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Thread: First Phera Plex cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    First Phera Plex cycle

    Well i feel the time has arrived for me to try a 4wk run of PP.

    My goal is to cut on this 4wk run, but at the same time i would'nt mind some lean mass gains. Will decide what to do before Monday comes as it will only be a matter of tweaking macros. At this point, the most important thing is to nail down a solid attack plan while on and for PCT.

    Here is how i plan to run it:

    Phera-Plex at 20/20/20/20

    Hawthorne Berry ED
    AX's Perfect Cycle
    Milk Thistle
    Vit B-12
    Multi Vitamin
    Flax (included in dietary approach)

    Proposed Diet while on PP (as of right now anyway):

    Meal 1 - Pro shake, 1 cup Oats (R-ALA w/Biotin)
    kCals 370 Fat 4 Carb 29g Pro 51g

    Meal 2 - Tuna, 1tbsp Mayo
    kCals 250 Fat 14g Carb 0g Pro 33g

    Meal 3 - Lean Steak, Greens, Almonds or 1 tbsp flax or natty PB
    kCals 412 Fat 31g Carb 0g Pro 32g

    Meal 4 Tuna, 1 Tbsp Mayo
    kCals 250 Fat 14g Carb 0g Pro 33g

    Meal 5 - PWO
    kCals 472 Fat 1g Carb 69g Pro 46g

    Meal 6 - Chicken breast, sweet potatoe (R-ALA w/Biotin)
    kCals 355 Fat 2g Carb 44g Pro 38g

    Meal 7 - Pro shake, 1 Tbsp Flax
    kCals 345 Fat 15g Carb 2g Pro 46g

    kCals 2454 Fat 81g Carb 144g Pro 280g

    Fat at first glance seems a bit high, good thing is most os coming from EFA's and i like to start high on everything and tweak as i plateau. Just a basic cutter.


    Week 1-2

    Nolva at 40mg ED
    AX Retain
    AX PCT
    Hawthorne Berry
    Milk Thistle
    Multi Vitamin

    Week 3-4

    Nolva at 20mg ED
    AX Retain
    AX PCT
    Hawthorne Berry
    Milk Thistle
    Multi Vitamin

    I open to suggestions and i know tongkat ali will come up and i am aware of it and am thinking about getting some to be safe but so far shut down has not been a huge issue with PP from what i have read.

    And there it is folks, my proposed attack plan starting Monday 6/5/2006
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 06-06-2006 at 07:42 AM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Anchorage, AK
    Good luck man. I'm looking at PP for my clean bulk coming up in a month or so, so I'll be following your log closely. You gonna do pics?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Well i feel the time has arrived for me to try a 4wk run of PP.

    My goal is to cut on this 4wk run, but at the same time i would'nt mind some lean mass gains. Will decide what to do before Monday comes as it will only be a matter of tweaking macros. At this point, the most important thing is to nail down a solid attack plan while on and for PCT.

    Here is how i plan to run it:

    Phera-Plex at 10/20/20/20

    Hawthorne Berry ED
    AX's Perfect Cycle
    Milk Thistle
    Multi Vitamin
    Flax (included in dietary approach)

    Proposed Diet while on PP (as of right now anyway):

    Meal 1 - Pro shake, 1 cup Oats (R-ALA w/Biotin)
    kCals 370 Fat 4 Carb 29g Pro 51g

    Meal 2 - Tuna, 1tbsp Mayo
    kCals 250 Fat 14g Carb 0g Pro 33g

    Meal 3 - Lean Steak, Greens, Almonds or 1 tbsp flax or natty PB
    kCals 412 Fat 31g Carb 0g Pro 32g

    Meal 4 Tuna, 1 Tbsp Mayo
    kCals 250 Fat 14g Carb 0g Pro 33g

    Meal 5 - PWO
    kCals 472 Fat 1g Carb 69g Pro 46g

    Meal 6 - Chicken breast, sweet potatoe (R-ALA w/Biotin)
    kCals 355 Fat 2g Carb 44g Pro 38g

    Meal 7 - Pro shake, 1 Tbsp Flax
    kCals 345 Fat 15g Carb 2g Pro 46g

    kCals 2454 Fat 81g Carb 144g Pro 280g

    Fat at first glance seems a bit high, good thing is most os coming from EFA's and i like to start high on everything and tweak as i plateau. Just a basic cutter.


    Week 1-2

    Nolva at 40mg ED
    AX Retain
    AX PCT
    Hawthorne Berry
    Milk Thistle
    Multi Vitamin

    Week 3-4

    Nolva at 20mg ED
    AX Retain
    AX PCT
    Hawthorne Berry
    Milk Thistle
    Multi Vitamin

    I open to suggestions and i know tongkat ali will come up and i am aware of it and am thinking about getting some to be safe but so far shut down has not been a huge issue with PP from what i have read.

    And there it is folks, my proposed attack plan starting Monday 6/5/2006
    I think that you'll regret not taking advantage of the PP boost by cutting rather than following a clean bulk. Just my .02

  4. #4
    good luck man, keep us informed on your progress. Can't wait for my shoulder to fully recover so i can start my pp cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    I think that you'll regret not taking advantage of the PP boost by cutting rather than following a clean bulk. Just my .02

    Well its really up in the air, and i have until Monday to make that decision, but i still feel my BF is to high to bulk. I can honsetly say i get nervous just thinking about bulking but i know it needs to be done eventually.

    It is also important to note that i am not a bodybuilder, i weight train to strengthen my body for fighting.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Here is a pic from January 2006 at 195lbs. I have made many improvements but am far from being "shredded".
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 05-31-2006 at 11:20 AM.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Good luck man! Let us know how it goes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    good luck looks good too

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    everything looks real solid in my opinion. i think if you want to cut on PP go for it. no one said you had to bulk. you should benefit quite a bit from your 4 weeks. have you thought about running 20mg straight through?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hawktribal
    everything looks real solid in my opinion. i think if you want to cut on PP go for it. no one said you had to bulk. you should benefit quite a bit from your 4 weeks. have you thought about running 20mg straight through?

    You know i have thought of that but i am one to play it safe, not sure yet on it though.

    Most people have chosen to bulk while taking PP, it can also be used for cutting but i am still undecided if i want to strcitly cut or add some kCals here and there for a lean mass gainer.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Shit, it looks like my Hawthorne Berry will not arrive until Monday, hopefully it will get here before i drop my first PP.

    I am sure one day would not hurt right?

    Got my AX PCT and Retain today and should get my PP tomorrow.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    you'll be fine if its only one day. if its any longer i'd run to a vitamin shop and pick some up. it's not a hard supplement to find, i got mine at walmart for like $5. if you decide to cut or bulk you're going to make some steady gains. i'd seriously consider running 20 straight through. you're well protected with your supplements.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    btw the way, the reason i think you should run 20/20/20/20 is not to just get more in you. from my cycle of superdrol and from what i've read from others on PP, running a constant doasge seems to yield better results. i ran SD 20/20/30/30 and wish i would have stuck with 20 all the way through. bumping it up did nothing more than give me back pumps. even though you wanted to start with 10, my advice would be start with 20 and keep it there.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I have decided to go with 20/20/20/20
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Anchorage, AK
    I got my hawthorne berry, flush free niacin, and milk thistle at wal-mart. Not too bad if you're in a bind for some.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Got my PP in today and i am armed and ready for Monday. I am probably adding some Vitamin B into it all as well.

    How much of these supplements did you bros take on your PP cycle?

    Hawthorne Berry 510mg ED
    AX's Perfect Cycle 2 Pills ED
    Milk Thistle 400mg ED

    Of course i think this is enough but i also know it does not hurt to play it safe, AX PC contains 600mg Milk Thistle on top of the regular Milk Thistle so that would equals 1000mg Milk Thistle ED.

    Just wanna fine tune some details if anyone has any input.
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Im pretty sure phera plex is comparable to super drol and a buddy of mine did a super drol cycle and he said to help keep his cholesterol level down he added in some flush free niacin.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by rar1015
    Im pretty sure phera plex is comparable to super drol and a buddy of mine did a super drol cycle and he said to help keep his cholesterol level down he added in some flush free niacin.
    I would recommend adding niacin, too, to help with cholesterol support. Bryan2 has a great stickie on cholesterol support.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I am in a hurry here, can i get Niacin OTC like at Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens?
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  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Same has you muriloninja i got 2 bottles of phera plex here and all my PCT ready, problem is i went from 205 to 180 with the protein diet and now am back at 184 with regular eating.

    I dont want to bulk and have around one more month to go with back pain rehab, going very well.

    Let me know how it went and post your pics i am pertty sure that i will follow the same plan has you, i never want to bulk again, i really want to get shredded but i cant just get rid of thoses 2 bottles, so might has well take them.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yeah you can get niacin pretty much anywhere.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Flush Free Niacin
    Hawthorne Berry
    Red Yeast Rice
    Milk Thistle

    That's really all ya need brother, and they're all at WalMart

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    i ran hawthorn @ 2.2g ED just FYI.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I have been taking Taurine the last few nights just to get ready for what is coming, i had some Taurine left over from a Clen run i did awhile back.

    I will pick up some Niacin tomorrow.

    I work nights and i figure i will drop my first 10mg of PP around 8am when i get off along with my last meal of the "day", sleep until 3pm or so and then go to the gym after i eat a meal and have my second dose of 10mg with that meal.

    Then Tues-Friday i will be on a normal humans schedule, getting up through the day and will space it out, once in the morning and then right before the gym later that day.

    Tomorrow will be Day 1

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  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    My Hawthorne berry should be here tomorrow so i will only be able to take
    400mg Milk Thistle and AX Perfect Cycle with my first dose.

    Will rush tomorrow evening and get some Niacin and Hawthorne Berry (if mine does'nt arrive).

    Will keep you guys updated.
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  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yeah definetly let us know how it goes. You will probably be just starting pct when i start my pp cycle.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    good luck Muriloninja...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    looks good bro. keep us posted on your progress.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thanks guys, i will do my best to keep you updated.

    Just got in from work, took my first dose (10mg) about 45 minutes ago along with Milt Thistle, AX Perfect cycle. I took it with my last meal of the day being a pro shake w/ 1 Tbsp flax

    Going to sleep for a few, get up and eat a meal and take my 2nd dose and head out to the gym an 1.5-2hrs later.

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  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Good luck bro....keep us updated.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Anchorage, AK
    Will be following closely.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Day 1 (revised)

    20mg PP
    510mg Hawthorne Berry (will begin bumping to 2-3x ED)
    AX Perfect Cycle x2
    400mg Milk Thistle x2
    500mg Niacin
    Vit B-12 1mg

    So far so good, had a good leg workout considering my work schedule and lack of sleep for training on a Monday, i really pushed it and laid of the cardio because of it, i had trouble walking but thats normal on a good leg day.

    No sides or any stomach issues taking all these supps. Gonna try and get some good sleep and wake up and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 06-06-2006 at 07:48 AM.
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  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Anchorage, AK
    I don't think you can go wrong with the milk thistle...Seems like I was taking 2 doses a day on my SD cycle.

  34. #34
    What does your strength training program look like?

    Don't worry about all of the pills, it is better to safe than sorry. My girlfriend would always joke that my cupboard looked like a pharmacy when I was doing a PP cycle.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    What does your strength training program look like?

    Don't worry about all of the pills, it is better to safe than sorry. My girlfriend would always joke that my cupboard looked like a pharmacy when I was doing a PP cycle.

    Just got in from picking up some FLush Free Niacin and some Vitamin B-12

    Hell yes it look like a pharmacy around here, its ridiculous. My strength program, well i will make it short and sweet

    Mon - Legs/Abs/35 minutes cardio
    Tues - Arms/Abs/35 minutes cardio
    Wed - Shoulders/35 minutes cardio
    Thurs - Back & Traps/Abs/35 minutes cardio
    Fri - Chest/35 minutes cardio

    I will let you guys know if i begin lifting heavier and feel stronger.

    Papi - How did you take your supplements? I got so much shit laying around i am seriously wondering when to take it.

    Like i said in an earlier post, this is what it looked like today

    8am: 10mg PP, 400mg Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle with my lastr meal of the day being pro shake w/ 1 Tbsp flax

    Got some sleep

    3:30pm: 10mg PP, 400mg Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle, Hawthorne Berry came in around 4pm and o went ahead and took 510mg HB

    I still have my multi vitamin, niacin and B-12 to take today..goddamn this is alot of shit.

    I will most likely take Vit B-12 before bed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Weighed in today at 196lbs.

    20mg PP
    800mg Milk Thistle
    1.5g Hawthorne Berry
    AX Perfect Cycle
    500mg Niacin
    1000mcg Vit B-12

    Worked arms tonight, still feel a bit week form the 2 week time off form the gym but i had a solid workout and finished it up with 35 minutes cardio.

    No sides to report, only 2 days in so i cannot tell any difference from the PP, i expect that around day 5-7
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 06-06-2006 at 10:24 PM.
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  37. #37
    Is your B-12 pill or inject? If pills I think that it may be a waste. My cupboards are filled as well. Some times to the point where I forget what and when I took something. I think the best thing to do is just spread them out through out the day when you can.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    Flush Free Niacin
    Hawthorne Berry
    Red Yeast Rice
    Milk Thistle

    That's really all ya need brother, and they're all at WalMart
    dont underestimate the power of walmart lol....when i first started my PP cycle i bought all these products at GNC for like 15 bucks each, 3 weeks later when my supply ran out i went to walmart and they are all like 5 bucks for a bigger supply

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Just got in from picking up some FLush Free Niacin and some Vitamin B-12

    Hell yes it look like a pharmacy around here, its ridiculous. My strength program, well i will make it short and sweet

    Mon - Legs/Abs/35 minutes cardio
    Tues - Arms/Abs/35 minutes cardio
    Wed - Shoulders/35 minutes cardio
    Thurs - Back & Traps/Abs/35 minutes cardio
    Fri - Chest/35 minutes cardio

    I will let you guys know if i begin lifting heavier and feel stronger.

    Papi - How did you take your supplements? I got so much shit laying around i am seriously wondering when to take it.

    Like i said in an earlier post, this is what it looked like today

    8am: 10mg PP, 400mg Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle with my lastr meal of the day being pro shake w/ 1 Tbsp flax

    Got some sleep

    3:30pm: 10mg PP, 400mg Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle, Hawthorne Berry came in around 4pm and o went ahead and took 510mg HB

    I still have my multi vitamin, niacin and B-12 to take today..goddamn this is alot of shit.

    I will most likely take Vit B-12 before bed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    I always took my support supplements with my phera plex doses. My times were almost exactly like yours (7:00am and 3:00pm to be exact). If I had extra pills to take (fish oil capsules, for example). I would take these around 11am. After my workout, I didn't want to be dicking around with these pills anymore.

  40. #40
    lookin good so far...Couple days you should start noticing it

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