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  1. #1
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Methyl masterdrol update

    I just rounded out week 3 of MM, I've been taking milk thistle with it, and I have gained a solid 15 lbs. My arms, and traps exploded, good gains in shoulders and back also. Not so much in the chest, ( I think I need to fix my form, but thats a whole other story). This stuff really worked good. I have one more week, then I'm done. I'll post up with the final results in a week.

  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    what else are u taking for support supps? and what are you doin for pct?

  3. #3
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    I take fish oil and a multi from GNC. For PCT I was gonna take this anti aromatose, but found out that wasnt enough, so I'm gonna take clomid. Should i take them both, or just the clomid?

  4. #4
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    One thing to add, I do feel a little bloated, feels like my stomach is full, but I'll still be hungry.

  5. #5
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    I take fish oil and a multi from GNC. For PCT I was gonna take this anti aromatose, but found out that wasnt enough, so I'm gonna take clomid. Should i take them both, or just the clomid?
    wheres your support supps for cholesterol and blood pressure? you're not taking any ff naicin, hawthorne berry or red yeast rice???? you did not do any research...get those right away as to not fvck yourself up

    honestly you should have waited on this cycle cause its damn apparent you didnt do your research

    as far as pct goes...yes take the clomid...dont take ne otc just plain aint worth it...along w/ the clomid get some aromasin

  6. #6
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Checked b/p 2 days ago, it was normal. Gonna get labs drawn up after cycle to see if there is any change. I work in a clinic, so its free and easy. I think I'll be alright. I feel fine, everything seems normal. I know at least 10 people that are taking MM and have taken it at least once before, and they don't take anything other than MM, no support supp or anything, and they aren't dropping over dead. So, I'll wait till the labs get back before I go blow $100 on vitamins that I'll only take once, b/c i doubt I'll do a cycle of anything else.

  7. #7
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    Checked b/p 2 days ago, it was normal. Gonna get labs drawn up after cycle to see if there is any change. I work in a clinic, so its free and easy. I think I'll be alright. I feel fine, everything seems normal. I know at least 10 people that are taking MM and have taken it at least once before, and they don't take anything other than MM, no support supp or anything, and they aren't dropping over dead. So, I'll wait till the labs get back before I go blow $100 on vitamins that I'll only take once, b/c i doubt I'll do a cycle of anything else.
    not necessarily the smartest way to go about this imo...
    an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
    and sure you feel fine now..but theres basically zero research about long term god forbid if there is some long term effects ill "go blow $100" on vitamins to reduce my chances of screwing myself up

  8. #8
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    not necessarily the smartest way to go about this imo...
    an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
    and sure you feel fine now..but theres basically zero research about long term god forbid if there is some long term effects ill "go blow $100" on vitamins to reduce my chances of screwing myself up


  9. #9
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    What he said makes sense, but I don't think its gonna make a difference if I go buy all those support supp tomorrow, b/c Thursday is that last day that im taking MM. So 3 days of support supp, I think, would be a waste of money.

  10. #10
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    For the aromasin , would that be nolvadex

  11. #11
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    For the aromasin, would that be nolvadex
    nope its sold as exemestane on ar-r .com

    just make sure you get some blood work done...and keep in mind for whenever your next cycle is to include these!

  12. #12
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    K, my clomid is on the way, I'll order that other stuff tomorrow. I dont know when my next cycle will be, too much to worry about. Although, I must say, this MM stuff has worked really well.

  13. #13
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    I've been reading up in the PCT section, and I see everyone saying take clomid and nolva together. Why not the exemestane? Whats the difference in that and nolva?

  14. #14
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    I've been reading up in the PCT section, and I see everyone saying take clomid and nolva together. Why not the exemestane? Whats the difference in that and nolva?
    cause nolva can cause gyno during pct for mm/sd...nolva stimulates the progesterone receptor and combined w/ mm/sd's progestenic properties it can possibly lead to gyno

    The difference between nolva and exemestane is nolva is a SERM, while esemestane is an AI. Basically clomid serves to stimulate natty test production and bind to the estrogen receptor while the exemestane serves the purpose of preventing aromatization (the biological process by which the body converts androgens to estrogen) **if im wrong on my statement someone correct me**

    Read up on all the stickies in the PCT forum...itll help explain it a lot better!

  15. #15
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    K, sounds good. Was curious on difference before I went and spent $85 on this stuff. On a side note, how much of these things should I take a day, and how often?

  16. #16
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    K, sounds good. Was curious on difference before I went and spent $85 on this stuff. On a side note, how much of these things should I take a day, and how often?
    elaborate...whadya mean?

  17. #17
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    I just received the clomid and was wondering how much I should take a day.

    just wondering why the packaging was so ghetto, and why does the bottle say not for human consumption?

  18. #18
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    105mg/day (3 full oral syringes worth) first 2 weeks, 70mg/day (2 full oral syringes worth) last 2 weeks

    and it says not for human consumption b/c its for research purposes only

  19. #19
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    K, thx. Doesnt look like there is 70mL in this bottle, but it says there is. Do i take all 3 syringes full at one time, or space it out through the day? So, I only take for 4 weeks correct, same amount of time i was on MM.

  20. #20
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone? extended MM for 2 days b/c i didnt want to take the clomid wrong. Need help b/c im out of MM

  21. #21
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    K, thx. Doesnt look like there is 70mL in this bottle, but it says there is. Do i take all 3 syringes full at one time, or space it out through the day? So, I only take for 4 weeks correct, same amount of time i was on MM.
    take it all at once...most preferably right before bedtime...and yes take it for 4 weeks

  22. #22
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Thx for the help

  23. #23
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    last question, the exemestane is on the way. I know its a couple days late, and i know that i should of had it lined up before I even took mm. With that being said, How do I take this stuff, as in how much and how often? It looks like a spray bottle, so Im guessing I spray it in the back of my throat.

    On a side note, that clomid cinnamon flavor taste horrible. Wouldnt be bad if it wasnt so strong.

  24. #24
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    last question, the exemestane is on the way. I know its a couple days late, and i know that i should of had it lined up before I even took mm. With that being said, How do I take this stuff, as in how much and how often? It looks like a spray bottle, so Im guessing I spray it in the back of my throat.

    On a side note, that clomid cinnamon flavor taste horrible. Wouldnt be bad if it wasnt so strong.
    just use the same syringe as you do w/ your clomid...25mg/day for 4 weeks

  25. #25
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Just got it in today. Gonna start using it at night with the clomid. Does it matter if I take them both, then down a shake right before bed?

  26. #26
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    Just got it in today. Gonna start using it at night with the clomid. Does it matter if I take them both, then down a shake right before bed?
    Taking em both at the same time wont matter...Not too sure about the shake thing though, I would imagine it wouldnt matter but dont quote me on it.

  27. #27
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Just to make sure im doing this right. Im at the end of week two, so its 2 full syringes of clomi, and you said 25mg of exemest, how much is that in ml, which is what the syringe is in?

  28. #28
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnc995
    Just to make sure im doing this right. Im at the end of week two, so its 2 full syringes of clomi, and you said 25mg of exemest, how much is that in ml, which is what the syringe is in?
    aromasin is 25mg/ml....a full syringe is 1ml...need a calculator??

  29. #29
    jnc995 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, so its 2 full syringes of clomi and one of exemest. Think its bad that I only started out taking .3 for the first week b/c I didnt understand the ml/mg thing?

  30. #30
    hawktribal's Avatar
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    i think it's bad you did a cycle in the first place. you obviously had no idea what you were doing when you started. i'm not flaming, i'm just asking you to be more careful. i don't want to see you fvck yourself up. i'd get bloodwork done asap

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