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  1. #1
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    Stacking NO Explode/Cell Mass - itchy nipple - WTF?

    In my 3rd week of use now, and after taking NO Xplode prior to my workout I am feeling an itchy nipple. Just one today, but I can't remember in the past if I'd noticed either or both being itchy. I think I can feel a harder-than-fat bump under there, but not sure if it's my mind playing tricks on me or if it's just fat. I don't look like I have gyno, but if I do it's a pretty small case.

    All I'm taking are these two supplements, so I am unsure why I'm getting this feeling. Anyone have a clue?

  2. #2
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    It sounds like gyno, but its not like those supplements would cause it. I'd def have it checked out.

  3. #3
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    I know that, but I'm wondering why it (seems to be) aggrevating it. Whether it's there or not isn't the problem, because it doesn't show. But being aggrevated is NO good and I'm sure could lead to growth. **** that.

  4. #4
    mateo112's Avatar
    mateo112 is offline Associate Member
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    definately have that checked out

  5. #5
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    will do as soon as i can set it up. what's a normal 'fix' for this? some meds or does it have to be surgery?

  6. #6
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WyldeMan
    will do as soon as i can set it up. what's a normal 'fix' for this? some meds or does it have to be surgery?
    meds...check out C_Bino's gyno reversal thread!

  7. #7
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    I'm taking NO-Xplode and Cellmass too - i definitely don't have that problem!

  8. #8
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    Thanks for that link!

  9. #9
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I'm taking No-Xplode and PureMCC, but I did take Cellmass along with the No-Xplode for a while. Never had that happen, definitely go get it checked out bro.

  10. #10
    Venum's Avatar
    Venum is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    I'm taking NO-Xplode and Cellmass too - i definitely don't have that problem!
    i just started taking no-explode and cellmass do u like it? bottle says cellmass takes a couple weeks to kick in...

  11. #11
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    I personally don't think the supplements are doing it, although if you already had a slight case of gyno it could be influncing it.

  12. #12
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    i just started taking no-explode and cellmass do u like it? bottle says cellmass takes a couple weeks to kick in...
    I didnt find the Cellmass to be particularly effective.

  13. #13
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    I personally don't think the supplements are doing it, although if you already had a slight case of gyno it could be influncing it.
    Never noticed anything before, which is weird. I also hold a little more fat in my lower pec area than the rest of me but it never itched or anything. I am around 15% BF and it doesn't LOOK like I have gyno, so if it's there (we'll see soon) it's very slight.

  14. #14
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venum
    i just started taking no-explode and cellmass do u like it? bottle says cellmass takes a couple weeks to kick in...
    i've always liked NO-Xplode, but this is the first time I have ever taken cellmass and it SUCKS, there is a reason I never liked creatine though... the gains in strength are very insignificant for me but the gains in water weight make me look like I'm taking 100mg of Dbol /day and i've had enough!

  15. #15
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    Creatine mono worked for me years ago, then it stopped. I tried CEE when it came out and had some decent more-than-usual progress, and for the price I kept it going. It stopped working a couple times in so I stopped. Tried V12 and results weren't worth the cost at all. This is my first time with Cell Mass and it's at least helped me break through a weight plateau. That could be from the No Xplode, change in training, and change in diet too for all I know. I'll try keeping on my diet/training routine once this stuff is gone and see how it goes. I am not a big supplement fan (anything other than whey) and rarely use anything due to lack of results. IT'll be interesting to see if they're helping out or if it's that I kicked everything else up a notch

  16. #16
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    i dont think that no-xplode has that much creatine in it, thats why they say take cellmass too, as that does.

  17. #17
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WyldeMan
    Never noticed anything before, which is weird. I also hold a little more fat in my lower pec area than the rest of me but it never itched or anything. I am around 15% BF and it doesn't LOOK like I have gyno, so if it's there (we'll see soon) it's very slight.
    You might just have excess fat in that area and not gyno, but the itchy has me concerned. Try Amped fruit punch flavor by Met-Rx. It is better tasting imo and has more active ingrediants in it. What was your cycle and pct b4 this happened? Btw, some ppl have a reaction to Red Dye 40. Check to see if it is in the product.

  18. #18
    WyldeMan is offline New Member
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    Mick, I do hold more fat there (and lower abs) than anywhere else on my body. But I think I am feeling a hard lump, and then there's the itching. I take NO juice or prohormones, which is why I am totally stumped. I did take clen early this year if that counts though.

    FWIW, both of those product flavors have Red #40 in it. What kind of reactions are usually seen in relation to that?

  19. #19
    aNuBiS99's Avatar
    aNuBiS99 is offline Associate Member
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    Just a thought, but have you shaved your chest recently, or started tanning, or been out in the sun at all???

    Tried a new soap or shampoo, changed laundry detergent or fabric softners?

    lol, might sound stupid but tryin to help ya out in case youre getting worried for nothing.

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