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    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2006

    had to stop some of my suppliments, advice please??

    i recently cut out my whey protien, BCAA's and LARginine. im going through a mess right now with my "lovely" daughters mother and had to hire a lawyer so money is very very tight and trying to cut back on things. its been about a month or so since ive been off these things and i defonitly notice a difference in my strengh and i have defonitly lost some size and its really p*ssing me off!

    i currently still take a multi, vit C and E, calcium and zinc before bed, i know protien is important but other then that if i was able to afford to keep up with one suppliment should i start the BCAA or LArginine again or somthing different like a certain kind of creatine or somthing??

    im 25, 5'10, 200lbs, my goals are to keep my strengh and endurance up and try to keep adding mass.

    to sum it all up, what is some advice for a guy on a tight budget?

    ive read a few posts on here and it seems people are liking the ON whey protein by optinum nutrition? i have a real hard time with the taste of protein powders, 1. is this stuff cost effective and where is a good place to get it cheap from? 2. does it taste and good and can u recomend a flavor if i decide to try this? i also read that this product has 5 grams of BCAA's and some glutamine in every serving so in thinking for my situation this might be a good product for me to use?

    one last thing, sorry to lump so many questions into one post but i do also have some creatine from GNC left over from a while ago, theres at least 100servings left in the thing, does creatine go bad? the exp date i believe is in 07 but its really hard to read so im not sure and also it has been opened for at least a year if not longer. i stopped using it a while back when i was cutting and then never started it again so its just been sitting around. im thinking of using this if its ok and not old and trying the on whey? any advice or answers to these questions is appreciated, thanks
    Last edited by JuliasDad; 10-08-2006 at 12:05 AM.

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