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Thread: 4AD Transdermal- I found some...

  1. #1

    4AD Transdermal- I found some...

    But now I need some help in figuring out the proper dosage. Im stacking it with M1t. I currently have 25grams of 4ad powder. I will be mixing it with the Dermabolics Transport Matrix.

    First I need to know, how much to mix (How many grams/matrix). Then i need to know how much I should be applying ED.

    I am not new to Pro Hormones, just new to Transdermals. I will be using up to 30mg of M1ted (week 1 20mg, week 2-4 30mg, week 5 20mg). How much 4ad will I need to complement this?

    Any help would be greatly appriciated.

  2. #2
    Bryan2...Where are you buddy?? I need your help bro!

  3. #3
    I ran it at 1g a day and experienced great results. Bryan told me that 1g of 4AD is equivalent to 50mg of test prop.

  4. #4
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    papi you ran 4-ad a lone at 1g a day?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    papi you ran 4-ad a lone at 1g a day?
    Yes I did, back when it was legal. I used Androsol by Biotest.

  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    what kind of results did you get?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    what kind of results did you get?
    My strength and muscle mass increased like nothing I had ever experienced. I was taking in a large amount of calories and my bodyfat levels were still going down. My libido went through the roof. My girlfriend was exhausted to say the least. It is very expensive, though. If you can get testosterone, I would go with that.

  8. #8
    Just recognized your avy, I think. It's V, right?

  9. #9
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    yeah its V, well i could get 24 grams for 90 bucks and I am very interested in doing it. What would you recommend for pCT?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    yeah its V, well i could get 24 grams for 90 bucks and I am very interested in doing it. What would you recommend for pCT?
    What dose are you going to run?

  11. #11
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    well i was going to run 1 g a day as you, or maybe i should run 750 mg

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    well i was going to run 1 g a day as you, or maybe i should run 750 mg
    Check you PMs. I gave you some info you might find interesting.

    I cannot speak from experience with a dose of 750mg.

  13. #13
    Got to go, my girlfriend wants some attention. I will be back, to help with questions tommorow.

  14. #14
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    aight thanks a lot papi

  15. #15
    Come'on man!! Your hijacking my thread bro!!

    Can anyone answer my original question?? How many Grams of 4-ad powder should I mix per 8oz bottle of Transport Matrix???

    Also, How much should I apply ed??

  16. #16
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    no more than 15 grams per 8 oz

  17. #17
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    actually the transport matrix kina sucks you will only be able to get around 6 grams in there and 8 grams tops

    I reccomend you pick up penetrate at nutraplanet. Much better and youll be able to get 15G in no problem...

    The more the better with 4ad and honestly id say you go with 1 Gram ed doseage.

  18. #18
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    is Penetrate a transdermal gel?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    actually the transport matrix kina sucks you will only be able to get around 6 grams in there and 8 grams tops

    I reccomend you pick up penetrate at nutraplanet. Much better and youll be able to get 15G in no problem...

    The more the better with 4ad and honestly id say you go with 1 Gram ed doseage.
    How many sprays would be equal to 1g?? I take it, that I would treat the mixing of these products (4-ad and your suggested carrier) the same? Pour into a empty jar, then put the jar in a boiling water and mix??

    Thanks for your help bro. I get lots of info from you on these forums.

  20. #20
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    how long should i cycle 4-ad if i take 1 g a day?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    actually the transport matrix kina sucks you will only be able to get around 6 grams in there and 8 grams tops

    I reccomend you pick up penetrate at nutraplanet. Much better and youll be able to get 15G in no problem...

    The more the better with 4ad and honestly id say you go with 1 Gram ed doseage.

    Also, I see that each squirt of the Penetrate = .5 =ml. If I have 15grams mixed in the bottle, how many MG can I expect to get per squirt??

    I should have done better in math class!! lol-

  22. #22
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    there are 240ml in penetrate which is more of a liquid consisitancy.

    divide that by how any miligrams your putting into it

    240 / 15000mg which is 15 grams

    each ml will give you 62.5mg of active and each pump is .5 of a ml

    so 2 pumps gives you 62.5mg

  23. #23
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    use the glass jar in boiling water method but remember add very slowly gram by gram and stir until each gram is completley dissolved into a solution!!!

    otherwise your in for some headaches

    after youve finished which may take some time, you shouldnt have any grittyness or at least to a very minimum.

    After adding to the bottle a ball bearing can help because you will need to give it a good shaking every time you apply.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    there are 240ml in penetrate which is more of a liquid consisitancy.

    divide that by how any miligrams your putting into it

    240 / 15000mg which is 15 grams

    each ml will give you 62.5mg of active and each pump is .5 of a ml

    so 2 pumps gives you 62.5mg
    So If two pumps is equal to 62.5mg, and I need to apply 1g (1000mg) ed, I should plan to 16 sprays/pumps ed?? Should that be split into 8 sprays/pumps in the morning, and then another 8 sprays/pumps 12-hours later?

  25. #25
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    and where should we spray?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    and where should we spray?
    Areas where the skin is thin- Tops of the feet, inside of your forearms, the backs of your knees, inside of your wrists, ect.

  27. #27
    l2elapse's Avatar
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  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    No Problem. But just so my original Question doesnt get lost in the mix...

    If two pumps is equal to 62.5mg, and I need to apply 1g (1000mg) ed, I should plan to 16 sprays/pumps ed?? Should that be split into 8 sprays/pumps in the morning, and then another 8 sprays/pumps 12-hours later?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    No Problem. But just so my original Question doesnt get lost in the mix...

    If two pumps is equal to 62.5mg, and I need to apply 1g (1000mg) ed, I should plan to 16 sprays/pumps ed?? Should that be split into 8 sprays/pumps in the morning, and then another 8 sprays/pumps 12-hours later?


    and washing and shaving the are arear before applying can help out the absorbtion quite a bit

    and remember to rotate the application areas frequently.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2

    and washing and shaving the are arear before applying can help out the absorbtion quite a bit

    and remember to rotate the application areas frequently.
    Your the man B-Dubs.. Thanks for your help. Below is my cycle layed out. I know it seems like allot of M1t, but I have used it in the past at this dosage, and have not had any really harsh sides. Do you have any input on it? Also, what is the proper dosage for Nolva and Clomid post cycle? I have never used either of them in the past, I have only used Tribulus and 6oxo. Needless to say, my sex drive plummets. Im looking to avoid that as much as possible this time around.

    Week 1:
    20mg M1t
    1g 4AD Trans
    1500mg niacin
    1000mg Milk Thistle
    2000mg Hawthorn Berry extract

    Weeks 2-5
    30mg M1t
    1g 4AD Trans
    1500mg niacin
    1000mg Milk Thistle
    2000mg Hawthorn Berry extract

    Week 6
    1g 4AD Trans
    1500mg niacin
    1000mg Milk Thistle
    2000mg Hawthorn Berry extract

    Thanks again man..

  31. #31
    shameless bump...

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    NS, Canada
    Weeks 5-8: 40 mg ED of Nolvadex for the first two weeks, Then down to 20 mg ED of Nolvadex
    Weeks 5-8: Clomid Therapy, 300 mg of clomid first day, 100 mg of clomid next 10 days, 50 mg of clomid for final 10 days of clomid therapy.
    Weeks 5-8: Milk Thistle 1000 mg of milk thistle ED

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