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  1. #1
    violator1's Avatar
    violator1 is offline Associate Member
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    superdrol vs. oxodrol

    got a question everyone. if i had a bottle of superdrol and a bottle of oxodrol, which would be better to run? I mean SD is 10 mgs. of active compound per capsule with no other ingredients listed. the Oxodrol is 12 mgs. of active compound per cap with 300 mgs of the other enzyme blockers. why are the Oxodrol caps about the same size as the SD caps? Don't wanna be burned by a company selling fake compounds. another thing is that my last SD cycle wasnt as responsive as my first. Does this mean i should ramp up the dose a little? thanks alot everyone

  2. #2
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    have you thought about trying phera plex?

  3. #3
    violator1's Avatar
    violator1 is offline Associate Member
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    never thought about it. was more or less a die hard SD fan well at least since i couldnt find real gear.....

  4. #4
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by violator1
    got a question everyone. if i had a bottle of superdrol and a bottle of oxodrol, which would be better to run? I mean SD is 10 mgs. of active compound per capsule with no other ingredients listed. the Oxodrol is 12 mgs. of active compound per cap with 300 mgs of the other enzyme blockers. why are the Oxodrol caps about the same size as the SD caps? Don't wanna be burned by a company selling fake compounds. another thing is that my last SD cycle wasnt as responsive as my first. Does this mean i should ramp up the dose a little? thanks alot everyone
    to answer your question 6 are one, half a dozen are the other...i.e. they're the same exact compound! Not sure what effect the "enzyme blockers" in the oxodrol would have on the stuff as a whole...more than likely very minimal. It all depends on whether you want the additional dosage the oxodrol has to offer. IMO more is not necessarily better when it comes to this steroid .

    To answer your question about why you werent as responsive w/ your last cycle as you were your first...that seems to be what happens with this stuff. The first cycle is always the best, and every proceeding cycle isnt as "good" as the first...kind of goes along w/ the law of diminishing returns

  5. #5
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    have you thought about trying phera plex?
    Is that still legal?

  6. #6
    violator1's Avatar
    violator1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    to answer your question 6 are one, half a dozen are the other...i.e. they're the same exact compound! Not sure what effect the "enzyme blockers" in the oxodrol would have on the stuff as a whole...more than likely very minimal. It all depends on whether you want the additional dosage the oxodrol has to offer. IMO more is not necessarily better when it comes to this steroid .

    To answer your question about why you werent as responsive w/ your last cycle as you were your first...that seems to be what happens with this stuff. The first cycle is always the best, and every proceeding cycle isnt as "good" as the first...kind of goes along w/ the law of diminishing returns
    do you think they could actually fit 300mgs of additional ingredients in the same size cap as the original 10 mg SD? or do you think they may be scamming people?

  7. #7
    nephilim666's Avatar
    nephilim666 is offline Associate Member
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    i dont think they could list somehting as an ingrediant and not have it in there, all the other stuff is i believe is liver support supps, and if im right they dont take up much space

  8. #8
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    there's no reason to run another SD cycle. try something else, PP might be something to consider but i still think you'll see gains similar at best to your second SD cycle. more is definitely not better with SD. a constant dose of 20 throughout was more effective then bumping to 30. so no, upping the dose will not give you great results. sell that SD for some CASH bro and get something else.

  9. #9
    rar1015's Avatar
    rar1015 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The cycles you do after your first most likely wont be like the first one. You can increase the dose for you second-third cycle but the most i would go up to is 30mgs ed otherwise you will most likely start to experience the negative side effects. Everyone's body reacts differently to this stuff. If it was me i would do it again but thats me.

  10. #10
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    Is that still legal?
    methyl-plex its the same compound.

  11. #11
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    lots of sd and pp questions again!

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