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Thread: andro-100 by bodyonics does this cause more body hair?

  1. #1

    andro-100 by bodyonics does this cause more body hair?

    i was wondering if andros will give me more body hair? i surely dont want that. and are they any good b/c i cant get some real steriods. and i heard they only make your test levels go up for a few hrs so how would that help me bulk up? also do they give u a energy rush somewhat like roids? anyhelp would be greatly appreaciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Well my fine feathered friend, any type of ando whether it be AS or Pro Hormones put more testosterone in your body. If you are a hairy person, it can cause hair growth or even hair loss for some. Just depends on the person. But if you are hairy like me, then yes, it will make you grow hair faster and maybe in some places you don't want.

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