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Thread: Endurox R4

  1. #1
    mdhayes2001's Avatar
    mdhayes2001 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2003

    Endurox R4

    I've been taking Endurox recently to helop me recover from seems to work pretty good for me so far. I just wanted some opinions from you guys on what you think about the product. It's made with a 4:1 Carb to protein ratio which from what I understand is a must for faster recovery and in rebuilding muscle. Endurox has a few other products and I am thinking about trying them out in conjunction with R4. I'm just looking for some opinions.

  2. #2
    middistane is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Endurox is essentially a 4:1 carb to protein ratio plus a multivitamin. The same company which makes Endurox makes Accelerade, which is watered down Endurox. Endurox is good for recovery, but is really nothing special (and is made more for endurance athletes).

    Also, if you want Accelerade (or another drink to be used durning workouts), just mix the Endurox powder with 3-4x more water than usual...and VOILA!

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