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Thread: DemonInsides PP+SD Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    DemonInsides PP+SD Log

    Hey I'll be starting my cycle of PP and SD here the day after christmas, i'm really excited and i'm hopen to gain some solid weight!!

    my cycle is going to consist of 2 weeks of PP and then one week of PP&SD both at a lower dose and then SD for 2 weeks

    Wk 1- Phera-Plex 15mg
    Wk 2- Phera-Plex 30mg
    Wk 3- Phera-Plex 20mg / Superdrol 10mg
    Wk 4- Superdrol 20mg
    Wk 5- Superdrol 20mg

    the mg's may change depending on how i feel its effect.

    basic layout of support supplements and their timing

    -PRECYCLE- (1 week before)

    -Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto
    -Milk thistle 1000mg
    -Multi vitamin
    -Hawthorne Berry 1000mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)

    -Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto
    -Milk thistle 2500mg
    -Multi vitamin
    -Hawthorne Berry 1500mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)

    My PCT will go as follows:
    aromasin: 4 weeks 25mg/day
    clomid: 2weeks 105mg/day 2 weeks 70mg/day
    -Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto
    -Milk thistle 1000mg
    -Multi vitamin
    -Hawthorne Berry 1000mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 for your first 2 weeks of pct
    - -NO2
    -tribulus 625mg

    i gotta give upstate credit as he helped me alot

    a little background on myself i'm 20, been working out 5 days a week sometimes 6 since i was 14, i never take much time off because i seem to be in a bad mood when i dont workout lol

    i'm going to be a certified personal trainer in a bout one month

    i figured i'd just post a link to my bodyspace if anyone was interested in seeing some pics of my weak ass

    but i'm going all out on this and i'm haveing a very good feeling on this

    so lookout!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    will be watching

  3. #3
    good luck bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    How liver toxic is Phera-Plex compared to other orals?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    everything looks great. looks like you definitely put in the time to research. good luck on the cycle, i'm sure it will go great.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    How liver toxic is Phera-Plex compared to other orals?
    Ive heard alot of bad accounts about halo and superdrol but not much on the toxicity of phera plex?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Good luck interested in the knowing how it goes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    well i took some measurements, i'm not as big as i used to be because i tried ripping up a lil over the summer. my arms used to be 19's when pumped but not no more

    anyways to the stats, these are ofcourse cold not after workingout

    Neck: 15 1/2in
    left upper arm: 14 1/2 unflexed, 17 1/2 flexed
    right upper arm: 15 unflexed, 17 1/4 flexed
    forearms: left:13, right:13 1/2
    waist: 34 1/2
    thighs both are right on 34 1/2in
    left calve: 16, right:16 1/4

    i weighed in at 204 yesterday

    today(saturday) thru christmas i am off from the gym

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    todays the big day lol

    have absolutely no eggs in the house since they were all used for christmas dinner yesterday

    i was at the g/f's until like 5:30am so i ended up getting up today at like 1230 lol

    first meal was quick and

    meal one/preworkout
    1 cup oat meal, 2 tbs of peanut butter, glass of milk, low fat yogurt,half a hamburger with no bun

    i know this meal prolly sucks, next one will be better tho.

    i got whey.creatine,and wieght gainer for christmas. my first supplements in about 6+ mons

    i actually think i might take some creatine on cycle and if i get the "back bumps" real bad i'll stop

    workout time
    update when i get back
    Last edited by DemonInside; 12-26-2006 at 11:54 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    todays the big day lol

    have absolutely no eggs in the house since they were all used for christmas dinner yesterday

    i was at the g/f's until like 5:30am so i ended up getting up today at like 1230 lol

    first meal was quick and

    meal one/preworkout
    1 cup oat meal, 2 tbs of peanut butter, glass of milk, low fat yogurt,half a hamburger with no bun

    i know this meal prolly sucks, next one will be better tho.

    i got whey.creatine,and wieght gainer for christmas. my first supplements in about 6+ mons

    i actually think i might take some creatine on cycle and if i get the "back bumps" real bad i'll stop

    workout time
    update when i get back
    save it for pct...its not needed on cycle

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    good luck.
    is this your first time with either of the 2.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    well i got this free "power load packet" from gnc the other day and i took that its kinda like a prewos my friend has some of his creatine and asked if i wanted a scoop i said sure why not, since it wasn't mine lol. i will prolly save mine for pct i've decided

    but that power load made me feel like shit i wanted to throw up so my back workout was half assed i'll just hit back again this week or something

    this is my first time with both pp and sd

    my half assed workout :angry face:!

    --wide grip pull ups supersetted with close grip chins
    did 4 sets of each both for 10 reps, i use the assisted pullup so i can superset them.

    1st and 2nd sets i had 64lb assist which was super easy
    3rd was alright
    4th 52lbs not bad

    but everything was maken me to the almost point to where i was going to puke so i had to lighten up

    i did 2 sets of DB rows with 150lbs 10 easy reps. prolly my favorite exercise

    then i did some wide grip pull downs 3 sets of 10, at 170,180,200lbs

    then i did some cable rows and just had to leave cause it was bad

    but when i first got in the gym i was feeling pumped as hell and just ready to tear into my back but after a few sets damn!!!!

    owell tomorrow i'll be doing chest or shoulders

    i'm going out with the g/f tonight i'll see if i can update this again later if anyone cares about what i'm eating

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    well i got this free "power load packet" from gnc the other day and i took that its kinda like a prewos my friend has some of his creatine and asked if i wanted a scoop i said sure why not, since it wasn't mine lol. i will prolly save mine for pct i've decided

    but that power load made me feel like shit i wanted to throw up so my back workout was half assed i'll just hit back again this week or something

    this is my first time with both pp and sd

    my half assed workout :angry face:!

    --wide grip pull ups supersetted with close grip chins
    did 4 sets of each both for 10 reps, i use the assisted pullup so i can superset them.

    1st and 2nd sets i had 64lb assist which was super easy
    3rd was alright
    4th 52lbs not bad

    but everything was maken me to the almost point to where i was going to puke so i had to lighten up

    i did 2 sets of DB rows with 150lbs 10 easy reps. prolly my favorite exercise

    then i did some wide grip pull downs 3 sets of 10, at 170,180,200lbs

    then i did some cable rows and just had to leave cause it was bad

    but when i first got in the gym i was feeling pumped as hell and just ready to tear into my back but after a few sets damn!!!!

    owell tomorrow i'll be doing chest or shoulders

    i'm going out with the g/f tonight i'll see if i can update this again later if anyone cares about what i'm eating
    better be chicken and rice dammit!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    definitly lol i had that last night except it was chicken,rice,and steak

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    well i made the best of it at her house, we had a huge cooked ham and stuff

    but before i left my house i had

    a turkey sandwich on white

    then at her house i had

    fruit salid rich in bannas

    cottage cheese

    sliced ham

    small amount of mac and cheese
    1 deviled egg
    1 roll

    and before leaving
    i had a hamand turkey sandwich and some cottage cheese with a glass of milk

    not the best but i tried my best

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    DAY 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    meal 1 was

    -cup of oatmeal dry
    -4 tbs of jif smooth peanut butter mixed into oatmeal= actually alright tasteing lol
    -strawberry low fat yougurt
    -1 scoop of gnc 100% whey+glass of milk

    i'm off to a football scrimage then grabbing a quick bite to eat and then off to the gym

    update later

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    alright well i had some pasta before workingout today

    today was shoulders and it went well
    started with DB presses
    1x8 of 75 eay
    1x8 80 easy
    1x8 85 easy
    1x8 90 alright
    1x5 95 hard

    barbell shoulder press
    1x10 of 135 warm up
    1x6 of 175 could of gotton 2-4 more
    1x6 of 175 decent think i was getting tired

    did 2 quick sets of machine shoulder press with 200lbs as high as it goes for 10 easy reps

    next were isolation exercises all are super setted

    Front delts-super setted 3 in a row
    cable front raises 60lbs for 10 reps
    db front raises 45lbs for 10 reps
    the real big fat bar with a 10 on each side for 10 reps

    side of the shoulder
    cable side lat raise 40lbs for 10 reps
    machine side lat raise 70lbs for 10 reps
    DB lat raise 45lbs for 10 reps

    rear delts
    reverse flyes machine 120lbs for 10 reps
    bent over rev flyes with db's 50lbs for 10 reps
    bent over flyes sitting on bench 30lbs for 10 reps

    DB shurgs supersetted with BB shrugs
    2 sets of 12 of 105 lb db's
    1 set of 10 at 115 grip was not good i forgot my straps

    1x10 of 225
    1x12 255
    1x10 275

    after my workout

    i had a half serving of weight gainer with a scoop of whey

    then a hour later i had a tuna sandwich and a yogurt

    went out with some friends to a friends house, was hungry so i had 3 chicken breast patty's and a slice of pizza with a glass of milk ops:

    no weight gain yet to report i hope soon tho!!!!

    but a good day!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    DAY 3!


    i don't do squats or deadlifts since it really bothers my lower back

    my mom has the disease of thinning discs in the back and i'm told i have early signs of it and i'm suggested not to do them

    so i do leg press supersetted with machine squat

    6 45 plates on each side 10 times
    7 45 plates on each side 10
    8 45 plates on each side 8
    9 45 plates on each side 3 i was wopped

    squat machine i did 5 45 plates on each side 10 times each time

    then i did this thing where you lay under a smith machine bar and put your legs up to the bar and basically do presses

    a trainer showed me this and it works real well

    we did about 4 or 5 sets

    we ended up with 5 plates on each side at the end doing 6 reps. it was hard but i did it

    no weight gain

    tomorrow is chest and tri's

    i'm ready to destroy them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Day 7

    i haven't updated in awhile been busy but i've been to the gym i took saturday thru monday off.

    i didn't drink at all didn't even feel like it tho

    i had a real bad headache for a few days now and nothign takes it away, i am thinking it may be my sinus's since the weather has been cold/warm super rainy then dry.

    the scale said friday that i weighed 200 2001ish so i lost 3 pounds and today i'm back to 204, i feel harder and bigger

    no noticeable sex drive changes i wish tho. i seem to be able to get it up more often in a night tho lol

    been doing a good amount of type 2 cardio haha aka sex

    today was back and bi's but i didn't get to do bi's because for some reason towards the end of my back routine i got somewhat light headed and almost threw up so i called it quits

    but i switched it up today and did some hammer strength machines today

    1st one was a pull down type machine i did 3 sets

    1st set of 6 (45lb)plates for 10 easy reps
    2nd set 8 (45lb)plates for 11 reps
    3rd set 10 (45lb)plates for 5 reps

    definitly getting stronger!8 plates i used to be doing only maybe 6-8 reps

    supersetted with low rows
    3 sets of 2 45lb plates on each side 10 easy reps each time

    next was 150lb DB rows did 3 sets of 15 reps good form, next workout i'll shoot for 20 reps!

    then i did 3 sets of pull ups supersetted with 3 sets of chin ups on the wighted assist machine
    still used about the same weight to assist as last workout but this was the end of my workout so thats good

    after all this i almost threw up so i called it quits

    i think thats around 16 total sets i usually shoot for 18 each workout

    goign out with the g/f shes suppose to make me dinner tonight....i think she prolly won't but she said chicken breasts if she gets home from work in time!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    thought i'd add this as well its kinda nice being on this stuff i'm always in a good mood always happy not sad ever i used to get depressed easily but not ne more

    man i feel pumped today i wish i could go back to the gym lol!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    Day 7

    i haven't updated in awhile been busy but i've been to the gym i took saturday thru monday off.

    i didn't drink at all didn't even feel like it tho

    i had a real bad headache for a few days now and nothign takes it away, i am thinking it may be my sinus's since the weather has been cold/warm super rainy then dry.

    the scale said friday that i weighed 200 2001ish so i lost 3 pounds and today i'm back to 204, i feel harder and bigger

    no noticeable sex drive changes i wish tho. i seem to be able to get it up more often in a night tho lol

    been doing a good amount of type 2 cardio haha aka sex

    today was back and bi's but i didn't get to do bi's because for some reason towards the end of my back routine i got somewhat light headed and almost threw up so i called it quits

    but i switched it up today and did some hammer strength machines today

    1st one was a pull down type machine i did 3 sets

    1st set of 6 (45lb)plates for 10 easy reps
    2nd set 8 (45lb)plates for 11 reps
    3rd set 10 (45lb)plates for 5 reps

    definitly getting stronger!8 plates i used to be doing only maybe 6-8 reps

    supersetted with low rows
    3 sets of 2 45lb plates on each side 10 easy reps each time

    next was 150lb DB rows did 3 sets of 15 reps good form, next workout i'll shoot for 20 reps!

    then i did 3 sets of pull ups supersetted with 3 sets of chin ups on the wighted assist machine
    still used about the same weight to assist as last workout but this was the end of my workout so thats good

    after all this i almost threw up so i called it quits

    i think thats around 16 total sets i usually shoot for 18 each workout

    goign out with the g/f shes suppose to make me dinner tonight....i think she prolly won't but she said chicken breasts if she gets home from work in time!
    good job on the not drinking!

    type 2 cardio...never heard that b4 haha...ill have to agree thats the best type of cardio there is

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    its something me and a very good friend of mine made up so noone would know what we were talking about, I.e certain girls back in h/s lol

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    DAy 8

    chest and tri's

    chest idk i got tired out fast well i just could push much weight after awhile i think my tri's died or something

    i did 5 sets on flat bench of 5
    225 warm up
    250 for 5
    260 for 5
    270 for 5
    280 for 4
    290 for 3

    after that i tried 105lb dbs and couldn't do them wtf!

    so i did light incline 60's 3sets of 10

    then i did 2 types of cable crossovers
    6sets total for 12 15lbs

    then triceps
    45 on each side of the bent bar
    3 sets of 8

    over head rope extensions supersetted with bar pushdowns

    3 sets each of 10

    100lbs on over head and 50 on psuh down

    my tri's are blown up right now

    time to eat then i'm working on my car for about 4 hours, pullign the engine possibly

    kinda fun but not really

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    well day 9, i'm feeling buff lol

    i took some pics a few days ago of myself so no maken fun of me

    today i got legs and bi's then the g/f is maken me dinner, finally!!!!

    we may be moven in together idk, all my friends say no lol

    i'll update later if i have time if not tomorrow, type 2 cardio tonight i'm thinking

    later guys

  25. #25
    lookin good bro

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    lookin thick man

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hell's Kitchen
    Just discovered this thread.. Good sh*t bro.. I'm about to start up my SD cycle in a week also!!! cant wait.. Be on the lookout for that log..

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i haven't really felt much from this cycle except for i'm always happy ina good mood

    i'm up about a pound and a half since last time i posted

    i did shoulders yesterday but my front delts were still super sore from doing chest on wednesday so i had to lighten the load, so i did some supersets and still hit them pretty good.

    SD+PP starts on tuesday hopefully i can start getting some good gains soon, kind of suprised my weight hasn't really gone up, but i definitly feel more hard and bigger then i used to and my g/f is like wow your getting big.....

    so maybe i just can't see it lol

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    day 14 woot

    been busy since i started school this week, 15 credits this semester, and i pulled my engine out of my car as well

    yesterday was chest but it wasn't so productive as for some reason my shoulder were still sore! but i beat em up

    and i weighed in at 207!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm looking solid, eating alot and i feel like i'm dropping bodyfat, i can see my abs a lil better

    lol today i start the SD+PP part

    off to the gym to do some back, then i'm hangingout with the g/f

    we're getting a place together next month if i didn't mention kinda happy about that! i'm sick of living at home

  30. #30
    keep it up!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    back and arms look thick as hell man good job

    what about ur chest and legs?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    lanky heres a link with a few chest pics

    chest isn't my strongest area sadly

    as far as legs, they arn't huge or anything but decently strong, i don't have any pics of them at the moment tho.

    weighed in at 207.5-208

    workout went good i wasn't tired at all! did back and bi's definitly getting stronger. i'll do some more recordings of the weights next week.

    g/f will be here in 20 mins

    cardio for me? yay hahaha

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Be careful with the SD; Toxic stuff. Make sure you keep up the support supps. and follow-thru with your PCT. Keep close attention on your nipples as a gauge (puffyness, sensitivity and/or growth). My BP went thru the roof in just days, as well. First-hand advice from me to you.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    yah thanks bro, i've done my research , i 've notice what i'm guessing to be an increase in bp but its nothing major and has kinda went away.

    idk but i think the sd is working a lil bit or idk but my cardio session last night and a few times this morning was pretty nice lol.

    just got outa class, gonna workout a lil later

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    DAY 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    feeling good as hell man i'm seeing no water gain and i'm getting leaner!!! and i'm still eating everything!!!!

    the boys have finally started to shrink down stairs but no effect on my type 2 cardio sessions

    idk if its the sd or what but this is a hella combo i gotta say

    yesterday i couldn't workout cause i had school and work

    but today was shoulder and traps, killed them

    and guess what

    211lbs mofo!!!!!!!!!


    haha sorry i'm just feeling so good and excited

    time to eat!!!!!!!

    Last edited by DemonInside; 01-11-2007 at 06:02 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    trash can alley, VT
    Your delts seem pretty big and you seem to hit them real hard. I was just wondering if this might not be such a bad time to drop down a little on what you are doing secondary movements( ie. delts, front delts etc.) and focus more on primary movements like your chest since you said it might be lagging behind a liittle. Id also think if your shoulders are less fatigued you'd be able to hit the chest a little harder, and maybe not feel as 'burned out' on chest exercises so easily. Id think doing some lighter shoulder presses or maybe leaving out front delts completely for a week just to see if you feel you then have more strength on chest day. But you know your body better than I do. Just seems like you do a lot of delt work which would could really be affecting your chest w/o days. I think we'd all agree your shoulders are looking real good and maybe a short rest to focus on chest would help with your symetry. Just my opinion. Good luck the rest of the way. Im having fun keeping an eye on your journal. I havent used these products yet, but Im getting ready to buy something soon. Thanks for these updates.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    thanks for the suggestion, and i did leave out all front felt exercises this week and not feeling as sore, so hopefully by monday i'm fully recovered since thats like 3 days of rest. i think if that works i'll just leave front delt exercises out since i am sure they get hit pretty good on chest day or so it feels

    today is just legs and light triceps since i don't wanna kill them and not be able to bench on monday

    it's be nice to weigh in at 212-213ish today

    *crosses fingers*

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Keep Pushin and good luck Demon

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    light tri's today and a lil legs, feeling tired its been a long week.

    weighed in at the same, i'm gonna keep eating cows so i can look like one lol j/k

    see ya guys monday

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    keep eatin everything in sight.if u eat it the weight will

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