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Thread: What can I do to help gains, only 18 years old...

  1. #1

    What can I do to help gains, only 18 years old...

    I'm not looking to juice, but I'm looking for any help I can get to grow other than ZMA/Creatine. I'm currently 151 @ 5'6", around 9% bf. I'd like to get to 165lbs. in 10 weeks. I've read a little about clen, would that help out any. Again, I'm not looking to juice, reading some threads has talked me out of it, but I'd like to know what can help out...Thanks...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Clen won't help you, unless your looking to cut. Get you diet in check and train heavy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    The Pond
    Try Testrol by German americasn technologies. it's a natural test booster. good shit will give you tons of energy, the girls will appreciate, and you'll get good strenght gains

  4. #4
    Well I've already got the diet calculated. I've actually been lifting for for about 3 years now. I've never tried to gain size, only strength/speed. I entered a couple meets here in town, and have personal bests of 265 bench, 385 squat, and 435 deadlift. Now that I'm out of school and over 18, the records and meet competition are much much stiffer. Diet is @ 4800 clean calories, 1.8g protein per bw. 50mg Zinc/250mg Magnesium stacked at night. 5g creatine daily. Post workout shake consists of one shake every 30min. after workout, 20g protein per shake w/ 45g dextrose (high on the glycemic index). I'm not trying to state that my experience deems me a candidate for roids or otherwise, I'm just looking for anything extra I can use in a 10-week cycle minus harsh products like d-bol, etc. I brought up clen because I thought it was a good anti-catibolic. I've probably successfully completed about 8 self-designed programs, and I've got good gains from each one. Now I am trying to create a 10-week cycle with the use of whatever can help to not only obtain a higher weight class, but get some good strength. Thank God I found this board because I was two-weeks away from using d-bol for the cycle (a local neglected the fact I was young to make some money). Thanks for your help guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Do 20 Rep Squats

  6. #6
    I've tried 20-rep squats before. And they are a pain in the ass to configure into my program, since I do high volume-low reps. 20 reps, 3 breaths before eccentric phase, are we talking about the same thing? My upcoming cycle is geared towards 4 days per week (two of those being two a days). 10x5, about 70% of my leg workouts utilize posterior chain movements rather then quad (strength reasons). I'll be doing Glute-ham raises, straight leg deadlifts, and such. And of course I do full squats. I just don't know how I'd manipulate the 20-rep squat theory without jeapordizing my currently outline. If it's okay with you guys, can we focus on benefitial supplementaion rather than training/diet theories, because I think I have my program pretty stout. I'm also considering throwing in a 1/3rd gallon of milk everyday on top of the 4800 calories because I really burn through them lol. Thanks guys...How good does that testrol work by the way, and it's not going to have any bad side effects is it?

  7. #7
    Tried, too hard to work into current workout routine. If you guys don't mind I think my program and diet are pretty stout, so I'd prefer supplemental information. I might try that Testrol, or that stuff by Red-Kat. And I'm gonna try 1000mg Deca-Durabolin 3x a day for 24 weeks LOL.

  8. #8
    Sorry I re-posted the same answer, when I double checked the thread my reply hadn't been uploaded. I apologize...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Your numbers at your weight are pretty f#$king good.Have you used any gear before? check out they have knockoffs off sd and pp for good prices and quite of few guys have workout logs with good gains on both of them on here.

  10. #10
    I've never used gear because I don't need it, and believe it or not they don't allow it in competition. I can't where a suit, support belt, straps, or anything like that. Just a singlet. What do you mean by sd and pp? I don't understand...I'm on that website now and searching...

  11. #11
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    do NOT use gear

  12. #12
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    stay away until you are older and you will really appreciate it

  13. #13
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    if looking for supplements, try just use creatine. Use CEE, I prefer Cellmass

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bigfish
    Try Testrol by German americasn technologies. it's a natural test booster. good shit will give you tons of energy, the girls will appreciate, and you'll get good strenght gains
    hes 18 years old so his natty test levels are already through the roof

    and may i suggest not looking into sd or pp you're too young

    Hit up the diet forum hardcore...all the supplements in the world wont save you if you're not eating properly...and once you've got that down Id say the only supplements you would need are a type of creatine and whey for pwo

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    EAT EAT EAT EAT!!!!!! You could use a weightgainer too like BSN's TrueMass. But, EAT EAT EAT!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    creatine, lots of water, solid clean bulking diet, and hit the weights hard with intensity.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    phera-plex - superdrol but if tank thinks your too young u might put some stock in it he seems to know his sh!t from what ive read. What kind of creatine are you on now?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    tank has a sd workout log a couple threads down check it out.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    phera-plex - superdrol but if tank thinks your too young u might put some stock in it he seems to know his sh!t from what ive read. What kind of creatine are you on now?
    awww shucks

  20. #20
    Diet is straight, diet is straight, and my diet is straight. I'm asking about supplements. I'm on Creatine, I'm on ZMA, I'm on Chromium. I take Creatine monohydrate (5g), glutamine (5G), and 75 grams/dextrose immediately after workout. And of course protein and stuff. Like I said I have my diet in check, if you guys can please just recommend supplements. I'm telling you guys that I eat clean, trust me on that. I use weight gainer, I use whey, I use calcium caseinate, I use egg protein.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by superminiman
    Diet is straight, diet is straight, and my diet is straight. I'm asking about supplements. I'm on Creatine, I'm on ZMA, I'm on Chromium. I take Creatine monohydrate (5g), glutamine (5G), and 75 grams/dextrose immediately after workout. And of course protein and stuff. Like I said I have my diet in check, if you guys can please just recommend supplements. I'm telling you guys that I eat clean, trust me on that. I use weight gainer, I use whey, I use calcium caseinate, I use egg protein.
    haha ok we get it your diet is straight!

    one suggestion on the creatine...maybe try and switch to a Creatine Ethyl Ester such as BSN Cellmass or ***** Sports Cre-Ethyl Thunder

    Now a couple supplements that i would reccomend to help with workout intensifiction/focus (they're not really much anabolic wise but crazy focus energy can lead to putting up more weight/reps--you get the idea):

    VPX NO Shotgun-its got bcaa ethyl ester, creatine ethyl ester, arginine ethyl ester, glutamine ehtyl ester + their redline energy blend...The pumps I get on this stuff are ridiculuous and the redline part really helps me to keep focused at the gym

    Ergopharm amp-Not an NO supplement like no shotgun but just a straight focus/energy supplement. No other supplement Ive tried has given me the focus and energy that amp has (for preworkout supps ive tried no-shotgun, superpump, and no explode). It should be noted however the ingredient that makes amp so damn great (geranamine) is basically an amphetamine and I read earlier that you were looking into strongman competitions? i'm not sure how geranamine would fare w/ drug tests

    those are the 2 supps that Ive had the best results with...hope that helps!

  22. #22
    Thanks Tank, I appreciate the help.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    one supplement I would suggest is Dymatize Liquid Aminos... drink 4 tablespoons before bed and it's 0 carbs 23g protein very good too. I've seen a noticable decrease in recovery time and increased strength from that alone. ALSO, it makes me sleep really deep and have amazing, vivid dreams! you should try it

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