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Thread: Has the time come??

  1. #1

    Question Has the time come??

    What's going on fellas?? Got some questions for ya, see if you can't help a bro out. I've been working out for about 1 year now with a solid diet and workout regime. I am 22 at about 170 lbs. and 5'10". I have just recently began looking for something to help me put on some more mass. I am clueless and have wasted so much money in the past, that I'm afraid to make another choice myself!! I really wanna pack some mass on in the next couple of months. Any and all recommendations or questions will be greatly appreciated, thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    thats a pretty braod question man. what kind of supplements are you looking for? also give some more background... stats (bf), goals, what have you taken in the past etc. to be honest you're not going to pack on a lot of mass in a couple months with just supplements. are you looking into things such as pp, sd or halodrol?

  3. #3

    I don't know

    I am looking for something relatively SAFE but reliable. I have done a bunch of stupid shit in the past, but I never did it correctly. I have learned the importance of strict diet and hard workouts in the past year and want something to help. I have taken testosterone enthatate 6 weeks, M1T, Roid Replacer, basially a bunch of shit that I didn't do correctly at all. I am about 15% body fat and like I said 170 lbs. and 5'10". I have been lifting for a while now and have been following the muscle nerd protein depravation plan.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    u took all that and weigh 170? why dont u read the buling sticky and get that diet down i dotn know what plan your talking about it sounds like it was in a muscle mag tho probably not as good as the stickie.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    take some creatine and eat enough(using the bulking sticky) to the point where you are gainign 1 pound a week.

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