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  1. #1
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Why pct with Superdrol

    I have been shoping around for superdrol and found Oxodrol which has the same chemical 2a-17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one.

    In all the supplement websites they say that SD has virtually no ability to be aromatized into estrogen. So why do pct?

    Sorry if it’s a stupid question but I’m a noob that wants to be full researched and familiar with a drug before I put it in my body. Plus I am a little slow


  2. #2
    305GUY's Avatar
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    because SD shuts you down (some more than others)

  3. #3
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    because SD shuts you down (some more than others)

    Shuts what down? Your natty test production?

  4. #4
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    pct is used to restore your natural testosterone production. if superdrol cannot convert to estrogen, that means you will not have as much use for ancilleries such as aromasin , arimidex (AI's), or nolvadex . so estrogen blocking supplements would not be required. but thats based on what you said, (SD doesn't convert to estro). i don't know SD back to front, but its the concept which matters.

    pct should still be used. and i'm probably talking crazy, but i think i remember readin a post by a guy on here saying somethin about gyno and SD. but i can't remember 100%, too lazy to search.

  5. #5
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Using Nolva for pct after a superdrol/pp cycle has been known to cause gyno issues.

  6. #6
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Shuts what down? Your natty test production?
    yes.. and as crash stated no need to run any ancillaries during cycle but you wanna run a light pct to get everything back to normal.

  7. #7
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes yyou need pct, SD is still a steroid and does shut u down. shut me down HARD and i was stupid and never ran pct (didnt know i was supposed to) and it took a LONG time to recover fully. personally i hated the product, made me lethargic as hell didnt wanna do anything, killed my appetite i couldnt eat hardly at all, and dry skin was horrible! my lips split, my nose, my back everything was so dry and chafed i hated it, worst cycle of anything i've ever ran. not to mention i think it may convert to estrogen because i held water for a while with it...which is odd seeing as how i had dry skin? not sure how it works but learn from my mistake definately run pct cuz i lost all and more when i came off

  8. #8
    RydersWanted's Avatar
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    Where can I get some PCT?

  9. #9
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    click pct

  10. #10
    ITALIANMAN is offline Junior Member
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    sd shut me down hard i used clomid took a bit but i rebounded....

  11. #11
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    click pct
    I read almost about every review out there on pct. But I don't get it why they refer to Clomiphene citrate as pct? why is Clomiphene citrate abbreviated as pct? Can someone answer this question. And by the way is it oral or injectable. I clicked the pct link and it say the stuff influence the production testestrone but it also say it is an estrogen. Anyway assuming I would like to use it to rejuvenate testestrone, how many week do I have to take it, and what regime to see some significant result?

  12. #12
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    I read almost about every review out there on pct. But I don't get it why they refer to Clomiphene citrate as pct? why is Clomiphene citrate abbreviated as pct? Can someone answer this question. And by the way is it oral or injectable. I clicked the pct link and it say the stuff influence the production testestrone but it also say it is an estrogen. Anyway assuming I would like to use it to rejuvenate testestrone, how many week do I have to take it, and what regime to see some significant result?
    clomiphene citrate is not really abbreviated as pct...pct stands for post cycle therapy and there are a number of things one could take--clomid, nolva, aromasin etc. Stuff used for post cycle therapy falls under 2 categories: SERM (Selective estrogen receptor modulatar) and AI (Aromatise Inhibitor). They work via their own seperate mechanisms...if you want to learn more about what exactly they do go to the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) forum and read all the stickies and some threads.

    As far as dosing protocols go w/ clomid i ran mine for 4 weeks: Weeks 1 and 2:105mg/day Weeks3 and 4: 70mg/day

    The stuff is oral and comes w/ an oral syringe used to measure the stuff out...then you just squirt it into your mouth.

  13. #13
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    clomiphene citrate is not really abbreviated as pct...pct stands for post cycle therapy and there are a number of things one could take--clomid, nolva, aromasin etc. Stuff used for post cycle therapy falls under 2 categories: SERM (Selective estrogen receptor modulatar) and AI (Aromatise Inhibitor). They work via their own seperate mechanisms...if you want to learn more about what exactly they do go to the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) forum and read all the stickies and some threads.

    As far as dosing protocols go w/ clomid i ran mine for 4 weeks: Weeks 1 and 2:105mg/day Weeks3 and 4: 70mg/day

    The stuff is oral and comes w/ an oral syringe used to measure the stuff out...then you just squirt it into your mouth.

    Million thanks for your insightful feedback. I will check the forum u suggested. Good luck to you

  14. #14
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    Million thanks for your insightful feedback. I will check the forum u suggested. Good luck to you
    not a problem bro!

  15. #15
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Ok correct me if I'm on the same page with most of u here; back in the old days there was no such thing as pct, right? Pct came to existence when anabolic abuse gotten worst and its side-effects was constantly on the news, then the pct concept was introduced to caution or suppress bad effects of roid to bodybuilders and athletes, right? I have been reading several post on pct on that forum, and it seems everyone there is drawing their conclusion. I had a hard time figuring who is an expert untill I start inconsidering those with poor grammer. But first what I would like to know furthermore is whether pct is recommended after, during, or before cycle assuming you're on a real gear not some fake shit?? Secondly, I came across interesting voacbularies like aromatization, and gyno. what are these two words mean?


  16. #16
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    Ok correct me if I'm on the same page with most of u here; back in the old days there was no such thing as pct, right? Pct came to existence when anabolic abuse gotten worst and its side-effects was constantly on the news, then the pct concept was introduced to caution or suppress bad effects of roid to bodybuilders and athletes, right? I have been reading several post on pct on that forum, and it seems everyone there is drawing their conclusion. I had a hard time figuring who is an expert untill I start inconsidering those with poor grammer. But first what I would like to know furthermore is whether pct is recommended after, during, or before cycle assuming you're on a real gear not some fake shit?? Secondly, I came across interesting voacbularies like aromatization, and gyno. what are these two words mean?

    Im not too sure if "back in the old days" there was no pct

    PCT is reccommended after a cycle-hence post cycle therapy

    Aromatization is a process where your body converts testosterone into estrogen, and gyno (bitch tits) is a side effect of aromatization

  17. #17
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    Im not too sure if "back in the old days" there was no pct

    PCT is reccommended after a cycle-hence post cycle therapy

    Aromatization is a process where your body converts testosterone into estrogen, and gyno (bitch tits) is a side effect of aromatization

    Thanks once again, Upstate !!

    If there were ten individuals like u in this fora, a lot of people could have been better informed .

    Anyway from your defination above, aromatization must be suppressed by any means necessary durring post cycle. I got it now.

    And it really makes a lot of sense Cause over the years I have seen muscular fellows, I mean really big guys were act girlie and dressing like a sissy, more-or-less like a a gay dudes. Not that I hold any grudges against gay individuals, but I think that could be due to over aromitization phase in their post cycle circulatory system if you will.
    Good luck to you pal, I gotta do some other readings...

  18. #18
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    Thanks once again, Upstate !!

    If there were ten individuals like u in this fora, a lot of people could have been better informed .

    Anyway from your defination above, aromatization must be suppressed by any means necessary durring post cycle. I got it now.

    And it really makes a lot of sense Cause over the years I have seen muscular fellows, I mean really big guys were act girlie and dressing like a sissy, more-or-less like a a gay dudes. Not that I hold any grudges against gay individuals, but I think that could be due to over aromitization phase in their post cycle circulatory system if you will.
    Good luck to you pal, I gotta do some other readings...
    haha not a problem bro...good luck!

  19. #19
    cuse140's Avatar
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    Superdrol and the clones have been linked to delayed gyno. I ran my first cycle with no pct. I just assumed i wouldn't need it due to it's non- aromitization. About 6 weeks after my cycle ended, i noticed one nipple getting itchy, and puffy. I used letro to stop the gyno from getting worse. With my second cycle of superdol i ran it with letro .25 ed just to be safe, and used arimidex for pct. Recovered quickly and kept much more of my gains than the first cycle.

  20. #20
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    haha not a problem bro...good luck!

    I got another silly question, you know I'm still unfamilier with some of the roid jargons folks applied around here. What the heck is a test? what does it mean to do a test? what is the difference between a test and a cycle? I appreciate ur ffeedback !!

  21. #21
    brutesinme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    Thanks once again, Upstate !!

    If there were ten individuals like u in this fora, a lot of people could have been better informed .

    Anyway from your defination above, aromatization must be suppressed by any means necessary durring post cycle. I got it now.

    And it really makes a lot of sense Cause over the years I have seen muscular fellows, I mean really big guys were act girlie and dressing like a sissy, more-or-less like a a gay dudes. Not that I hold any grudges against gay individuals, but I think that could be due to over aromitization phase in their post cycle circulatory system if you will.
    Good luck to you pal, I gotta do some other readings...
    You don't quite get it yet. Aromatization is the converstion of excess testosterone into estrogen. This is happening all the time in your body. When you inject yourself with more test (test is short for testosterone by the way) your body converts more to estrogen. One of the effects of increasing estrogen levels in men is gynocomastia, or bitch tits. Another is holding water.
    PCT is a drug protocol to increase an individuals testosterone production after it has been shut down by the consumption of exogenous test or test analouges. All steroids are test analogues. Various drugs have been used to this purpose. Clomid is a popular one.
    So the time that it is most crucial for aromatization to be inhibited is during cycle, post cycle your prime concern is increasing testosterone. hope this helps

  22. #22
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    You don't quite get it yet. Aromatization is the converstion of excess testosterone into estrogen. This is happening all the time in your body. When you inject yourself with more test (test is short for testosterone by the way) your body converts more to estrogen. One of the effects of increasing estrogen levels in men is gynocomastia, or bitch tits. Another is holding water.
    PCT is a drug protocol to increase an individuals testosterone production after it has been shut down by the consumption of exogenous test or test analouges. All steroids are test analogues. Various drugs have been used to this purpose. Clomid is a popular one.
    So the time that it is most crucial for aromatization to be inhibited is during cycle, post cycle your prime concern is increasing testosterone. hope this helps
    great post!

  23. #23
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    . When you inject yourself with more test (test is short for testosterone by the way) your body converts more to estrogen. One of the effects of increasing estrogen levels in men is gynocomastia, or bitch tits.
    and excess estrogen in the body is what turns bbers like you to act girlie

  24. #24
    Giants11's Avatar
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    Not really, excess estrogen can be beneficial in many ways...
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  25. #25
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giants11
    Not really, excess estrogen can be beneficial in many ways...
    That's true to some extend because too much testostrone in the blood system can get u aggressively mad with people for no reason.

  26. #26
    brutesinme's Avatar
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    You gotta take that link down man, read the rules pm a mod/vet for a source check

  27. #27
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brutesinme
    You gotta take that link down man, read the rules pm a mod/vet for a source check
    dude, relax damn it. I'm not trying to raise hell here ok. I just want to be well informed, damn it.

  28. #28
    Giants11's Avatar
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    You better read the fvcking rules bro...
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  29. #29
    Giants11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader05
    That's true to some extend because too much testostrone in the blood system can get u aggressively mad with people for no reason.

    I hope you are joking....
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  30. #30
    Leader05's Avatar
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    relax that link is already deleted, thanx to brutesinhim !!!

  31. #31
    Leader05's Avatar
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    Take it easy fellows

  32. #32
    Giants11's Avatar
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    Stop telling people to relax and read the rules.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

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