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Thread: any other recommendations other than nitrix

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LI, NY

    any other recommendations other than nitrix

    i took the nitrix from bsn that had the CEE and NO in it and got some nice pumps and the creatine in it helped but the 9 capsules daily at $45 a bottle sucked....any ideas on something similar other than this..i know amp and stimulant x gives u pumps but no creatine in it....thanks

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by matt50
    i took the nitrix from bsn that had the CEE and NO in it and got some nice pumps and the creatine in it helped but the 9 capsules daily at $45 a bottle sucked....any ideas on something similar other than this..i know amp and stimulant x gives u pumps but no creatine in it....thanks
    amp and stim x arent an NO product...they're stictly energy and focus...if you're looking for an NO product just try searching for Arginine/Orthinine capsules...theres a bunch of companies that make em and they're dirt cheap...I also tried nitrix and couldnt tell the difference between that and arginine/orthinine caps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LI, NY
    i forgot to type that i've heard some people with a suppressed appetite from those two which i didn't want as well...sorry for the confusion, i know they're not NO products

  4. #4
    amp hasnt caused appetite suppresion for me (knock on wood)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LI, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    amp hasnt caused appetite suppresion for me (knock on wood)

    thank you the way i think i sent you a pm a few days ago

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