good for me to take - i'm really lean.

    Directions for dandelion root are usually on the bottle . Dandelion root is actually in the Tara

    Are you going to be competing?

  5. #5
    AnthonyM's Avatar
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    No, no i wont be competing.. I do martial art's tournament's and i need to make sure im under a certain wieght. i have 4 week's left but need to loose 10 pound's to make weight, i dont wanna change my diet and i loose on average 1-2 pound's a week. 10 pounds will put me at exactly the maximum amount. so a diuretic seem's most suiting. direction's on the dandelion root are 1 a day at 550 mg's. i should follow that?, how many day's should i be taking it be4 I would start to loose water?. Is this Taraxatone really that dangerous it's just an otc supp.

  6. #6
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnthonyM
    No, no i wont be competing.. I do martial art's tournament's and i need to make sure im under a certain wieght. i have 4 week's left but need to loose 10 pound's to make weight, i dont wanna change my diet and i loose on average 1-2 pound's a week. 10 pounds will put me at exactly the maximum amount. so a diuretic seem's most suiting. direction's on the dandelion root are 1 a day at 550 mg's. i should follow that?, how many day's should i be taking it be4 I would start to loose water?. Is this Taraxatone really that dangerous it's just an otc supp.
    These are by far a couple of the best applications for a diuretic.!
    In my opinion Taraxatone is VERY overpriced. You’d get the same results from a GNC brand water pill. But someone has to pay for their commercials.


  7. #7
    Venum's Avatar
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    i didnt notice a single change from those pills. I took them properly before my vacation that just passed..Didnt notice a thing. save your money.

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