Okay here is some background info on me. I used to workout a lot, decided (stupidly) to take steroids (was only 17), and was on them for about 3-4 months. Then I got off of them, got a girlfriend, and devoted all my time to her. One year has passed since I've really worked out and last Monday was when I decided to start again. Now I had gone back to the weight before I had started steroids, so I was between 152-154 lbs. I have started eating a lot more this week, my fat intake is probably between 50-70 at most a day. I burn fat really easy and have an Endo/ Mesomorphic body type. Anyways... My one supplement that I am taking (besides Whey Protein of course) is Max Full-Blown Sugar Free. It basically has 3 types of creatine, BCAA's, and a little shot of Nitric Oxide. I am also doing Arnold's 4 days a week workout, working out the entire body twice (from his book: Arnold The Education of a Bodybuilder). Now onto my amazing discovery. After the second workout of the week I decided to step on the scale, you know, check to see if I've gained or lost anything. It read 157. I thought it was wrong so I tried again... And it was the same. I thought it was just water weight but two days later I came back and it was the same! Now it has been 3 days since then and the close of the first week. I got on the scale inbetween my workout and it read 161!!! I'm starting to wonder if someone grinded up some D-bol and tossed it into my damn Creatine stuff! Any reasons as to why this sudden increase in weight? My only guess is the Creatine Monohydrate in my supplement...