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  1. #1
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Muscle Endurance

    Are there any supps, that are helpfull in increasing muscle endurance? Just maybe...

  2. #2
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    12 grams of Citrulline malate a day each day will work like a charm
    also 2-3 grams of Acetyl Carnitine stacked with it will help

    other add ons:


  3. #3
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Are those 2 things stuff I can get basically any health store or site?

  4. #4
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    as far a a product goes

    try BodyOctane my MAN sports

    expensive but good

    try to get a 2 bottle combo
    which would last you a month

  5. #5
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Would this be best todo on a muscle endurance workout? Should I use it with a military workout, or a high rep, low weight workout?

  6. #6
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    any type of workout where your Vo2 max is challenged and to where lactic acid build up becomes an issue

    that particular product is golden bro

    just pricy , but that is because the ingredient are.

    I know the CEO of that compnay and he knows his stuff.

  7. #7
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    also note thsat the effect with that product take about 4 days to start building
    though indeed there are actute effect

    try 1.5-2 servings in the AM and 1.5-2 servings pre event or just midday if no event

  8. #8
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    cool. yeah, money is somewhat an issue, but I just might try it.

    Are all of MAN products good stuff?

    Im still debating on if I wanna keep going strength/size, or endurance.

  9. #9
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyjelly

    Are all of MAN products good stuff?

    I'd have to say YES bro

    I think you shoudl cycle the Body Octane

    1 month on 1-2 months off just to break through

    buy 2 bottles and just make an investment for your body

    might want to add a dash of CEE into the mix for added synergy

    maybe 2 grams each time you take the BodyOctane
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 05-25-2006 at 02:19 PM.

  10. #10
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    add cee to it bro

    you will thank me later

  11. #11
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    haha, thanks man. Yr crazy...hahaha

    I am def looking into it now. Thanks again.

  12. #12
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *****
    add cee to it bro

    you will thank me later

    Whats the best CEE to go for?

  13. #13
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Citrulline Malate is a lactic acid buffer and help recycle endogenous ATP ( creatine)
    the carnitine is also a lactic ascid buffer which help create endogenous ATP ( creatine)
    the CEE is a pefect to increase stength as well and has considerable synergy with the above
    so you will be that much more advanced

    more reps and more stength and the same time
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 05-25-2006 at 02:58 PM.

  14. #14
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    I'd do this:

    buy 2 tubs of BodyOctane
    150 grams of CEE

    mix together in one big tub, put in the fridge and take 3 heaping scoops using the Octane scooper evenly spaced through the day

    you will make awsome gains

  15. #15
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Well, I dont have a big tub, so I can just mix 75g in each of the Octane tubs.

    but back to my other question. Whats a good CEE to buy?

  16. #16
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *****
    I'd do this:

    buy 2 tubs of BodyOctane
    150 grams of CEE

    mix together in one big tub, put in the fridge and take 3 heaping scoops using the Octane scooper evenly spaced through the day

    you will make awsome gains

    Since its basically creatine based, wont I just lose the gains as soon as I go off for a month or so?

  17. #17
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    I think if your protien intake is high whle on that stack you will sythesize a considerable amount of new muscle

    if you go cold turkey off the CEE and Octane you will lose some strength but not all if you keep you protien intake high

    also if you just take 3 gram of CEE a day that will be anough to maintain strength generally speaking when you come off the stack

    you really dont know whats in store for you
    you about to make some of the best gains ever on cycle or off.

    the keys are
    1) increased protein intake
    2) hydration
    3) 4 grams of CEE minimm 6 grams max
    5) 2 scoops bodyoctane a day, preferably 3 max
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 05-25-2006 at 03:15 PM.

  18. #18
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    good cee is primaforce
    250 gram small tub

    lab tested

  19. #19
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *****
    good cee is primaforce
    250 gram small tub

    lab tested

    So if I get the 250g tub, should I mix 125g into each tub of Octane.

    I wanna do what you said, with mixing them and taking 3 throughout the day.

    My diet is great, and I drink bout 2 gals water a day.

  20. #20
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    And when you say take the 3 evenly throughout the day, so I so 1 wake up, 1 pre workout (bout midday), and 1 before bed?

  21. #21
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyjelly
    And when you say take the 3 evenly throughout the day, so I so 1 wake up, 1 pre workout (bout midday), and 1 before bed?


  22. #22
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyjelly
    So if I get the 250g tub, should I mix 125g into each tub of Octane.

    I wanna do what you said, with mixing them and taking 3 throughout the day.

    My diet is great, and I drink bout 2 gals water a day.


    I would mix about 100 g in each tub

    your shooting for 12 grams of Citrulline malate and 6 grams of CEE a day
    with 3+grams of Carnitine Tartrate
    and the beta-alanine as well
    Last edited by O.M.E.G.A; 05-25-2006 at 09:56 PM.

  23. #23
    kyjelly's Avatar
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    How would I go about mixing them? Just throw them together and shake it up or what?

  24. #24
    O.M.E.G.A's Avatar
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    actually just mix a small teaspoon of CEE per scoop of BodyOctane

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