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Thread: Dangers of "Prohormones"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa

    Dangers of "Prohormones"

    Wanting to get the opinions of the members on this one. The bottles on these products say not to be taken by thosee under the age of "18". Yet some people claim that products such as superdrol and phera plex are good supplements for building muscle. I have a guy who is 19 years old and bugging me about steroids and I keep telling him to wait and train and get his diet in check and all this but I don't know if he is going to listen for much longer. Could I offer up a stack with these products to appease him until he is old enough to understand what he is doing? Thanks Guys-Erwin

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Erwin
    Wanting to get the opinions of the members on this one. The bottles on these products say not to be taken by thosee under the age of "18". Yet some people claim that products such as superdrol and phera plex are good supplements for building muscle. I have a guy who is 19 years old and bugging me about steroids and I keep telling him to wait and train and get his diet in check and all this but I don't know if he is going to listen for much longer. Could I offer up a stack with these products to appease him until he is old enough to understand what he is doing? Thanks Guys-Erwin
    thats a big resounding NO! Those "prohormones" you listed are anything but...they are STEROIDS! Tell the lil bugger to cut the shyt, learn how to diet properly and wait

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Agreed. These "supplements" are very misleading. IMO superdrol is one of the most toxic steroids available yet it can be purchased OTC by anyone here in UK. It's crazy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    So aside from liver toxicity these "supplements" are damaging to natural test productions and also bone growth and so on? I wish he would just give it up and learn how to train and diet properly but I can't beat him without going to jail. Guess he will do what he wants he just won't get the help from me. Thanks for the replies guys. Any other supps you would recommend? He is 6'0" 190 lbs. probably around 15-17% bf and 19 years old. I think he if he had something that "made" him feel stronger in the gym it would be a big benefit to his ego. Thanks again.-Erwin

  5. #5
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    Mar 2006
    tell him to take M1t, its a pretty light supplement = } haha jk dont tell him to take that, just messing!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    Thanks anyways guys but I found out tonight that he is on d-bol only right now and looking to start some other stuff soon SO I guess it is all for nothing. I love how some people just don't have any patience.

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