Day 7
i haven't updated in awhile been busy but i've been to the gym i took saturday thru monday off.
i didn't drink at all
didn't even feel like it tho
i had a real bad headache for a few days now and nothign takes it away, i am thinking it may be my sinus's since the weather has been cold/warm super rainy then dry.
the scale said friday that i weighed 200 2001ish so i lost 3 pounds and today i'm back to 204, i feel harder and bigger
no noticeable sex drive changes i wish tho. i seem to be able to get it up more often in a night tho lol
been doing a good amount of type 2 cardio haha aka sex
today was back and bi's but i didn't get to do bi's because for some reason towards the end of my back routine i got somewhat light headed and almost threw up so i called it quits
but i switched it up today and did some hammer strength machines today
1st one was a pull down type machine i did 3 sets
1st set of 6 (45lb)plates for 10 easy reps
2nd set 8 (45lb)plates for 11 reps
3rd set 10 (45lb)plates for 5 reps
definitly getting stronger!8 plates i used to be doing only maybe 6-8 reps
supersetted with low rows
3 sets of 2 45lb plates on each side 10 easy reps each time
next was 150lb DB rows did 3 sets of 15 reps good form, next workout i'll shoot for 20 reps!
then i did 3 sets of pull ups supersetted with 3 sets of chin ups on the wighted assist machine
still used about the same weight to assist as last workout but this was the end of my workout so thats good
after all this i almost threw up so i called it quits
i think thats around 16 total sets i usually shoot for 18 each workout
goign out with the g/f shes suppose to make me dinner tonight....i think she prolly won't but she said chicken breasts if she gets home from work in time!