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Thread: MAX LMG and Methyl Masterdrol

  1. #1

    MAX LMG and Methyl Masterdrol

    whats happening fellas? im new to this board but was hoping you could give me some insight about stacking Max LMG by ALRI with LG Methyl Masterdrol.
    i was thinking of using either LG formadrol extreme or Gaspari Nolvadex as pct. what do you guys think and if i can stack them, whats the max # of weeks to run them together. thanks alot fellas
    personal info
    age 23
    8% bf

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by skins42
    whats happening fellas? im new to this board but was hoping you could give me some insight about stacking Max LMG by ALRI with LG Methyl Masterdrol.
    i was thinking of using either LG formadrol extreme or Gaspari Nolvadex as pct. what do you guys think and if i can stack them, whats the max # of weeks to run them together. thanks alot fellas
    personal info
    age 23
    8% bf
    Its pretty safe to say running two methylated products together is extremely taxing on the liver. Also, Gaspari doesn't sell Nolvadex, its Novedex or something like that which pretty much doesn't do anything except allow Rich Gaspari to put more money in the bank. Go in the PCT forum and ask questions about that there.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I do not believe Max LMG is methylated. Someone correct me if i am wrong. Not sure about the cycle. But a proper PCT protocol is in order when coming off. The OTC stuff isnt very effective. Click on pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Max LMG rocks, I gained approx 75 lbs on my bench during 2 12 week LMG cycles. I belive that it is methylated, just not NEARLY as harsh as the other stuff (superdrol anyone?). My PCT was just the RevibeX or something like that plus my liver detox and heart supp. I didn't notice any hormonal fluxs and my blood work was AOK!

    As far as I can tell Max LMG is the best non-injectable supplement as far as safety is concerned. And it works. Just eat big with it otherwise you'll see minimal gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by scm007
    Max LMG rocks, I gained approx 75 lbs on my bench during 2 12 week LMG cycles. I belive that it is methylated, just not NEARLY as harsh as the other stuff (superdrol anyone?). My PCT was just the RevibeX or something like that plus my liver detox and heart supp. I didn't notice any hormonal fluxs and my blood work was AOK!

    As far as I can tell Max LMG is the best non-injectable supplement as far as safety is concerned. And it works. Just eat big with it otherwise you'll see minimal gains.
    u ran it for 12 weeks? isnt that a lot?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Pond
    I did MAX LMG for 4 weeks and anyone who tells you it isn't the real deal is sadly mistasken. You will get big and you will get strong. But I tried the otc bullshit PCT and none of it works. I've done 2 cycles of deca and test E, and max lmg stopped my sex drive completely, they didn't (this is afterwards I'm talking about). it was so bad I would get aggravated when my girl would try to have sex with me. I had to get some HCG and real clomid and nolva. Don't start this product without. But It does work and it works well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bigfish
    I did MAX LMG for 4 weeks and anyone who tells you it isn't the real deal is sadly mistasken. You will get big and you will get strong. But I tried the otc bullshit PCT and none of it works. I've done 2 cycles of deca and test E, and max lmg stopped my sex drive completely, they didn't (this is afterwards I'm talking about). it was so bad I would get aggravated when my girl would try to have sex with me. I had to get some HCG and real clomid and nolva. Don't start this product without. But It does work and it works well.

    bro im not sure what dosage you ran, but i ran glabz x-mass @ 80mg for 6 weeks(same as max lmg but each capsule is 40mg) and had no sex drive issues, if anything it made my sex drive increase. Everyone reacts differently to compounds. It is definately an awsome product, it will add size and strength. I had a little water retention but nothing too noticeable.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by skins42
    whats happening fellas? im new to this board but was hoping you could give me some insight about stacking Max LMG by ALRI with LG Methyl Masterdrol.
    i was thinking of using either LG formadrol extreme or Gaspari Nolvadex as pct. what do you guys think and if i can stack them, whats the max # of weeks to run them together. thanks alot fellas
    personal info
    age 23
    8% bf

    your gonna need a lot better pct than that...take a look into clomid + aromasin
    also make sure you research into support supplements as well
    as far as length wise is concerned 4 weeks would be the absolute longest i would run sd
    definitely keep us updated on the progress

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