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Thread: even more questions about superdrol (sorry)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    even more questions about superdrol (sorry)

    just looking into running a cycle of superdrol i know its hard to find-- i saw a reccomendation somewhere for "superior nutraceuticals" website (which is and they are selling superdrol 120 10mg tabs for $36.00 would anyone trust this site? seems awfully cheap for everywhere else being sold out. also i looked on discount anabolics- dont have superdrol but have SNS Methyl-Drol XT. they claim it is the same compound as SD. i know they are not chemically identically, but does anyone have any experience with SNS Methyl-Drol? similar outcomes/ Effects? Sides? also any good suggestions for supps during cycle and pct? clomid alone for pct? i know little about clomid, sources, price, etc. any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks alot

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    check yo pm bro

  3. #3
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    You should just do a search on superdrol cycles and your questions will be answered but no big deal. I just finished a pp cycle and for my supplements i used milk thistle, flush free niacin, hawthorn berry, flax seed oil and red yeast rice. You may want to pick up some taurine just in case you get back pumps pretty bad. I would add in some aromasin into pct and continue the use of the supplements during pct.

    How are you going to run the superdrol??

  4. #4
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    Apr 2006
    probly run it basically like 1 cap for weeks one and 2, 2 caps for 3 and 4 and so on. (assuming they are 10 mg caps) LIke i said, i am just starting to look into this, and don't know a great deal about it- just wanted to get more info from the sweetest forum on the internet how about that site- superior nutraceuticals? or am i not supposed to be lookin for source checks?

  5. #5
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    Apr 2006
    For you first cycle of superdrol i would just keep it at 20mg ED for 4 weeks and if you do a second one do it at 20/20/30/30 Ed for 4 weeks. Anything over 30 is basically a waste if ya ask me because you will most likely just start to experience more of the negative side effects.

    Im not to sure about that site.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    cool i will try 20 and keep it simple. thanks for the tip bro. also- are there specific brands you reccommend for milk thistle, niacin, hawthorne berry- etc. or is anything i find at a health food store probably workable?

  7. #7
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    I just pick mine up at walmart/walgreens. The only thing i dont get there is flax seed oi. I usually get that at the vitamin shoppe, thats just a personal preference of mine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    awesome thanks so much for the info! what about pct? what would you reccomend and where to get it? ive looked at a lot of different approaches, but what do you think is the best? (rar1015)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    everything for pct can usually be bought from arr

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I would definitely suggest getting all of you pct stuff from ar-r.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    sweet thanks bros

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    whoring it up
    check your pm

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Hell's Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by rar1015
    I would definitely suggest getting all of you pct stuff from ar-r.
    whats all this talk about Nolva having a negative effect on SD users? i.e. Gyno? what do you know about this? Personally, I used Nova through pct and it worked great.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    whats all this talk about Nolva having a negative effect on SD users? i.e. Gyno? what do you know about this? Personally, I used Nova through pct and it worked great.
    supplement guru macrophage posted about a short while ago...something to do w/ sd being a progestin and a persons individual sensitivty to getting gyno in respect to using nolva for pct...ill see if i can find the thread for ya

  15. #15
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    Hell's Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    supplement guru macrophage posted about a short while ago...something to do w/ sd being a progestin and a persons individual sensitivty to getting gyno in respect to using nolva for pct...ill see if i can find the thread for ya
    ok thanks. Damn, so Clomid is the way to go then? That's a pretty strong pct for an oral dont u think?

  16. #16

    here it is!

    as for pct strength i was always under the impression that nolva was stronger than clomid considering the amount taken for nolva during pct vs. the amount taken for clomid...dont quote me on that gonna be running clomid/aromasin for pct once my sd cycle is over so ill keep ya updated

  17. #17
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    Hell's Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank

    here it is!

    as for pct strength i was always under the impression that nolva was stronger than clomid considering the amount taken for nolva during pct vs. the amount taken for clomid...dont quote me on that gonna be running clomid/aromasin for pct once my sd cycle is over so ill keep ya updated
    Tight, thanks bro.. What was the guru referring to when he mentioned this? "really reccomend an AI (steroidal) with HCG (low dose 200-500iu e3-e4d)" But def. keep me updated on your cycle and PCT. I plan on running another cycle early Jan 07'.

  18. #18
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    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    whats all this talk about Nolva having a negative effect on SD users? i.e. Gyno? what do you know about this? Personally, I used Nova through pct and it worked great.

    me too!

    not only that i run low doses 10mg ed
    throught the cycle too

    but then again everyone is different.

  19. #19
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    Feb 2006
    Hell's Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    me too!

    not only that i run low doses 10mg ed
    throught the cycle too

    but then again everyone is different.
    Yeah, I remember your threads.. have you taken anything since? and do you plan on running SD sometime in the future? holla back.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    Yeah, I remember your threads.. have you taken anything since? and do you plan on running SD sometime in the future? holla back.
    right now im just taking 4-weeks of L-dex

    might run 4 weeks of PP after that.

    im done with the SD cause my 2nd time was not as good as my 1st , and im guessing my 3rd would be even worse .

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hell's Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    right now im just taking 4-weeks of L-dex

    might run 4 weeks of PP after that.

    im done with the SD cause my 2nd time was not as good as my 1st , and im guessing my 3rd would be even worse .
    Yeah, thats what I've heard about SD second time around. Well, I'm anxious to see what my results will be second time around. Hopefully it will be worth it.. I'll be happy with 8-10lbs of muscle mass.. What PCT u running for PP? Are you sticken to Nolva? later..

  22. #22
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    Feb 2002
    more then likely cause its worked for me in the past

  23. #23
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    Apr 2006
    I finished my pp cycle a while ago and i use nolva for pct and i got lucky and did have any gyno problems. Next time im gonna use clomid though just to be safe.

  24. #24
    I just got a bottle of superdrol and have been sitting on it for awhile now...about a month debating. I am planning on using nolvadex as my PCT. This is my first cycle of Superdrol/any desinger steroid (other then Universal Animal Stak 2 which is a pro-hormone). What is the best cycle for superdrol and for Novadex as PCT?? I have been scouring forums and each one has something different to say concering this. Any help would be appreciated...


  25. #25
    for cycles of sd dont go over 4 weeks or over running sd right now and i ran mine 20/20/30/30...also for pct are you using nolvadex or that novadex junk from gaspari? Wouldnt reccomend either...nolvadex can contribute or worsen gyno during pct and novadex by gaspari is worthless for pct concerning running clomid/aromasin for really sounds like you need to do a lot more research before diving into a powerful oral steroid like sd

  26. #26
    Upstate Tank: That is why I have been holding out on the SD and haven't started messing with it. I don't feel ready knowledge wise and the various internet forums aren't helping. Nolvadex was just an idea and after your reply I am looking into clomid.

    Who/what is gaspari?? How would I know if I am dealing with his stuff if i do go nolvadex route.

    Is there any place that sells good reliable Clomid?? I have a person that can sell me Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) 50 mg/mL; 60 mL.

    What is the PCT recommendations for Clomid??

    Is the following paragraph true??

    While it is true that clomiphine citrate has many "anti-estrogen" properties, there are a multitude of better options. It's is relatively weak in comparison to tamoxifen citrate and the anti-aromatase compounds that are available are much more potent in terms of controlling and/or eliminating estrogenic side effects that are likely to develop. The primary duty of clomiphine citrate should be left to post-cycle therapy.

    Thanks for the help,

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by scarecow7709
    Upstate Tank: That is why I have been holding out on the SD and haven't started messing with it. I don't feel ready knowledge wise and the various internet forums aren't helping. Nolvadex was just an idea and after your reply I am looking into clomid.

    Who/what is gaspari?? How would I know if I am dealing with his stuff if i do go nolvadex route.

    Is there any place that sells good reliable Clomid?? I have a person that can sell me Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) 50 mg/mL; 60 mL.

    What is the PCT recommendations for Clomid??

    Is the following paragraph true??

    While it is true that clomiphine citrate has many "anti-estrogen" properties, there are a multitude of better options. It's is relatively weak in comparison to tamoxifen citrate and the anti-aromatase compounds that are available are much more potent in terms of controlling and/or eliminating estrogenic side effects that are likely to develop. The primary duty of clomiphine citrate should be left to post-cycle therapy.

    Thanks for the help,
    Whew this is a long one but ill give it a try:
    Gaspari Nutrition is a supplement company owned by IFBB hof'er Rich gaspari. They make a product called novadex xt which is a junk product concerning effectiveness with pct. Just make sure its Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) amd not novadex.

    A good reliable place to get clomid would be from the sites sponsor...Click on the banner at the top of the page.

    The pct length for a standard 4 week sd cycle should be 4 weeks. Ive seen a few different reccomendations for dosage concerning clomid for pct. Some people say front load it the first day at 300mg, then 100mg/day for the next 13days, then 75mg/day for the last 2 weeks. Others have said just stick to 100mg/day for the first 2 weeks, and 75mg/day last 2 weeks.

    I think that paragraph may be a tad misleading. It is weak if you break it down for strength at a ml vs. ml level. For a sd cycle a lot of people would run 40mg/day first 2 weeks and 20mg/day second 2 weeks of pct. So nolva is stronger when you break it down ml for ml but i dont believe its stronger in terms of effectiveness.

    Hope that helps a little!

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