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Thread: Trenadrol and Methyl TST came in today!!

  1. #1

    Trenadrol and Methyl TST came in today!!

    This is gonna be short bc i have to head to class but just letting everyone know that i am gonna run a 4 week cycle of Trenadrol and Methy TST starting soon....very excited about it, yes i do have experience with PH and i do know about PCT.....if anyone wants to say anything or give me advice let me know, ill post exact info lata on tonight or tomorrow....and yes i will keep a log for it so others can follow if they wish

  2. #2
    I having been waiting for someone to stack these products. Are you going to keep a log of your workouts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    Let us know how this stack works out 4 ya.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock N' Roll hall of fame
    nice interested in how it goes. good luck

  5. #5
    this is gonna be an awesome post..... here in october im takin m tst and mega trn.... but was comtemplating the trenadrol. im excited to see the gains of this stack

  6. #6
    Dosage: following the bottle for each....1 Tren/TST:: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Day 1: Starting weight is 228: Felt Good...i know its not in my sytem yet so i guess todays amazing lift was just mental...deadlift 505....

    also my lifting partner is following the same supplmentation as me.....

    Our body types are differnt i am 6'0 228 and he is 6'2 167...he is lean and i am muscular

    i am going to do my best to post everyday

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardcore189
    Dosage: following the bottle for each....1 Tren/TST:: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Day 1: Starting weight is 228: Felt Good...i know its not in my sytem yet so i guess todays amazing lift was just mental...deadlift 505....

    also my lifting partner is following the same supplmentation as me.....

    Our body types are differnt i am 6'0 228 and he is 6'2 167...he is lean and i am muscular

    i am going to do my best to post everyday
    i want that!!
    will be following this one...good luck bro!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    I'm lookin forward 2 seeing your results, Good Luck Man!!! I will be running Methoxy TST By BioScience Technologies in a couple weeks by itself. What company makes your TST/TRN ?

  9. #9
    Day 2: 229....i dont know why but i was/am so hungry...i have been eating everything around me....i cant stop the hunger...not sure if this is due to the supplments or just that i am really hungry....Did arms today and felt very a nice pump (nothing crazy) but it lasted a little longer....after the gym i have to go to my ecology class and normally i will feel it wear off but today i kept it...

    anyone know why i would be this hungry....if this keeps up i am gonna be out a lot of money due to food

  10. #10
    TST = BioScience Tech and Tren = manufact by KS Inc.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    Good detail in your log. 1 more question for ya, Are you running nolva during your cycle?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Anchorage, AK
    Hey man, just a heads up...M-TRN gave me serious tension headaches. I never got it checked, but my blood pressure had to have been sky high. Might want to be sure you've got Hawthorne or another OTC blood pressure med on hand just in case. Good luck with the stack.

  13. #13
    Day 3: decided not to weigh myself everyday lol ......did arms..had a great pump, felt very side effects at all...a little tired from staying up studying but thats it...thanx i do have Hawthorne ready in case along with my far i would say i like the stack but nothing really major has shown up bc its to soon but nothing bad either....soon i will post what my lifting routine is but kinda tired now just got off from bouncing at the bar...see you tomorrow

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In the Lab
    Any updates?

  15. #15
    Bump for updates.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    Hi, Im new to this log...but letting everyone know ill be starting a 3 week Trenadrol cycle on the 10-1-06. I might throw a few d-bols into the cycle as well, but not sure. If i shouldnt stack them let me know. Well any questions hit me up.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by StateBoy
    Hi, Im new to this log...but letting everyone know ill be starting a 3 week Trenadrol cycle on the 10-1-06. I might throw a few d-bols into the cycle as well, but not sure. If i shouldnt stack them let me know. Well any questions hit me up.
    You need to run some test with your trenadrol. Save the D-Bol 4 later.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    Im not sure if i can get any test at the moment. If i cant you think i should just run the trenadrol by itself? I was only gona run (3) 10mg d-bol a day for the 1st 15 days and then continue just with trenadrol. Cycle length is going to be approx 25-30 days.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by StateBoy
    Im not sure if i can get any test at the moment. If i cant you think i should just run the trenadrol by itself? I was only gona run (3) 10mg d-bol a day for the 1st 15 days and then continue just with trenadrol. Cycle length is going to be approx 25-30 days.
    Can you methoxy tst with your trenadrol? I would save the d-bol until you have some test.
    I believe AR member Tren Bull did a d-bol only cycle. You might want to contact him to see how his results went.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    Well thanks for some ure input fellas...But i might just run the Kilosport Trenadrol by itself. I wanted to add the dbol, but maybe i would just be wasting my time stacking it with trenadrol. Wish Gaspari still made m-1t. Best 50 bucks i every spent.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by StateBoy
    Well thanks for some ure input fellas...But i might just run the Kilosport Trenadrol by itself. I wanted to add the dbol, but maybe i would just be wasting my time stacking it with trenadrol. Wish Gaspari still made m-1t. Best 50 bucks i every spent.
    It is important if you sex drive shuts down during cycle? Trenadrol alone can do that, from what I have read.

  22. #22
    The supp shop I go to has a bunch of guys who use PH's like its a multi-vitamin. From what they have told me, the Trenadrol is fairly weak, and the TST gives an alright pump, but is less than SD or PP. Hopefully they were meant to be taken together an synergistically turn into a heavy M1T type cycle and give you 25lbs of lbm with no gyno or bloat........

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    Ok thanks for the info. Quick question you know any Letro providers, or know any online sites to purchase it at. Where its legit. I can get it from a guy i know, but he's hard to get a hold of. Any help from anyone would be cool. Thanks

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by StateBoy
    Ok thanks for the info. Quick question you know any Letro providers, or know any online sites to purchase it at. Where its legit. I can get it from a guy i know, but he's hard to get a hold of. Any help from anyone would be cool. Thanks

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    Hey thanks bro

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Day #8 on Trenadrol, 3 pills a day one pill every 5 hours. Up 8lbs so far.

  27. #27
    How is strength or endurance? Any sides?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by StateBoy
    Day #8 on Trenadrol, 3 pills a day one pill every 5 hours. Up 8lbs so far.
    Are you running the trenadrol alone? How are the strength gains?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    Yes, running the Trenadrol alone. Only sides to report right now is mild acne on shoulders. Strength is just now starting to increase as well as endurance. I will post again in a few days. Any questions let me know.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    can you run trenadrol on its own or do you need any nolva or clomid???

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Im running it without anything right now, if my body doesnt tell me its time for nolva or clomid then im not gona take it. But i dont think the Trenadrol is that strong. But tomarrow im starting 4 trenadrol a day (1 every 4 hours so will see if i need the nolva there. (but trenadrol is deff not for bulking, im gaining size (so people are telling me) but i feel like im getting more cut up with it.

    MG316: I order the letro from that site, i had some back luck cuz they stated it was delivered but i never got it. I did the tracking and it said it was delivered to my house, but it wasnt. I contacted the compant, and they wouldnt help me.
    Last edited by StateBoy; 10-16-2006 at 03:41 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the Lab
    MG316: I order the letro from that site, i had some back luck cuz they stated it was delivered but i never got it. I did the tracking and it said it was delivered to my house, but it wasnt. I contacted the compant, and they wouldnt help me.[/QUOTE]

    Talk 2 Lion, or check the questions and comments forum on ar's products.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    I got that Letro. They are saying 1 spray is .25mg does that mean that 10 sprays 2.5mg is 1ml?

    and if it is. do u really think 300 sprays are in that little bottle of lemon-lime letro?

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardcore189
    Day 3: decided not to weigh myself everyday lol ......did arms..had a great pump, felt very side effects at all...a little tired from staying up studying but thats it...thanx i do have Hawthorne ready in case along with my far i would say i like the stack but nothing really major has shown up bc its to soon but nothing bad either....soon i will post what my lifting routine is but kinda tired now just got off from bouncing at the bar...see you tomorrow
    How is or was the cycle?

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    New Jersey
    T R E N A D R O L sucks

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    so how was the cycle?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by StateBoy
    T R E N A D R O L sucks
    what happened

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