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Thread: oxodrol 12

  1. #1

    oxodrol 12

    I have been taking this now for 8 days and have not noticed anything. I did 12mg for 4 days and have been doing 24mg for the last 4 days. It is the same formula as superdrol, so I was just wondering if I should be feeling a difference yet?

  2. #2
    did really notice any difference until the start of my second week (sd) so on day 8 is when it started to kick patient though i.e. dont go overboard and start poppin pills left and right because you "dont feel anything"....oxodrol is real powerful stuff....I hope you're taking all the necessary support supps and have a proper pct inline

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. Yes I have all the supps. and pct. Im not gonna go crazy on it, I just wanted to see if it was normal not to see anything yet or not. I do chest tomorrow so I will post if anything has change (fingers crossed).

  4. #4
    haha you wont need to keep em crossed...this stuff will work

  5. #5
    is it normal to be tired as hell when on this? i think i remeber people saying they felt lathargic on superdrol? Im goin to bed and its only 9:30 lol.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by kevin3636
    is it normal to be tired as hell when on this? i think i remeber people saying they felt lathargic on superdrol? Im goin to bed and its only 9:30 lol.
    you bet your ass it is...ive only seen midnight twice in the past 2 weeks

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