Just got in from picking up some FLush Free Niacin and some Vitamin B-12
Hell yes it look like a pharmacy around here, its ridiculous.

My strength program, well i will make it short and sweet
Mon - Legs/Abs/35 minutes cardio
Tues - Arms/Abs/35 minutes cardio
Wed - Shoulders/35 minutes cardio
Thurs - Back & Traps/Abs/35 minutes cardio
Fri - Chest/35 minutes cardio
I will let you guys know if i begin lifting heavier and feel stronger.
Papi - How did you take your supplements? I got so much shit laying around i am seriously wondering when to take it.
Like i said in an earlier post, this is what it looked like today
8am: 10mg PP, 400mg Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle with my lastr meal of the day being pro shake w/ 1 Tbsp flax
Got some sleep
3:30pm: 10mg PP, 400mg Milk Thistle, AX Perfect Cycle, Hawthorne Berry came in around 4pm and o went ahead and took 510mg HB
I still have my multi vitamin, niacin and B-12 to take today..goddamn this is alot of shit.
I will most likely take Vit B-12 before bed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.