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Thread: best protein powder and supplements

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Question best protein powder and supplements

    looking for some advice on the best protein powder.. and any thing else any seasoned vet reccomends in adding to my diet.. have heard some great things about egg whites.. but want something i can stand too.. please give me some advice.. vitamins, herbs, etc

  2. #2
    i dont think it maters a lot what protein you ingest as long as it is sufficient..

    I for myself take Syntrax Matrix - it tastes good and is not only whey but also casein and egg protein. Moreover it dosen't come with a heavy price tag.
    ON-100% Whey is another one which is good.

    Concerning other supplements:

    i would advise flax seed oil and a multivitamin

    the one i am taking and the best there is IMO is: NOW Foods ADAM (2x 2 tabs a day)

    and a potassium supplement (twinlab..).

    All other supplements are not worth the money IMO (except creatine). You are better off spending your money on nutrition.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Yeah whey are just whey you cant take whey as compare to eggs veg rice potato chicken or fish . Humans are born to eat not drink!

  4. #4
    I have used's SolidWhey and like it a lot. However I have recently swithced to's Whey products because I can choose my sweetner and my flavors and the cost is about the same... both are very cost effective. You can use my discount code at TP jhx455 for another 5% discount.

    Elite is correct - food is better but real food protein is often inconvienient and much more expensive so I mix it do most.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I was asking the same questions when I first got here a few months ago. I am no expert but I can share with you what all the experts told me. First and foremost is your diet. You can take what ever supps you want but if you don't eat accordingly you will never have success. I'm not really sure of your goals so it's hard to answer this question, are you bulking, cutting, etc?

    I use Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey, and I really like it. I am currently finishing up my chocolate. I went with this because it seems to be the most popular among everyone on the boards because of it's quality and good price.

    I also just got in an order of Creatine Ethyl Ester and I'm just getting started with it. Creatine and Protien supps seem to be the most trusted.

    Another thing I've learned is order on-line. It is the cheapest way to go. I order from because they are a board sponser and they have great prices. Check it out though because there are a lot of places on line just find one that works for you. From allsports there is an eight dollar shipping charge no matter how big or small your order is. So my last order I got CEE and another 10 lbs of ON's Whey, to save money. My order arrived in just three days.

    But I wouldn't order anything until you've worked on your diet. There are some great places to look here at, put in some research it's worth your time.

  6. #6
    ON Whey from allsports is what I use too, it is cheap and fast. I like the chocolate but I have really been digging the vanilla as of late. But let me know how it goes once you get started there are so many places to go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    US, Wisconsin
    I take ON Whey double choc. with milk, tastes good and mixes perfect, tastes like choc milk to me. And I also take NOW Foods ADAM multi vitamin and I agree that it is an excellent multi, not to expensive. I've also heard good things about Pro N large 2 to bulk up because of the extra calories it contains. But have not tried it yet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hell's Kitchen
    I love Muscle Milk- Cookies n Cream.. It is very yummy.. haahaa.. IMO Cytosport Def. has the best tasting proteins out there, but prob. not packing the most in them.. Has anywone ever choked on a protein lump?? haa -I know I have.. BUmp.

  9. #9
    ON Whey protein.......i havent tried the chocolate but the vanilla one is pretty good

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    I am really satisfied with ISOPURE. 25g protein per scoop. 0g carbs. Tastes pretty good.

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