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Thread: zmass pm problem?

  1. #1

    Question zmass pm problem?

    hey, i've recently added zmass-pm by cytodyne into my list of supplements. been taking it for maybe a little over 2 weeks now and in the last week or so i've been noticing shoulder and chest acne developing! do you think this could be from the zmass since it's supposed to raise test levels? it's the only thing i could think of since it's the only thing that i have added or changed in my diet and supplementation since this started happening.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yeah i got a slight out break when i started ZMA, but the results r worth it, stick w/ it bro

  3. #3
    add in some trib with the zma ,its a plus

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: zmass pm problem?

    Originally posted by FromFleshtoSteel
    hey, i've recently added zmass-pm by cytodyne into my list of supplements. been taking it for maybe a little over 2 weeks now and in the last week or so i've been noticing shoulder and chest acne developing! do you think this could be from the zmass since it's supposed to raise test levels? it's the only thing i could think of since it's the only thing that i have added or changed in my diet and supplementation since this started happening.

    I personally have never had any side effects occur when using any form of ZMA. However I have heard it from more then one person about getting acne from ZMA use. ZMA will only help raise testosterone levels back up to norm, it wont cause them to skyrocket. So it shouldnt be too much of a problem.

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