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Thread: Phera Plex Semi Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Phera Plex Semi Log

    Phera Plex Semi Log
    i decided to write a semi log of my phera plex cycle. i wanted to do 20mg every day for 4 weeks but i am unsure if i still want to go that route. today was my third and an hour after taking my serving my sides were kind of throbing nothing painful, im not sure if thats just a normal side effect but i did not take the second serving today. if i have no problems tommorrow ill take 20 mg again. also this is the first time i took it with food so maybe that had somthing to do with it. My support is 1000mg of milk thistle, 1000 saw pal, 1000 hawthorn berry, 2000 mg Fish body oil. i do legs and shoulders one day and back, bis, chest, tris another

    Monday 5/15/06
    for my leg day which was monday i got tired quicker then normal but i had a good workout. i worked my shoulders harder then usual with compound sets

    tues 5/16/06 overall it was a good work out i dumbelled curled 45lbs 10 reps with 3 sets which is a personal best but besides that just another good work out

  2. #2
    I would recommend logging the name of the exercises done, weights, reps, and sets. This will give us a good indication of the success of your cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Friday may 19
    incline dumbell press 80lbs x10 x 8 x 5
    dips 10 x 3
    decline machine press 2 plates on each side 3 sets of 10 reps
    dumbell curls 45 lbs 9 reps x 3
    preacher reverse 30lbs 10 reps x 3
    lat pull down 105 10 x 3
    deadlifts 135lbs 15 x 3
    skull crunchers 45lbs 10 x 3
    pulldowns 100lbs 10x 3

    the past two days i have only been taking 10mg due to ache around my prostate, if it goes away ill take it back to 20 mg. if not ill take 10 mg for the rest of the cycle and add creatine

  4. #4
    I saw your other prostate thread. Are you going to continue or stop the cycle? Glad to see that you logged your workout .

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    I saw your other prostate thread. Are you going to continue or stop the cycle? Glad to see that you logged your workout .
    I'd like to know as well. Also what are your measurements...height & weight?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    im going to continue because luckly for me my aches went away when went from 20mg to 10mg. I guess my body had to get used to it. ill go back to 20mg when next monday. btw I am 6'1 but I have very thin bones which leaves me with thin legs and arms. as of last week i was 182, the heaviest i have ever been was 190 but bf% was too high then. my goal is 195ish for september
    today was my chest, tris, back, bis day
    i decided to take out machine chest press press and add in smith bench press. My chest actually feels more pumped after the machine then the bench press but i will continue the bench threwout the PP cycle
    smith bench press 135 x 10, 205 x 8, 225 x 5, 225 x 5
    dumbell incline press 80 x 6, 80 x 8
    pec fly machine 165 x 10, 180 x 8
    skull crushers 50 x 10, 50 x 10, 50 x 10
    kick backs 30 x 8, 30 x 8
    pull downs 80 x 10, 80 x 10
    hamer curls 50x 6 50 x 6, 50 x 5
    reverse curls 30 x 8, 30 x 8
    this is supposed to be my back day but my back was so sore from yard work that i really could not do much.

  7. #7
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    May 2006
    Thursday may 25, 2006
    hindu squats 300 reps
    calf raises 150

    Friday may 26, 2006
    Bench press 185 x 6, 205 x 6, 205 x 6( I feel like i could of done more but my shoulders were hurting so i didnt wanna hurt myself)
    incline dumbell 80 x 6, 80 x 6
    dips 12, 12
    tricep pull down 80 x 10 80 x 10
    hammer curl 45 x 6, 45 x 6
    lat pulldown 140 x 10 140 x 10 , 140 x 10
    rows 130 x 10, 130 x 10, 130 x 10
    deadlift 135 x 12, 135 x 12
    Not really a good workout, the gym was extra hot and sticky and the whole time i felt like i was going to have an asthma attack which i havent had in years lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    okay i forgot to post on here my bad
    bench press 135x8,205x6,205x6,205x6
    incline 135x10, 155x8, 165x6
    dips 12, 10, 8
    tricep pull down 100 x 10, 100 x 10, 100 x 10
    skullcrusher40x10, 40x 10, 40x 10
    hammercurl 45x8 45x8, 45x8
    preacher reverse curl 35x10, 35x10, 35x10

    hindu squats 250reps
    leg extensions 200x 10, 200x 10
    calf raises 200reps

    curl bar 65lbsx8 reps then removed to 55lbsx8reps then 45x8repsthen 35 lbsx8reps.....i did this for 3 sets
    preacher curl 65lbsx 8, 65lbs x 8
    hammer 40lbs x 8, 40 x 8
    tri pull down 105 x 10, 105 x 10, 105 x 10
    skullcrusher 50 x 10, 50 x 10

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    strength gains are looking up, muscles look more full. However I have been taking only 10mgs a day for the past two weeks supplementing with creatine.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    From what I have read on here people are saying to use creatine during PCT not while on. I don't know their reason on this just passing on what I remember reading here.

  11. #11
    Are you a martial artist? I noticed the Matt Furey-style Hindu Squats. Those build some wicked muscular endurance in the legs. Not to mention mental toughness.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TexN343
    From what I have read on here people are saying to use creatine during PCT not while on. I don't know their reason on this just passing on what I remember reading here.
    the reason i decided to take creatine was because i am only taking 10mg a day of PP so i figured I can add some creatine. I added creatine in my third week and ill probably continue using it until PCT is done

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    Are you a martial artist? I noticed the Matt Furey-style Hindu Squats. Those build some wicked muscular endurance in the legs. Not to mention mental toughness.
    I dont practice martial arts at a gym but i practice some moves at home and hit a punching bag daily. I decided to try hindu squats after seeing legs of ppl who only do hindu squats and they had amazingly ripped quads and calves so i figured id give it a try because i never had much results from heavy leg trainning

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieStyles
    I dont practice martial arts at a gym but i practice some moves at home and hit a punching bag daily. I decided to try hindu squats after seeing legs of ppl who only do hindu squats and they had amazingly ripped quads and calves so i figured id give it a try because i never had much results from heavy leg trainning
    I used to be in Tae Kwon Do (red belt in traditional TKD and blue belt in Olympic TKD) but I always hated memorizing all that kata. I couldn't find any good schools so I bought Bas Rutten's MMA workout (Tai Box is what I used the most, on the heavy bag) and Matt Furey's combat conditioning. When I moved into an apartment on the third floor I had to drop the bag work. I just can't motivate myself to shadow box. The power development from bag work is what I enjoy. I would shadow a few rounds just for the sake of footwork. I really miss my martial arts workouts. It was my favorite form of cardio.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i use the Bas Rutten workout tapes too, on the net i found his lethal fighting dvd, streetfighting dvd, and submission and chokes. I hated learning katas in TKD also which was why i quit, plus i felt i wasnt learning anything i can use in a fight.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieStyles
    i use the Bas Rutten workout tapes too, on the net i found his lethal fighting dvd, streetfighting dvd, and submission and chokes. I hated learning katas in TKD also which was why i quit, plus i felt i wasnt learning anything i can use in a fight.
    I got his street fighting video too. The best thing about TKD is that is makes you very athletic with all of the complicated kicking techniques.

  17. #17
    describe these hindu squats? if you could please. It looks like you have a pretty good workout routine. If i could make a suggestion though. Try chest and back on mondays. Legs on tuesday to add the extra testosterone to your body. take off on wednesdays. Shoulders and traps on thursday. and arms and abs on friday. then off saturday and sunday... From what it looks like to me if your doing chest and tris on the same day your not getting the best work out for you tris because they are secondary muscle to the chest. Same with back and bis. Plus doing chest and back on the same day pulls the acid build up disperse through your body from doing yourr chest then back it pulls the acid away from your chest... Just my 2 cents for ya

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hindu squats are free weighted squats were you go all the way down and while raising your toes up and firing your body up quickly once you get far as tris i do not work them out ne more the same day with chest that way i can work them out harder on bis, back, tris day
    150 hindu squats
    200x10 200x10 200x 10 leg extensions
    200 calf raises

    Bench press 135x 10, 205x 7, 225x 3, 205x5
    incline press 135x 10, 155x 8
    machine flys 105 x 10, 105 x 10
    incline machine press 115 on each side x 10 (2 sets)

    tricep pull down 100 x 10, 100 x 10, 100 x 10
    skullcrusher40x10, 40x 10, 40x 10
    hammercurl 45x8 45x8, 45x8
    preacher reverse curl 35x10, 35x10, 35x10

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2006
    my chest work out this week was the best i ever had... i have never been able to rep 225........and repping 205 felt soo damm easy except my shoulder was kida hurting so i stopped, but i could of probably went more then 7 reps. im starting my last week and im goign to try PP again at 20mg. also im going to be adding kickboxing for 20 minutes at the end of everywork out for conditioning and 100 hindu squats everyday because i want to become in better shape to fight. I dont plan on fighting anywhere but i have had a few close calls at bars so i think i need to train this way vs bodybuilding style.

  20. #20
    Thanks for the explanation, im gonna have to try that. Yeah that kickboxing would be the to kick some ass in the bars. That would be funny as hell to watch some guy in a bar high kick someone in the head in some bar. site to see

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by bruinsball22
    describe these hindu squats? if you could please. It looks like you have a pretty good workout routine. If i could make a suggestion though. Try chest and back on mondays. Legs on tuesday to add the extra testosterone to your body. take off on wednesdays. Shoulders and traps on thursday. and arms and abs on friday. then off saturday and sunday... From what it looks like to me if your doing chest and tris on the same day your not getting the best work out for you tris because they are secondary muscle to the chest. Same with back and bis. Plus doing chest and back on the same day pulls the acid build up disperse through your body from doing yourr chest then back it pulls the acid away from your chest... Just my 2 cents for ya
    Go to Matt Furey . com and you will get another example of Hindu Squats plus many other bodyweight exercises.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieStyles
    my chest work out this week was the best i ever had... i have never been able to rep 225........and repping 205 felt soo damm easy except my shoulder was kida hurting so i stopped, but i could of probably went more then 7 reps. im starting my last week and im goign to try PP again at 20mg. also im going to be adding kickboxing for 20 minutes at the end of everywork out for conditioning and 100 hindu squats everyday because i want to become in better shape to fight. I dont plan on fighting anywhere but i have had a few close calls at bars so i think i need to train this way vs bodybuilding style.
    You might want to add some Cuban Presses to strengthen your rotator cuff. This many times will rid you of the shoulder pain. Make sure you have a balance between horizontal pushing (bench press, etc.) and horizontal pulling (rows, etc.) movements.

  23. #23
    Thanks papi93 for the site, i'll definitely be checking that one out

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by bruinsball22
    Thanks papi93 for the site, i'll definitely be checking that one out
    No problem. There is an article by Mike Mahler, at t - nation . com that covers Matt's Royal Court Exercises. Interesting read.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2006
    the past week i have changed my routine from lifting only to inrtoducing boxing/kickboxing trainning to my regimine. Reason for this is cause i needed to get back into better cardio shape and i felt the need to get back into shape for selfdefense. so this week i only lifted each body part alone each day and did boxing trainning for 30mins afterwards.

    bench press 205x6, 205x6,205x6
    machine flys 100x8, 100x8, 100x8
    incline bench 135x8, 155x6, 155x6

    hammer curls 40x8, 40x8, 40x8
    reverse preacher dumbell 35x10, 35x10, 35x10
    lat pull down 105x 10, 105x 10
    row 135x10, 135x10

    tri pull down 105 x 10, 105 x 10
    skull crusher 45 x10, 45 x 10, 45x 10
    kick back 35x 10, 35x 10

    200 hindu squats
    100 calf raises
    leg extension 180 x10, 180x10

  26. #26
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    May 2006
    i ve finished my PP so im taking my pct now which is Reboundxt, zma, b6, Xplode and vitrix. I am also changing my rountine for the rest of the summer to a full body routine that way i can train more boxing and cardio, i will continue to post my lifting while on pct

  27. #27
    How is your footwork? I remember, after a long break, I felt like I was wearing cement shoes. I didn't take long, though, and I got light on my feet again. I love this form of cardio because you become more athletic and have a hell of a lot more fun than on some boring cardio machine.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Like i said im doing full body again for the first time since aprilish
    bench press 205x 8, 205x8, 205x4
    incline bench 135x 12 155x 10
    push ups x 20 x 20
    tri pull down 105x 10, 105 x 10
    tri kick back 35x 10, 35 x 10
    reverse preacher curl 30x 10, 35x 10
    hammer curl 40x 10, 40x10
    bent over row with preacher bar 75x 10, 75x 12
    lat pull 105 x 10, 105 x 10
    cuban press 25 x 10, 25 x10
    trap shrugs 135x 10, 135x 10

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    How is your footwork? I remember, after a long break, I felt like I was wearing cement shoes. I didn't take long, though, and I got light on my feet again. I love this form of cardio because you become more athletic and have a hell of a lot more fun than on some boring cardio machine.
    ive been hitting the bag and shadow boxing the most. next week ill get back to working on more footwork. I am gradually getting myself back to top training condition that way i dont burn myself out

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieStyles

    Like i said im doing full body again for the first time since aprilish
    bench press 205x 8, 205x8, 205x4
    incline bench 135x 12 155x 10
    push ups x 20 x 20
    tri pull down 105x 10, 105 x 10
    tri kick back 35x 10, 35 x 10
    reverse preacher curl 30x 10, 35x 10
    hammer curl 40x 10, 40x10
    bent over row with preacher bar 75x 10, 75x 12
    lat pull 105 x 10, 105 x 10
    cuban press 25 x 10, 25 x10
    trap shrugs 135x 10, 135x 10
    What about your legs?

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