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  1. #1
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    Phera-plex PCT log..........

    ok i figured id start a new log for the pct portion of my Phera-plex cycle...
    here is my pct...............
    nolva 40mg ed x 1st 2weeks/ 20mg ed x last 2 weeks
    AX PCT 3 caps ed
    AX Retain 3 caps ed
    niacin 1500 mg ed
    hawthorne berry 1500 mg ed
    milk thistle 3000mg ed
    flax seed oil 3000mg ed

    still taking creatine, 2 protein shakes a day, and amp for a couple workouts a week

    ok changed up the routine for the PCT
    today was day 3 of PCT weight 200lbs

    shoulders and triceps
    dumbbell lateral raises 15x10/15x10/15x10/15x10 (slight pain in rt shoulder, dont normally do shoulder excerises due to prior shoulder injury, but thinking it might help to do shoulders, so have added it to the work out.)
    seated overhead military press(dumbell) 30x12/30x12/40x10/40x10 (will increase next week)
    dumbell front raise 15x10/15x10/15x10
    incline rear delt raise 10x10/20x10/20x10

    dumbell tricep extention 90x10/100x10/100x10
    cable press down(small vbar) 100x20/100x20/100x16
    assisted dips 3 sets of 15
    Last edited by NightTrain; 08-20-2006 at 10:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    taper down the ax pct by 1 cap each week

  3. #3
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    taper down the ax pct by 1 cap each week
    You're only suppose to take 1 cap each week??

  4. #4
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    bryan, do you mean each week drop a cap? so by the 3rd week im only taking 1 cap and week 4 no caps?

  5. #5
    Bryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    bryan, do you mean each week drop a cap? so by the 3rd week im only taking 1 cap and week 4 no caps?

    yes this is what I meant.

    you slowly want to stop taking it as it will start to drive estrogen too low and itll mess with your sex drive.

  6. #6
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    thanks for the info bryan, i will make sure that i cut it down each week.

  7. #7
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    pct day 4 weight 201lbs

    back and abs
    iso row 360x7/360x7/360x6
    lat pull downs (wide grip) 210x10/210x9/210x6
    bent over cable row 255x10/280x7/280x7
    assited pull ups 3 sets of 10
    lower back extentions 3 sets of 15

    crunches 3 sets of 50

  8. #8
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    pct day 5 was just a cardio day....... ran 3 miles in 26:10

    pct day 6 is a total down day......

    i dont know if i like this new work out plan my partner has come up with..... well i guess i will contnue to give it a go

  9. #9
    rar1015's Avatar
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    I use to work my shoulders and triceps like that but i get sick of it and since i switched my routine up its helped a lot. You might as well give it a shot for a while because what doesnt work for some people might work you ya know.

  10. #10
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    rar, tommorrow is chest and bicep day and i have really been enjoying the chest days since i started taking the Phera-plex. so im hoping to like it just as much during the PCT. i dont know about doing chest and biceps on the same day, but we will see.....

    as far as the cycle is going had one of my soldiers come up to me today and tell me that i look like im about to bust outa my ACUs (advanced combat uniform). so i guess the size increase over the last 4 weeks is noticeable.

  11. #11
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Yeah i use to do chest and biceps to and i switched it to chest and triceps, then back and biceps and thats seems to work a lot better for me.

    Good to hear the pp worked for ya man. It definitely worked for me also. So far im keep my gains and strength but we'll see what happens throughout the rest of pct. When im done with pct im gonna take a month or two off and just go natural for a while and then do a nice cutting cycle because i know out of the 13-14lbs i gained im sure some of it was fat so im gonna try and get rid of that crap.

  12. #12
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    day 7 pct weight 200lbs
    chest and biceps
    incline dumbell press 90x5/90x5/90x4
    incline bench press 190x7/ 190x6/ 190x5
    pec deck----didnt do today was spent after the first two chest excercises...

    standing hammer curls 40x10/40x10/40x10...... more concerned with proper form than moving weight for this excercise
    ez curls 80 x10/80x10/90x6
    preacher curl machine 110x10/110x7/110x6

    arms where smoked after i finished, today i really concertrated on form so weight was down from usual but i really felt the bicep work out.. im feeling stronger still, very workout i am making gains.. i went up another 5 lbs on dumbbells since last chest work out last week and 10 lbs on bench, so still growing.....

  13. #13
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Good job man!

  14. #14
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    day 10 pct weight 200lbs
    shoulder and triceps
    dumbbell lateral raises 15x10/15x10/20x10/20x15/20x14
    seated overhead military press(dumbell) 45x12/45x12/45x10/45x9
    dumbell front raise 15x10/15x10/15x10
    incline rear delt raise 15x12/20x15/20x12

    dumbell tricep extention100x12/100x10/100x12
    cable press down(small vbar) 110x20/110x13/110x15
    assisted dips 3 sets of 15

    was a pretty good shoulder and tri work out, shoulders are starting to get used to the weight so i will start increasing very owrk out if possible.

    day 12 pct weight 202
    back and abs
    iso row 360x8/360x8/360x8
    lat pull downs (wide grip) 215x9/215x9/215x6
    bent over cable row 280x10/280x6 drop to 150 til MF/ 280x6 drop to 150 til MF
    dumbbell shoulder shrugs 85x15/85x10/85x12
    assited pull ups 3 sets of 10
    lower back extentions 3 sets of 15

    crunches 3 sets of 50

  15. #15
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    day 14 pct------------------------ weight 201lbs
    chest and biceps
    incline dumbell press (2 warm up sets of 15@45lbs)90x3/90x5/90x4...... shoulder felt a lil funny farst heavy lift, but ended up being ok, musta been shock
    incline bench press 190x10/ 190x3 drop to 150 til MF/ 190x6

    seated hammer curls 45x12/45x8 drop to 20 until MF/45x8.droped to 20 until MF.....
    ez curls 90x9/90x7 drop to 40 til MF/90x6 drop to 40 til MF(muscle failure)
    preacher curl machine 130x10/130x9/140x7 (machine preacher curls)

    once agin great work out, i love the energy and focus i get from the amp.... havent gained anymore weight but still seeing increases in strength weekly, either by going up in weight or by more reps, very happy with my results so far.....
    today is last day of nova at 40mg, and im dropping to one capsule of AX PCT from 2 capsules like bryan suggested at the begining of this pct.
    wanna say once again THANKS TO EVERYONE on this site who has helped me since i have been on here, and deployed over here in the sand box, you guys and this site have been an awesome motivater and i have learned so much each and everytime i log on. keep up the great work......'train

  16. #16
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    good to see you're kickin ass right through pct!

  17. #17
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    thanks tank..... really looking forward to the masterdrol cycle ima start in january, will be back home and hope it be able to eat a lot cleaner and healthier

  18. #18
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Hey NightTrain, are you still thinking about doing a superdrol cycle in the future?

  19. #19
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    well rar1015, first of all how 'bout the lindell fight, holy shLt...................
    im not going to do a superdrol cycle, but i did purchase a cycles worth of LG methyl masterdrol and methyl 1-D. the masterdrol is the same chemical makeup of superdrol. im gona run that cycle hopefully in january, depending on what happens when i get back home.

  20. #20
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Yeah that was a good one. I love to watch Liddell, he's one of my favorite fighters but i wanna see him fight someone thats more of a good striker.

    Anyways good luck with that cycle man. Im gonna start my cutting cycle in about 2 weeks so hopefully that goes as planned.

  21. #21
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    shoulders and triceps

    dumbbell lateral raises 15x10/15x10/20x10/25x10/25x7
    seated overhead military press(dumbell) 25x12/50x10/50x10/50x10
    dumbell front raise 20x6/15x10/15x10- shoulder pain, had to drop back down to 15lbs
    incline rear delt raise 15x12/20x15/20x12

    dumbell tricep extention100x10/100x12/100x10
    cable press down(small vbar) 125x15/125x12/125x14
    assisted dips 3 sets of 15

  22. #22
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    day 19 pct weight 200
    back and abs
    iso row 360x8/360x9/360x8
    lat pull downs (close grip)drop sets 215x8>125x7/190x7>125x8/170x8>125x7
    bent over cable row(drop sets) 280x10/ 280x6>150x10/ 260x8>150>13
    dumbbell shoulder shrugs 85x15/85x10/85x12
    assited pull ups 3 sets of 10
    lower back extentions 3 sets of 15

    crunches 3 sets of 50

    started doing cardio 5 times a week...... monday night ran 3 miles in 24 mins, and the tuesday night(last night) did 25 minutes on the treadmill.

    had to do a weigh in for the unit today, so i got a late start in the gym this morning. i did get my body fat checked while i was doing the rest of the guys this morning. by army standards im 21.66%. i really dont like the army system of taping but that is the standard we go by. tape neck and waist and then use chart to figure out body fat....... i think it is inaccurate.

  23. #23
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    day 21 pct------------------------ weight 200lbs
    chest and biceps
    incline dumbell press (2 warm up sets of 15@45lbs)90x7/90x5drop to 45x6/90x3drop to 45x5
    incline bench press 190x10/ 190x5/ 190x5 drop to 130 til MF
    seated hammer curls 45x10/45x7 drop to 35 until MF/45x7droped to 35 until MF.....
    ez curls 90x9/90x9 drop to 50 til MF/90x9 drop to 50 til MF(muscle failure)
    preacher curl machine 130x10/130x10/140x8 (machine preacher curls)

    pretty good work out today, did get a lil headache after the two chest excerises.... i think i was a lil short on water in take yesterday.. one week left on the pct...... and then i go into training for the army physical fitness test..... im due a test in oct, round the first of the month, so will have to step up cardio......i'll keep ya'll informed

  24. #24
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    keep up the good work bro!

  25. #25
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    thanks bro

  26. #26
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    day 26 pct----------------------- weight 199lbs
    shoulder and triceps
    dumbbell lateral raises 15x10/15x10/25x10/25x10/25x10
    seated overhead military press(dumbell) 55x10/55x10/55x9/55x8
    dumbell front raise 15x10/15x10/15x10
    incline rear delt raise 25x12/25x12/25x10

    dumbell tricep extention100x12/100x10/100x10
    cable press down(small vbar) 125x16/125x13/125x15
    assisted dips 3 sets of 15

    this week started out all screwed up....... monday i ran a 5k run in rememberance of 9/11, it was actually kinda cool and has some meaning to it. yes we ran 5ks here on base in Iraq, lol.....

    tuesday morning i was gona make up mondays weight training but i had to go and run an M-16 range so that day was blown..... i ran 3 miles tuesday night... so the cardio has won out this week.

    i did mondays work out this morning (wednesday) so im gona skip back this week and just continue with the weeks normal workouts on friday with a good chest blitzing.......

    this is my last week on pct.... i totally enjoyed this cycle and pct, and i looking forward to getting back to the states so i can get into a routine back home and do a cycle of methyl masterdrol

  27. #27
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    day 26 pct----------------------- weight 199lbs
    shoulder and triceps
    dumbbell lateral raises 15x10/15x10/25x10/25x10/25x10
    seated overhead military press(dumbell) 55x10/55x10/55x9/55x8
    dumbell front raise 15x10/15x10/15x10
    incline rear delt raise 25x12/25x12/25x10

    dumbell tricep extention100x12/100x10/100x10
    cable press down(small vbar) 125x16/125x13/125x15
    assisted dips 3 sets of 15

    this week started out all screwed up....... monday i ran a 5k run in rememberance of 9/11, it was actually kinda cool and has some meaning to it. yes we ran 5ks here on base in Iraq, lol.....

    tuesday morning i was gona make up mondays weight training but i had to go and run an M-16 range so that day was blown..... i ran 3 miles tuesday night... so the cardio has won out this week.

    i did mondays work out this morning (wednesday) so im gona skip back this week and just continue with the weeks normal workouts on friday with a good chest blitzing.......

    this is my last week on pct.... i totally enjoyed this cycle and pct, and i looking forward to getting back to the states so i can get into a routine back home and do a cycle of methyl masterdrol

    solid work bro! when are you comin back to the states?

  28. #28
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    sometime the end of the year

  29. #29
    vexon is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    yes this is what I meant.

    you slowly want to stop taking it as it will start to drive estrogen too low and itll mess with your sex drive.
    When you say that, what exactly does that mean? Details please

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