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Thread: Starting phera plex cycle on monday...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Starting phera plex cycle on monday...

    I have all of my supplements on hand and i just have a couple of quick questions.

    My cycle looks like this:

    Phera plex 20/20/20/20
    Milk Thistle-1000mgs ed (liver support)
    flax seed oil-2000mgs ed (joint support)
    niacin 1000mgs ed (cholestrol support)
    hawthorne berry (headaches)
    saw palmetto (prostate pain)
    Red yeast rice (blood lipid levels)

    The questions i have are about the ones in bold. How much of those do you guys suggest i take?

    The saw plametto i was wondering if i should even take it or is that something to add in if you experience prostate pain? I read that you should start taking it a couple of weeks before the cycle but i just wanted your opinions on it.

    My last question is how do you recommend i take these supplemets? Should i split it up throughout the day or take most of them all at once?

    Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I would up the dose of milk thistle at least 1800mgs,1200mgs of red yeast rice(also good for cholestrol) i would take this during pct too,have some Taurine on hand just in case of the lower back pumps,hawthorne and saw palmetto just in case,and imo i would split them up through out the day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I was just going to edit my post and say i am going to pick up some taurine incase i get some pretty bad back pumps also. Im not 100% sure if im gonna take the saw palmetto just to be safe or what but i'll figure it out. The hawthorne berry i could just throw in if i start getting headaches then?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Anyone else?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I take 2000mg Milk thistle, 2200mg Hawthorn berries, 1200-1800mg RYR

    this seems to conquer any PP sides except for lower back pumps (ive never tried taurine)

    I also take Anti-oxidents (Vit C+E). They probably dont directly deal with sides but its still a good idea.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Phx, Arizona
    taurine sumhow HELPS ALOT with backpumps!!!!!!! one day i ran out, and i went 2 days without it, OH MY GOD I COULD NOT MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yeah thats what ive heard. I picked some up just in case the back pumps are bothering me a lot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    what are the back pumps on s-d liek in comparision to m1t

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I dont know what they are like on m1t but on SD if you dont have taurine and potasium your screwed,mine got sooo bad i would have to lay on the floor for like 15 mins till my lower back felt better,i would go in the stretching room at the gym and pretend i was stretching but really i was in PAIN!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yeah, you know a friend of mine did an sd cycle and he is about to start his second one but he said that he had some pretty bad back pumps but it doesnt sound like they were as bad as your's. We'll see what happens everyone reacts different so who know's. I will say that i cant wait to start this cycle i am ready to go and i have everything i need so hopefully everything goes well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Good luck!...Other then the back pumps the only other side i got was lethargy real bad in the last week of the cycle,really drained me,didnt even want to work out it was hard enough to get through the work day...but you see the results and i was like i gotta do this,thats when the no-xplode came in handy for me anyway,yeah i cant wait to do my next cycle of SD again!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    JEREY bitches
    yeah when i did m1t i had back pumps for like the first week then they went away and had no real sides except lethergy but eca helped that my bp was through the roof though not positive tho cause i only had it checked on one of those ones in the store and its supposed to accomodate up to 13 inch arms and i could barely get my arm into it. but i did get a nosebleed the second day also which is linked to bp. i wanna do a cycle am i better of with phera or superdrol. i dont want to gain fat or get bloat. also which is more hell to my liver or they about even

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tinyguy2
    yeah when i did m1t i had back pumps for like the first week then they went away and had no real sides except lethergy but eca helped that my bp was through the roof though not positive tho cause i only had it checked on one of those ones in the store and its supposed to accomodate up to 13 inch arms and i could barely get my arm into it. but i did get a nosebleed the second day also which is linked to bp. i wanna do a cycle am i better of with phera or superdrol. i dont want to gain fat or get bloat. also which is more hell to my liver or they about even

    SD all the way!!!They are both hell on the liver....Drink alot of water you wont get bloated,of coarse your goin to put on alittle fat but most of it is going to be muscle...depending on your diet too!!Ive heard of people getting bloated in there lower ab section(waist line) in like the last week of cycle,first week of pct like actually putting on a couple of pounds of fat there,i dont know never happened to me,but they said that it came off real quick...dont know if thats a side or not!!

  14. #14
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    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    nah i'll make sure my diet is great before i do a cycle of anyting. how much muscle did you gain on your cycle?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    When i did SD i gained about 12 lbs i would say about 8 lbs muscle 4 lbs fat....

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    my diet was not the greatest!!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Was your diet set for bulking or more for cutting?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Bulking...but it was still bad, alot of protien bars (alot of sugar),it just wasnt right.....this site totally helped me out alot!!!!So when i do my next cycle im going to do it right...which will be very soon!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    so u gained 12 pounds eating protein bars...then im defintately doing a cycle within the next few months. is methyl masterdrol my best bet for an sd knockoff

  20. #20
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    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tinyguy2
    so u gained 12 pounds eating protein bars...then im defintately doing a cycle within the next few months. is methyl masterdrol my best bet for an sd knockoff
    Alot of flank steak,i ate steak like everyday,i pretty much ate like crap, no set diet although i did take in 2g of protien per body weight half of it in protien

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    JEREY bitches
    half the protein that they count in bars is ground up cow hooves and sh!t. i would be completely be happy with gaining 10 pounds then 15 would be great. 220 is my first goal.

  22. #22
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    Phx, Arizona
    i consume at least 1 gallon a day, on superdrol or PP, 2 gallons or more, i think superdrol gives good lean mass, while PP is just mass,

    i think a good safe 8wk cycle of PP then SD would be awesome, but again, its HELL on the liver

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I wouldnt ever suggest a cycle of pp or sd over 4 weeks.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    JEREY bitches
    how bad are these really for your liver. would being drunk all the time be worse? i drink like 2 gallons of water everyday anyway

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Im not gonna try to give an explanation for this but the answer is YES is bad for you liver.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    JEREY bitches
    i know it is bad for you but that wasnt what i asked its bad cause it is methylated which makes it get broken down more than once by your liver and your liver works overtime and the enzymes in it get to high and start destroying your liver. but is it worse than drinking heavily like a college kid does?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Just another quick question to you guys that have done a phera plex cycle, how long did it take until you started feeling the effects of it?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Well i took my first dose of pp this morning then the second about 1 hour before my workout, along with my support supplements. Keep in mind that im doing these exercises until i basically fail and cant put it up anymore.

    Shoulders and triceps

    tricep pulldowns with rope-70lbs/12, 65lbs/12, 65lbs/10
    overhead tricep with db's-70lbs/8, 65lbs/8, 65lbs/8

    military should press-45lbs/10, 45lbs/10, 40lbs/8
    shoulder shruggs-70lbs/10, 70lbs/10, 65lbs/8
    There were two more shoulder exercises i did that my buddy showed me tonight but i cant remember what they were called so i will update this post when i find out what they were. I went home and had my PWO nutrition and now im gonna hit the sack. It was a pretty good workout tonight but i think im going to switch up my routine a little. I want to try something a little different now so i will keep you guys updated on what im doing and how the cycle is going.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by rar1015
    Just another quick question to you guys that have done a phera plex cycle, how long did it take until you started feeling the effects of it?
    I started my dosing on a Saturday and had my first workout on Monday. I noticed a strength increase on that first workout. My log demonstrates this.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Thats a good idea. I never thought about doing that but i'll give it shot with my next cycle.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Day 2

    20mgs pp
    1000mgs-milk thistle
    2000mgs-flax seed oil
    1200mgs-red yeast rice
    1000mgs-hawthorn berry

    Today was just a cardio day for me. I ran for about 35 minutes then did some swimming for about 30 minutes. I cant wait until this stuff kicks in. Im feeling pretty confident about it and i will say that since i started taking the pp i have been a lot more focused when im working out so far. It may not be the pp but who knows. When i was at work today i was sitting at my desk and my lower back started to tighten up a little. It wasnt hurting or anything but i think im gonna pick up some taurine incase it starts to get worse.

    I forgot to put in yesturdays post that i weighed in at 203lbs and today i was at 205, so im up 2lbs. I dont really think that is from the pp either. Tomorrow is back and bicep day so i'll be back with how the workout goes tomorrow.
    Last edited by rar1015; 07-25-2006 at 09:44 PM.

  32. #32
    Rar, are you sure 1000mg. Milk Thistle is enough? Also the 500mg. Niacin? Not trying to correct you or anything, this is more of a question to better my own understanding.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    whoring it up
    Quote Originally Posted by PoisonPen
    Rar, are you sure 1000mg. Milk Thistle is enough? Also the 500mg. Niacin? Not trying to correct you or anything, this is more of a question to better my own understanding.
    im taking 1000mg of milk thistle, and 1500 mg of niacin.... i think you could up the doseage of the niacin and be ok, but im not an expert. just going off some of the research i have done on here. i got this off a sticky in the PCT forum and saved it to my computer for future reference.............A general dose for cholesterol health is around 1000-1500mgs daily but if using the flush free version a dose of 2000-3000 mgs is preferred as this version is slightly weaker acting. once again rar1015 im not busting your butt just trying to help answer poisons question......

    poison check out the PCT forum there are a couple stickys that have some must read info in them....... good luck

  34. #34
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by PoisonPen
    Rar, are you sure 1000mg. Milk Thistle is enough? Also the 500mg. Niacin? Not trying to correct you or anything, this is more of a question to better my own understanding.
    No problem man advice is always appreciated. I was actually going to bump the dose of niacin to 1000mgs anyway. Thanks for the input!!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    im taking 1000mg of milk thistle, and 1500 mg of niacin.... i think you could up the doseage of the niacin and be ok, but im not an expert. just going off some of the research i have done on here. i got this off a sticky in the PCT forum and saved it to my computer for future reference.............A general dose for cholesterol health is around 1000-1500mgs daily but if using the flush free version a dose of 2000-3000 mgs is preferred as this version is slightly weaker acting. once again rar1015 im not busting your butt just trying to help answer poisons question......

    poison check out the PCT forum there are a couple stickys that have some must read info in them....... good luck
    Thanks to you too NightTrain. Im gonna bump up the dose.

  36. #36
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    Apr 2006
    Day 3

    1000mgs-milke thistle
    2000mgs-flax seed oil
    1200mgs-red yeast rice
    1000mgs-hawthorn berry
    1000mgs-saw palmetto

    Today was back and bicep day and it was a pretty good workout. Im starting get more focused on my workout and it seems to be going pretty good so far. Im not going to log all of my excercises from today because i wanna talk about something else. Today when i left work i started getting some pain in my left ball when i would cough, take a deep breath or lift something. I started to freak out thinking it could possibly be prostate pain so i went out right away and bought some saw palmetto and took that. I still was feeling the pain a bit but i still went to workout and when i got to the gym it went away completely. One of my friends said it sounds like i have a hernia. Im not sure because if i was lifting as much as was tonight i think i would still feel the pain if it were a hernia. Im not sure whats going on but if the pain comes back im gonna go see my doc and get his opinion on it and have him check it out. What do you guys think it could be?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Day 4

    1000mgs-milke thistle
    2000mgs-flax seed oil
    1200mgs-red yeast rice
    1000mgs-hawthorn berry
    1000mgs-saw palmetto

    Today was a day off for me. I was going to go to the gym and do some cardio but i decided to just take a day off. I dont really seem to be having anymore problems with the boys downstairs so hopefully it stays away. I actually took they day off of work and went to six flags great america with some friends. It kinda sucked because i got stung by a bee while i was on a ride and my armed swelled up pretty bad and then they closed the park down early because of a storm. Anyways tommorow is my chest and tricep day. I use to do shoulders and triceps but i am going to switch it up a little and start a new routine. I will be back tomorrow with how it goes.

  38. #38
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    on the turf
    Quote Originally Posted by tinyguy2
    yeah when i did m1t i had back pumps for like the first week then they went away and had no real sides except lethergy but eca helped that my bp was through the roof though not positive tho cause i only had it checked on one of those ones in the store and its supposed to accomodate up to 13 inch arms and i could barely get my arm into it. but i did get a nosebleed the second day also which is linked to bp. i wanna do a cycle am i better of with phera or superdrol. i dont want to gain fat or get bloat. also which is more hell to my liver or they about even
    My .02 would be for PP. Fewer sides and equal, if not greater gains.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    day 5

    1000mgs-milke thistle
    2000mgs-flax seed oil
    1200mgs-red yeast rice
    1000mgs-hawthorn berry
    1000mgs-saw palmetto

    The first three were done with db's

    flat bench-65lbs/8, 65lbs/6, 60lbs/8,
    incline bench-55lbs/8, 55lbs/8, 50lbs/8
    decline bench-60lbs/8, 60lbs/8, 55lbs/8

    I use those machines called hammer strength too. Im not sure if they are considered machines but oh well:
    Incline-60lbs each side/10, 60lbs each side/8, 55lbs each side/8
    flat-70lbs each side/8, 70lbs each side/6, 65lbs each side/8
    decline-65lbs each side/8, 65lbs each side/6, 60lbs each side/8


    Tricep pulldown with rope-75lbs/10, 75lbs/10, 70lbs/10, 70lbs/10
    overhead tricep with db's-75lbs/8, 75lbs/6, 70lbs/7

    Today i started to feel this stuff kickin in and it felt great. When i was working my triceps i started getting some awesome pumps and i felt just rock solid. I cant wait to see what is still to come with the rest of this cycle.

    I dont think the pain i was having a couple of days ago was from the pp. It seems to be completely gone now so thats good. If it was the pp i guess the saw palmetto took care of it. I am also starting to get a lot more focused everytime i workout. Tomorrow is a cardio day so i wont have to much for that but i'll be back sunday with the next workout!!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    whoring it up
    dude, looks like a good day at the gym..... glad to hear all is going well with the "pain". keep up the hard work and we will continue to compare issuses and growth specs. how much wieght have you gained? later bro

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