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Thread: Upstates SD Log

  1. #241
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_notellin
    I am pretty sure they banned the the compound in anabolic extreme SD. With the new stuff, the chemical compound make up (for lack of a better word) has been altered. Hence, it is not banned.

    Not sure what this alteration changes once induced into the body.
    I retract my previous statement--you win!

    SD is:

    and SNS methyl drol xt is:
    2a,17a,dimethyl etiocholan 3-one, 17b-ol

    not sure on what the difference concerning effectiveness would be though
    Last edited by UpstateTank; 11-10-2006 at 03:44 PM.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    $90 for yr supps? where you buy them at? Cuz right now Im pricing stuff at Vitamin Shoppe, lol, and its not coming out too nice.
    check your pm's

  3. #243
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    I have a bottle of sd and sns methyl drol xt right in front of me and they have the exact same chemical differences what so ever
    Yes......that I know. But both of those have now been discontinued. They are banned.

    Now they are pushing methyl masterdrol and saying it is, basically, the same thing. That is what I am confused about. the make up is different.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_notellin
    Yes......that I know. But both of those have now been discontinued. They are banned.

    Now they are pushing methyl masterdrol and saying it is, basically, the same thing. That is what I am confused about. the make up is different.
    read my post again...i editied it cause initially it was

  5. #245
    Chad B's Avatar
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    I bumped this because I am tiered of doing a search every time I want to read it. It is also very good for all the noobs to read. I think we should try to keep it bumped for the noobs

  6. #246
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    haha...agreed chad!

  7. #247
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    Hey guys I'll be starting a cycle of SD on Monday September 4th to help me along with my bulking diet...Current stats are 6'2" 188lbs...Just finished (imo) a very successful cutting diet thanks to all the help over on the diet forum...Heres a link to the diet I will be following during my cycle:Upstate's Bulking Diet
    I'll be doing a 4 week cycle 20/20/30/30...I hope to lean bulk to 210 in (hopefully) 12 weeks
    Supporting supps will be taken as follows:
    Milk Thistle:1800mg/day
    Hawthorne Berry: 1650mg/day
    FF Niacin: 1100mg/day
    RYR: 1200mg/day
    COQ10:100mg/day(taken 1week prior + first week & First 2weeks PCT)

    I will split the dosage of support supps so I can take half in the morning and half at night.
    SD will be taken during my first meal and another pro/fat meal later on in the day

    My PCT will go as follows:
    aromasin : 4 weeks 25mg/day
    clomid: 2weeks 105mg/day 2 weeks 70mg/day
    Will also supplement in Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn to help keep as much strength as possible

    Also will be on the lookout for lowerback pumps in which case I'll pick up some taurine
    and will be on the lookout for prostate pain in which case I'll pick up some Saw Palmetto

    This all starts Monday September 4th so be on the lookout!
    Hey bro, just wondering if the COQ10 was worth it? It is very expensive and I am thinking of skipping it. Do you feel the effects from it? Did you think it is a solid supp? Do you think it is very important to take while on sd cycle. I have read of its energy and antioxidants propertys.

    Tanks Tank

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Hey bro, just wondering if the COQ10 was worth it? It is very expensive and I am thinking of skipping it. Do you feel the effects from it? Did you think it is a solid supp? Do you think it is very important to take while on sd cycle. I have read of its energy and antioxidants propertys.

    Tanks Tank
    I believe it is...RYR depletes the body of COQ10 so it wouldnt be a bad idea to put it back in...I will confess I did not use it b/c of a tight $$ situation (gotta love bein a sr in college)...but I would not reccomend the same for ne one else...I actually have a professor who is a health nut and she swears by the stuff...I'm sure you read that sd killed me when it came to lethargy, and COQ10 supposedly does wonders for energy levels, not to mention it replenishes your coq10 levels in your tying this together id get it! better to b safe than sorry!

  9. #249
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  10. #250
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Great Log. Thanks for info Upstate

  11. #251
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  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Great Log. Thanks for info Upstate
    not a problem brother!

  13. #253
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    I am about to start a Methyl Masterdrol M1D cycle.
    I am going to use the same supporting supps. as you, however do you think i could substitute Nolva for Clom in the PCT? Great Log.

  14. #254
    SwoleKat is offline New Member
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    Yo Yo Yo I am new here and my name is SwoleKat and I am all Swoled up to be here. Great log bro, major

    About to start a SD cy and this has been a big help, thanks for taking the time to put it in the web for us bb!


  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by lene28
    I am about to start a Methyl Masterdrol M1D cycle.
    I am going to use the same supporting supps. as you, however do you think i could substitute Nolva for Clom in the PCT? Great Log.
    Thanks for the feedback brother.

    Kinda confused about what cycle you're doing. Are you doing a methyl masterdrol cycle, or an Methyl 1-D cycle? Or are you stacking them? If you're thinking about stacking them I'd advise against it. IMO a good rule of thumb is never to stack 2 orals. If your diets in check theres no reason one shouldnt do the trick. If you do decide to go w/ methyl masterdrol however I was advise against nolva. Members have had problems w/ mm/sd and using nolva during pct mainly with gyno. A supp guru on here MacrophageAlpha determined it was due to nolvas ability to upregulate the progesterone receptor, and mm/sd's progestinic properties (they're not progestins but rather dht derivatives)...So if you're prone to gyno I wouldnt reccomend nolva

    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleKat
    Yo Yo Yo I am new here and my name is SwoleKat and I am all Swoled up to be here. Great log bro, major

    About to start a SD cy and this has been a big help, thanks for taking the time to put it in the web for us bb!

    First I'd like to say welcome brother!

    Its good to have you aboard, and thanks for the support/feedback on the log. Keep us updated as to your progress!

  16. #256
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the help man, I think I am gonna just return the M1D and stick with just Methyl Masterdrol. On the PCT what are the effects of the aromasin ? I am prone to gyno so is there a certain type of PCT i should run or will yours be sufficient? Seriously thanks for all the help.

  17. #257
    number twelve's Avatar
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    how can u determine if your prone to gyno without actually seeing if you get gyno after a cycle? lol

  18. #258
    lene28 is offline Junior Member
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    Because I got gyno after doing my 2nd cycle of M1T-4AD, right before it got banned in 2004.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by lene28
    Thanks for the help man, I think I am gonna just return the M1D and stick with just Methyl Masterdrol. On the PCT what are the effects of the aromasin? I am prone to gyno so is there a certain type of PCT i should run or will yours be sufficient? Seriously thanks for all the help.
    See I'm with you in being prone to gyno (thank you M1T ) WIth the pct protocol I lined up I didnt get any gyno during pct, nor have I gotten delayed gyno. Aromasin is in AI (Aromatase Inhibitor). One gets gyno when your body converts excess androgens into estrogen...An AI's function is to prevent this process in your body from happening. Hit up the pct forum as there is a lot of good stickies and people that are much more knowledgeable than me. As ive mentioned before you know that you're prone to gyno so stay away from nolva and stick w/ clomid.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    how can u determine if your prone to gyno without actually seeing if you get gyno after a cycle? lol
    Theres really nothing to see. If you got gyno either during a cycle or post cycle you're prone. If you didnt then you're either not prone or you just got lucky (probably the latter of the 2)

  21. #261
    Sprinter4life20 is offline New Member
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    With all your experience with SD do you know of anywhere you can still purchase it, from a reliable resource?

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sprinter4life20
    With all your experience with SD do you know of anywhere you can still purchase it, from a reliable resource?
    i dont think anyplace has the original sd but theres still a few clones oxodrol 12 by webber pharmecuticals

  23. #263
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  24. #264
    matt50's Avatar
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    this should be a sticky!!!!

  25. #265
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    bump for progress?!?!?

  26. #266
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    upstates been done for a couple months now.

  27. #267
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    haha thanks for the cover notorious....

    unvme starting tuesday im running a cycle of M1T so be on the look out for that brother!

  28. #268
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  29. #269
    unvme9180's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    haha thanks for the cover notorious....

    unvme starting tuesday im running a cycle of M1T so be on the look out for that brother!
    yeah...i realized i asked you this in the wrong thread. i thought i was in your m1t thread. ive been following it as im going to start my m1t next week. i am curious to see how soon each of us start to see gains/sides/strength.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by unvme9180
    yeah...i realized i asked you this in the wrong thread. i thought i was in your m1t thread. ive been following it as im going to start my m1t next week. i am curious to see how soon each of us start to see gains/sides/strength.
    gains & strength im guessing the start of the 2nd week
    sides hopefully never --**knocks on wood**

  31. #271
    number twelve's Avatar
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    im begining my cycle within the next 2 weeks im getting my PCT set up b4 hand. so look out!

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