Might wanna read this:
Might wanna read this:
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
thats no good![]()
IgA nephropathy is a kidney disorder caused by deposits of the protein immunoglobulin A (IgA) inside the glomeruli (filters) within the kidney. These glomeruli (the singular form is glomerulus) normally filter wastes and excess water from the blood and send them to the bladder as urine. The IgA protein prevents this filtering process, leading to blood and protein in the urine and swelling in the hands and feet. This chronic kidney disease may progress over a period of 10 to 20 years. If this disorder leads to end-stage renal disease, the patient must go on dialysis or receive a kidney transplant.
guess m1t it is![]()
haha yeaaa buddy!Originally Posted by embalmer
so superdrol is no good and a waste of money?
lol, isnt that with all OTC supps?
am i gonna die on SD? or have kidney problems now, and in future?
Even when ran properly?
Might as well do a Dbol cycle.
Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 10-28-2006 at 01:30 AM.
Ive noticed alot of these "OTC" over the counter supplements can do alot of damage to unsepsecting teens and others...(given teens are the target demographic for such items) i still remember the hysteria andro and creatine caused a few years back. Anywho long story short...just bcse something is OTC dosent make it safe.
o shit
Better off using the real stuff I guess.
oh well i sure like it a week in.
All steroids have possible side effects and health risks
Originally Posted by king6
Bro, the "real stuff" has all kinds of health risks to...
details please. cycle lenght, dosage, etc.
all i have access to is the stinky abstact. for all we could know this person may have downed half a dozen SD tabs a day for 3 months.
Its a toxic oral, and has to be used in certain perameters.
need more info.
Yeah Giantz, was this just 1 case? And was it used properly with all supps and such? If you know at all?
Cuz I still have 1 cycle of SD left, and now Im second guessing it. But if that was just 1 case with some stupid teenager who took like 80mg ED. lol.
So yeah, if you have any more info, greatly appreciated.
i agree i know a guy who ran 30mg of sd and pp.I dont know how he didnt burn out of his skin on that much.dosage and supss have a lot to do with the side effects.
wow steroids can cause damage? no way!
Good point. I am curious about the studies population, history of aas/prohorm use etc, etc. Abstracts never provide much info. I am to cheapOriginally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
to purchase such an article. I am still debating what to do with my sd in the freezer. Maybe a 3 wk cycle.
Take that cycle of sd, man up, take ur supps and watch the gains come in.lolOriginally Posted by sock
Originally Posted by notorious_mem
lol easy for you to say, seeing how your not gonna be the one getting IgA nephropathy. lol jk.
But really, I would like to try to find out more.
Like was the guy ODing? Not taking any supps with it? Just 1 case?
Im looking into it, and cant find mcuh of anything on it.
So, Giantz, or whoever, help us out with some of that knowledge.![]()
well since im not cheap like the rest of you bastards,(jk) im gonna buy the fvckin article or sign up for a membership whatever. This is an important article, not to mention my brother is gonna be on the stuff soon and i dont wanna see his kidneys explode.Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
Persoanlly im gonna guess the person in the article had taken for too long, or had some kinda kidny issue beforehand, but we will soon find out. I most likely wont get to this till friday, but i will post my findings.
At my work we have access to a multidude of scientific journals. I am going to run a search to see if I can access it. I will let you know (I am cheap a bastard!Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
Fella's all AAS are dangerous. But this is showing that SD is very very harsh.
So make sure to be very careful.
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
Originally Posted by Giants11
This is true.
I wonder if throwing in some Kidney Cleanse or something as a supp would help out.
Doubful, there is a lot of research regarding AAS. In terms of what is used in the medical community.
Nothing that I know of that is illegal (e.g. Dianabol, Anadrol) causes such side effects regarding ones kidneys.
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
i have taken 2 cycles of SD about 8 months apart with good results....plenty of water and cranbury juice throughout the day and the normal supporting supplements throughout the cycle and pct ( niacin, milk thistle, fish oil, hawthorne berry)
although everybody will react different to the same compound, i am curious to see the dosing in this situation, and what supporting supplements and diet were being used.
you obviously have your diet in check too b/c you're jackked in your avvyOriginally Posted by -DedicateD-
stop hitting on him upstate... that's the third one this week![]()
Originally Posted by UpstateTank
lol, or it could just be the needle in his butt.
I wuve you upstate!
Good results backed by good blood work from your Doc?Originally Posted by -DedicateD-
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
Originally Posted by -DedicateD-
Just curious, why the cranberry juice?
Assuming for Kidney protection.
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
Originally Posted by Giants11
Is this answering my cranberry question?
Originally Posted by embalmer
Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
Last edited by UpstateTank; 11-01-2006 at 11:22 AM.
Yes.Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
Originally Posted by Giants11
Thank You Kind Sir
cranberry juice......weird. my older brother(not the potential SD user, the lazy one that doesnt work out), just bought a big jug of cranberry juice the other day, and also cranberry EXTRACT. I was like "whats with all the cranberry stuff dude?", hes like "Uh, well cranberry is good for you or somethin", i was like "ok......"
hes kinda in a pseudo health kick right now. He keeps bringing back organic stuff home from the food store. I told him to not blow dough on cranberry stuff as i never heard of anything about it. Im gonna look it up now. Maybe he should give it to my younger bro,lol.
weird though....maybe its a sign......hmmmm
Cholestatic Jaundice and IgA Nephropathy Induced by OTC Muscle Building Agent Superdrol
Beata Jasiurkowski, M.D.1, Jaya Raj, M.D.1, David Wisinger, M.D.1, Richard Carlson, M.D.1, Lixian Zou, M.D.1, and A**ul Nadir, M.D.1
Over the counter (OTC) medicines are commonly used in the United States despite a lack of scientific evidence for clinical utility and toxicity associated with their use. A case of jaundice and IgA nephropathy as a consequence of use of a muscle enhancing OTC supplement that was advertised as innocuous with no hormonal activity is described. IgA nephropathy has not been described previously in association with the use of testosterone. The case highlights that, besides adulteration, the misrepresentation of chemicals present in OTC medications and supplements can create confusion and a false sense of security with their use.
(Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101:2659–2662)
Various renal disorders including glomerulonephritis, cryoglobulinemia, polyarteritis nodosa, renal tubular acidosis, interstitial nephritis, renal papillary necrosis, nephrotic syndrome, acute tubular necrosis, and IgA nephropathy have been described in association with a variety of liver disorders (1). Specifically, IgA nephropathy has been reported in patients with alcoholic, viral, autoimmune, and α1-antitrypsin related liver diseases (2). The use of testosterone has been reported to produce cholestatic jaundice that spontaneously resolves within a few weeks of its onset (3). Herein is reported a case of jaundice and IgA nephropathy in an individual who was using a muscle enhancing OTC supplement that was advertised as having no hormonal ingredients.
A 23-yr-old Hispanic male bodybuilder without any known past medical history presented at the Maricopa Medical Center (MMC) with a 2-wk complaint of nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, jaundice, RUQ a**ominal pain, pale stools, dark urine, and itching. Two months before the onset of his clinical symptoms, he had started using an OTC nutritional supplement for bodybuilders named anabolic extreme (superdrol) having methasteron as its active ingredient. He consumed 72 10-mg pills of superdrol, starting at one tablet daily for 2 wk followed by two tablets daily. He did not exceed the maximal suggested dose of 126 pills (10 mg each) that was recommended over a 6-wk period. He stopped using superdrol with the onset of diffuse skin itching. He did not report any history of alcohol, recreational drugs, or tobacco use. There was no family history of liver disease. He did not have any drug allergies.
On physical examination, his vital signs were stable. He was deeply icteric with several scratch marks noted throughout the trunk and lower extremities. He was overweight with a BMI of 28. The a**omen was slightly tender in the right upper quadrant with no evidence of ascites, hepatosplen*****ly, or a Murphy's sign.
At presentation, labs revealed a total bilirubin of 36.2 g/dL, an AST of 57 U/L, ALT of 93 U/L, alkaline phosphatase of 224 U/L, total protein of 9.1 g/dL (6.3–8.2), and IgG of 669 mg/dL (751—1,560). The hepatitis viral antibodies including HAV-IgM, HB core-IgM, HBS-AG, HBV core-AB IgG, HIV-1 AB, HDV-AG as well as HCV-RNA, and HBV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction were negative. The ceruloplasmin was 76 mg/dL. Smooth muscle, antinuclear, myeloperoxidase, and LKM antibodies were negative. Alpha-fetoprotein was normal. A hepatitis A IgG-AB was positive. A 24-h urinary copper was 166 μg/dL. A urinalysis did not reveal proteinuria or hematuria. The rest of his lab reports are summarized in Table.
The patient was hospitalized for one day and discharged on oral ursodeoxycholic acid at 600 mg twice daily and hydroxyzine at 25 mg three times daily to be used as needed for pruritus. Two weeks later, he presented to the hospital because of vomiting and unrelenting skin itching. He was hypertensive with a blood pressure of 189/86 mmHg, and the use of metoprolol at a dose of 50 mg twice daily normalized his blood pressure.
A liver biopsy showed features of marked intrahepatic cholestasis, mild portal inflammation consisting predominantly of lymphocytes, foci of lobular inflammation with balloon degeneration, mild Kupffer cell iron deposition and pericellular fibrosis. There was no evidence of granulomas, peliosis, hepatic rosettes, portal fibrosis, or bile duct injury (Fig. 1). The hepatic iron index was 1.19. An a**ominal ultrasound showed mild liver enlargement at 18 cm. The gallbladder and bile duct were normal. The kidneys were slightly echogenic. The CT scan of the a**omen with IV and oral contrast did not show any liver lesion, ascites, or biliary obstruction. A kidney biopsy showed interstitial edema containing a mild lymphohistiocytic infiltrate with numerous esoinophils. An immunofluoresecence stain showed diffuse granular mesangial staining for IgA (2+) (Fig. 2). After 1 wk of hospitalization, the patient was discharged and readmitted 4 days later because of rectal bleeding and a hemoglobin level of 7.9 gm/dL with an MCV of 89 fL. The upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopies did not reveal any varices. After receiving 2 units of packed red blood cells, his hemoglobin increased to 9.4 g/dL and he was discharged home. Two wk later, he followed up in the outpatient clinic, feeling better without any itching and near-normalization of his lab reports including both kidney and liver function.
Anabolic extreme is a nutritional OTC supplement manufactured for bodybuilders by Befit Health & Fitness (BHF). It is a conglomerate of eight products including superdrol and is available OTC as well as on the Internet. All products are advertised to have varied affects on enhancing muscle strength. Anabolic extreme-superdrol, which was self-administered by the reported patient, has an active ingredient methasteron. This product is advertised on the Internet as "definitely not a pro-hormone … it is a very active form of a designer supplement that is also highly anabolic … It will give you dramatic and immediate gain in size and strength, significantly improve endurance and has zero estrogen conversion" (4). There is no mention of side effects associated with superdrol either on the bottle label or on the Internet. The chemical structure of superdrol, however, resembles 17α-alkylated anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) such as methyltestosterone (Fig. 3). Based on telephone contact and Internet search, no reports of anabolic extreme induced toxicity could be found reported to the FDA.
Despite numerous reports of toxicity and a lack of scientific evidence for therapeutic efficacy of natural remedies, Americans spend more than $27 billion annually on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) (5). Individuals who seek CAM are either frustrated with traditional medicine or believe that CAM is innocuous and experiment with such agents in order to find out if they are right for them (6). In order to achieve a particular body image, professionals and amateurs both have been widely reported to use AAS through the black market, health clubs, or Internet (7).
AAS are derivatives of testosterone that can impair hepatic excretory functions by interfering with both the bile salt-dependent and bile salt-independent bile flow. Although AAS with predominant anabolic or androgenic affects have been described, there is an overlap between various activities of AAS (7). The hepatotoxicity of AAS typically manifests as cholestatic jaundice, although a predominant hepatocellular toxicity (3) and peliosis hepatic have been also published (8). Liver biopsy features of AAS-associated jaundice typically show a normal hepatic parenchyma and marked intrahepatic cholestasis as seen in the described patient. Occasionally, mild hepatic parenchymal injury with sinusoidal acidophilic bodies and small foci of necrosis are also noted. The prognosis for complete recovery from AAS-induced jaundice is excellent for anicteric patients and hepatic function promptly returns to normal on cessation of the drug. The resolution of jaundice occurs in icteric patients as well although it can take up to several months (9–11).
Because of ongoing worsening of renal function that did not correct with intravenous hydration, the reported patient underwent a kidney biopsy that showed IgA nephropathy and interstitial nephritis. On a Medline search, no reports of testosterone-induced intersitital nephritis or IgA nephropathy were found. IgA nephropathy is a kidney disorder characterized by a predominant IgA deposition in the glomerular mesangium. Interestingly, IgA nephropathy has been associated with many liver diseases including alcoholic liver disease, viral hepatitis A, B, and C, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, autoimmune hepatitis, Alagille syndrome, as well as liver cirrhosis (2, 12, 13). Other causes of IgA mesangial deposits include familial, HIV infection, and gluten entheropathy (14).
The reported patient was not rechallenged with superdrol because it could not be ethically justified. Although, the occurrence of IgA nephropathy with the use of superdrol may be purely coincidental, the temporal association of the onset of jaundice and IgA nephropathy with the consumption of superdrol implies that the association is more than casual. Because there have been no reports of renal toxicity associated with the use of testosterone, we speculate that IgA nephropathy most likely occurred secondary to hepatic dysfunction and resultant hypergammglobulinemia induced by superdrol. The reported patient presents a unique case of severe intrahepatic cholestasis with a peak bilirubin level of 42 mg/dL and renal failure related to IgA nephropathy and acute interstitial nephritis that occurred as a consequence of an OTC bodybuilding supplement. The case highlights that because of a lack of governmental control in the manufacture, distribution, and advertisement of OTC medications, misrepresentation of ingredients present in such remedies is possible and policies for regulation of OTC/CAM must be reviewed.
1. Wong F. Liver and kidney diseases. Clin Liver Dis 2002;6:981–1011.
2. Endo Y, Kanbayashi H. Etiology of IgA nephropathy syndrome. Pathol Int 1994;44:1–13.
3. Stimac D, Milic S, Dintinjana RD, et al. Androgenic/anabolic steroid-induced toxic hepatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol 2002;35:350–2.
4. http://www.befit.ca/superdrol.html.
5. Carey B. When trust in doctors erodes, other treatment fill the void. N Y Times 2006;53,479:A1 and A20.
6. Caspi O, Koithan M, Criddle MW. Alternative medicine or "alternative" patients: A qualitative study of patient-oriented decision-making processes with respect to complementary and alternative medicine. Med Decis Making 2004;24:64–79.
7. Maravelias C, Dona A, Stefanidou M, et al. Adverse effects of anabolic steroids in athletes. A constant threat. Toxicol Lett 2005;158:167–75.
8. Kuhbock J, Radaszkiewicz T, Walek H. [Peliosis hepatis, complicating treatment with anabolic steroids (author's transl)]. Med Klin 1975;70:1602–7.
9. Hepatic effects of 17 alpha-alkylated anaboli-androgenic steroids. HIV Hotline 1998;8:2–5.
10. Ishak KG, Zimmerman HJ. Hepatotoxic effects of the anabolic/androgenic steroids. Semin Liver Dis 1987;7:230–6.
11. Gurakar A, Caraceni P, Fagiuoli S, et al. Androgenic/anabolic steroid-induced intrahepatic cholestasis: A review with four additional case reports. J Okla State Med Assoc 1994;87:399–404.
12. Os I, Skjorten F, Svalander C, et al. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency associated with hepatic cirrhosis and IgA nephritis. Nephron 1997;77:235–7.
13. Gilboa N, Hopp L, Agostini RM. IgA nephritis in a patient with Alagille syndrome and a transplanted liver. Pediatr Nephrol 1992;6:559–61.
14. Brake MSD, Sondheimer J, Talavera Schmidt R. IgA nephropathy. http://wwwemedicinecom/MED/topic886 2004.
ok, u each oh me 5$
wonder if it was contaminated?
what to make of this ?well, it looks like the subject was kinda fat. maybe that was part of it. fat ppl always have kidney issues. goin on roids is kinda like havin surgery. You shouldnt do it if you are really fat.
as far as the rectal bleeding, that was very strange but throeretically increased hemocrit and rbc count could make you blow a hemmoroid easier.
it looks like the liver was normalized from what they said. however it is not clear if his kidneys ever normalized. they said they didnt improve with intravenous hydration, but they did not follow up. But by Devils deity's post this read
"Kidney disease usually cannot be cured. Once the tiny filtering units are damaged, they cannot be repaired. Treatment focuses on slowing the progression of the disease and preventing complications. One complication is high blood pressure, which further damages glomeruli. A class of medicines called ACE inhibitors protects kidney function not only by lowering blood pressure but also by reducing the loss of protein into the urine."
this was iga nephropathy they were talkin about. So basically it sounds like it could reeally fvck you. Not good. Not good at all.
I have 5 bottles of the shiit at home. I really wanted to see what it could do, but, now it looks like its not worth it. Heck, it might clog your filters even on a minute level, and then over time catch up with you. You might never have symtoms till your 50. If the damage is real small theoretically you may not have symptoms.....yet.
Notice how they said no studies on testosterone caused the kidney crap? "IgA nephropathy has not been described previously in association with the use of testosterone. " This just reaffirms my belief that good old fashioned straight testosterone is one of the safest and more predictable and controlable compounds there is. Overall, you cant really beat it. These new hybrid hormones, theres just no telling whats goin on. Just when you think you know enough, boom, somethin happens. It looks like SD is out for me. Disapointing really, but.
Oh well, i still got 2 bottles of MAX lmg! Im interested to see what that can do also. Fortunetly its not a c17.
Let us all thank Giant for bringing this to our attention and saving our kidneys.
Thanks buddy.
Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 11-01-2006 at 09:28 PM.
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