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  1. #1
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    MM and Winztrol cycle log

    ok Bros, here is what im looking at.

    i will be taking methylmasterdrol and winztrol for thge next 4 weeks and logging all workouts. hope this helps someone out and i will be looking forward to any feed back i can get on this i might need to change up.

    on cycle supps.....
    MM 20/20/30/30 mg ed
    winztrol 150mg ed
    niacin 1000mg ed
    milkthisle 3000mg ed
    hawthorne berry 1700 mg ed
    l-arginine 1000mg ed
    saw palmetto 365mg ed
    fish oil 2000 mg ed
    whey protein 40mg pre and post work out
    green mag once pre work out
    3 caps AMP on days i feel less motivated

    will be much the same but i will add Nolva at 40/40/20/20

    ok i think that is it.

  2. #2
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    ok the i started the cycle on monday but i didnt work out...... so

    tuesday 26 dec 06.......chest and biceps
    incline db press 60x10/65x10/70x10/70x8
    incline machine press 140x10/160x10/170x10
    pec dec 120x10/120x10/120x10

    precher curls 65x10/75x10/80x8/80x6
    seated incline db curls 35x10/35x10/35x10
    standing hammer curls 45x10x 3sets

    just started back working out since i have gotten back from Iraq so i trying to figure out the gym here....

    wensday 27 dec 06.......shoulders and triceps

    seated db presses 55x10/55x10/55x8
    db lateral raises 25x10/25x10/30x8/30x8
    front db raises 20x10/20x10/20x10
    db shoulder shrugs 85x10/85x10/85x10/85x10

    tricep press downs on machine maybe in in metric weights?????
    tricep over head cable extentions

    i think i have found the gym im gona stay with, there is like 8 or 9 gyms here and i was trying to figure out which one i like the best.

    today Thursday 28 dec 06 day 4 wieght 189
    legs this is my first time doing legs, in a very long time, but i have decided to include them in my workout. as i was addvised from some of the guys here on the site, lets hope this helps out

    leg press machine 220x10/260x10/300x10/340x10
    leg extentions 125x10/125x10/125x10/125x10
    prone leg curl 110x10/110x10/110x10

    i really hate doing legs, i sure hope this dont hurt my run times.....

  3. #3
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    keep it up train!

  4. #4
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    any change in blood pressure or headaches or any changes in the first couple days?good luck

  5. #5
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    any change in blood pressure or headaches or any changes in the first couple days?good luck
    no changes in blood pressure, but i have had a headache the last couple of days. today i forced myself to drink more water and that seemed to help. so far so good..... no noticable changes in anything as of yet.

  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Good luck.

  7. #7
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    no changes in blood pressure, but i have had a headache the last couple of days. today i forced myself to drink more water and that seemed to help. so far so good..... no noticable changes in anything as of yet.
    the headaches suck when they go away watch the weight go up.

  8. #8
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    the headaches suck when they go away watch the weight go up.
    i sure hope they hurry up and go away.......

  9. #9
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    29 dec....................................... day 5.................. weight 191.8


    ok first off let me rant for a sec., then i'll post todays work out.
    so i get up this morning at normal time even though i didnt have to work, i figure i will get a workout in early. i got to on post and every fvcking gym on post is closed.......AHHHHHHHHHH.... so i go down town to golds gym and ask for a membership. dude tells me that they dont do memberships until 9am. im like fvck there isnt a place anywhere i can work out. well the dude said go ahead and workout just dont tell no one i let you im like cool.... thanks golds gym dude.....

    lat pull down (front) 150x10/150x10/150x8/150x6
    seated cable row 12platesx10/12 platesx10/13 plates x 10/13 plates x 8
    (dont know what the plates weighed, they were just marked 1-20)
    t-bar rows 90x10/90x10/100x10
    assisted pull ups 8reps/ 6 reps/ 6 reps
    iso lateral low row 180x10/180x10/180x10

    was a descent workout considering it looked like it was gona be a bust. looks like i have gained 3 lbs but we will see what it looks like after the weekend... i hoping to get up to 200 or so while losing body fat.. i will dig out my tape and figure out body fat this weekend and post it so we have a base line. NT

  10. #10
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    2 jan 9..................weight 197

    Chest and Biceps

    incline machine press 140x10/155x10/170x7/185x3
    pec dec 110x10/110x10/110x10/110x8
    incline db press 60x10/65x10/70x5/

    precher curls 65x10/85x8/85x3/95x3
    standing alt db curls 35x10/40x10/40x6
    preacher curl machine 65x10/80x10/95x8/110x6

    today was a pretty good workout, head aches are mostly gone now. have been battling them with water and taurine... have had no back pumps as of yet, and no achne.
    went up around 5-6 pounds this weekend, i did my bodyfat messurements with a tape by army standards and i come in at 20%.... i know i need to get that down but im not really worried about it right now as im just trying to pack on some size, i will cut later....
    so far im impressed with the combination of methylmasterdrol and winztrol i have not gained any body fat percentages and i have put on almost 10 pounds in the first week.... tommorrow is shoulders and triceps so i cant wait... later NT

  11. #11
    matt50's Avatar
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    nice do you like the winztrol so far...i was thinking of trying it...already did a cycle of methyl masterdrol a few months back

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt50
    nice do you like the winztrol so far...i was thinking of trying it...already did a cycle of methyl masterdrol a few months back
    well i dont know what to think as of yet, still real early, but the sides have been really lite and im not experiencing very much water retention, so for now it gets a thumbs up

  13. #13
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    on cycle supps.....
    MM 20/20/30/30 mg ed
    winztrol 150mg ed
    niacin 1000mg ed
    milkthisle 3000mg ed
    hawthorne berry 1700 mg ed
    l-arginine 1000mg ed
    saw palmetto 365mg ed

    fish oil 2000 mg ed
    whey protein 40mg pre and post work out
    green mag once pre work out
    3 caps AMP on days i feel less motivated
    arginine at 1000mg/day isnt gonna do you much...i took mine 4g 3x/day and next time around im thinkin about dosing 5-6g 3x/day...if you're just lookin for it to raise hgh levels i think thats an acceptable amount, but if you're lookin for the pump/vascularity up the dose a bit more.

    I was always under the impression that saw palmetto should be run at around 1g day for prostate protection

    everything else looks spot on train!

    what are you lookin to get out of this cycle? and how do you like the winztrol so far?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    arginine at 1000mg/day isnt gonna do you much...i took mine 4g 3x/day and next time around im thinkin about dosing 5-6g 3x/day...if you're just lookin for it to raise hgh levels i think thats an acceptable amount, but if you're lookin for the pump/vascularity up the dose a bit more.

    I was always under the impression that saw palmetto should be run at around 1g day for prostate protection

    everything else looks spot on train!

    what are you lookin to get out of this cycle? and how do you like the winztrol so far?
    i didnt know that about the palmetto, maybe i should up the doseage. well tank, im looking to get some where around 205-210 this go round and then keep it.... i gained like 8lbs from the PP cycle i did in IRAQ but then i went into a major cardio phase, had to get the body fat down.... i was at almost 24% BY ARMY STANDARDS and that is all im allowed so i was killing myself losing weight and running my ass off.. i dropped 3.5-4% and im still where i was plus i have gained almost 10 lbs again. i maxed out at 202 last time i would really like to see 210-215 to be totally honest.. oh well we will see..NT

  15. #15
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    wensday 03 jan 07.......shoulders and triceps................. weight 197lbs

    seated db presses 55x10/60x10/65x7
    db lateral raises 25x10/30x9/30x10/30x8
    front db raises 20x10/25x10/25x10
    db shoulder shrugs 85x10/90x10/90x10/90x10

    cable tricep press downs (rope)
    tricep over head cable extentions

    ahh great work out today, i so love tricep work outs. well still having the minor headaches, but that is the only side effect i have noticed so far, strength seems to be getting a boost should really kick in next week when i go to 30mg ed of Methyl-masterdrol.... bring on the pain

  16. #16
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    today Thursday 04 jan 07 day 11 wieght 19

    squat 215x10/240x6/240x5
    leg press machine 300x10/340x10/380x10/420x10
    leg extentions 125x10/140x10/155x10/170x8
    prone leg curl---- didnt do them today

    i really hate doing legs.... i have no lifting partner at this time so i am really scared of doing squats, but i will continue to do legs in hopes for some kind of progress...

    ok, side effects---- lethargy is kicking my ass, seems like all i want to do is eat and sleep, thank god work is a joke right now or id be in major trouble.. lol
    and im still getting slight headaches but i think it is do to water intake.. you have gota drink loads of water while on this stuff...

  17. #17
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    today Thursday 04 jan 07 day 11 wieght 19

    squat 215x10/240x6/240x5
    leg press machine 300x10/340x10/380x10/420x10
    leg extentions 125x10/140x10/155x10/170x8
    prone leg curl---- didnt do them today

    i really hate doing legs.... i have no lifting partner at this time so i am really scared of doing squats, but i will continue to do legs in hopes for some kind of progress...

    ok, side effects---- lethargy is kicking my ass, seems like all i want to do is eat and sleep, thank god work is a joke right now or id be in major trouble.. lol
    and im still getting slight headaches but i think it is do to water intake.. you have gota drink loads of water while on this stuff...
    to try to get all my water i would chugg out of my gallon of water until my gut filled keep up the hard work.

  18. #18
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    keep at it w/ the legs train!

  19. #19
    wanescotting's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    29 dec....................................... day 5.................. weight 191.8


    ok first off let me rant for a sec., then i'll post todays work out.
    so i get up this morning at normal time even though i didnt have to work, i figure i will get a workout in early. i got to on post and every fvcking gym on post is closed.......AHHHHHHHHHH.... so i go down town to golds gym and ask for a membership. dude tells me that they dont do memberships until 9am. im like fvck there isnt a place anywhere i can work out. well the dude said go ahead and workout just dont tell no one i let you im like cool.... thanks golds gym dude.....

    lat pull down (front) 150x10/150x10/150x8/150x6
    seated cable row 12platesx10/12 platesx10/13 plates x 10/13 plates x 8
    (dont know what the plates weighed, they were just marked 1-20)
    t-bar rows 90x10/90x10/100x10
    assisted pull ups 8reps/ 6 reps/ 6 reps
    iso lateral low row 180x10/180x10/180x10

    was a descent workout considering it looked like it was gona be a bust. looks like i have gained 3 lbs but we will see what it looks like after the weekend... i hoping to get up to 200 or so while losing body fat.. i will dig out my tape and figure out body fat this weekend and post it so we have a base line. NT
    How is that Gold's? I assume you went to the one on Mckinney Ave correct? I work in a resteraunt nearby I have been thinking of checking it out.

  20. #20
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Nice log! Good to see what MM and winztrol is capable of.

  21. #21
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    08 jan 15....... weight 197


    ok so this weekend was fvcked.. i got a virus on this computer and its steady fvcking up.... oh well here is todays back log

    iso lateral rows 230x10/290x6/290x7/290x5

    iso lateral low rows 180x10/200x9/220x7

    seated cable rows 140x10/180x10/220x7/220x5

    assisted pull ups 4 sets of 8

    today i stepped the MM up to 30 mg for the last two weeks of this cycle, NO SIDE EFFECTS THUS FAR minus the damn headaches, other than that everything is going great. i can really start to feel the difference in strength, lets hope these last two weeks are killer weeks..... NT

  22. #22
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    08 jan 15....... weight 197


    ok so this weekend was fvcked.. i got a virus on this computer and its steady fvcking up.... oh well here is todays back log

    iso lateral rows 230x10/290x6/290x7/290x5

    iso lateral low rows 180x10/200x9/220x7

    seated cable rows 140x10/180x10/220x7/220x5

    assisted pull ups 4 sets of 8

    today i stepped the MM up to 30 mg for the last two weeks of this cycle, NO SIDE EFFECTS THUS FAR minus the damn headaches, other than that everything is going great. i can really start to feel the difference in strength, lets hope these last two weeks are killer weeks..... NT
    This is where the real fun're gonna love it!

  23. #23
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    i sure hope so....... its 4:34 am and im getting ready for work and gym...... chest and biceps and i have my workout partner back for a lil while so im gona kill chest and bi's today

  24. #24
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    9 jan 16..................weight 197

    Chest and Biceps

    incline db press 65x10/70x10/75x8/80x4
    flat bench 185x10/205x3........ had to stop due to pain in shoulder.... i stoppeed doing flat bench 9 months ago cause it hurts my shoulder, but i was being hard headed today...
    cable crossovers 60x10/60x10/60x8

    seated incline DB curls 35x10/40x7/40x8
    preacher curl (w/ ezcurl bar) 85x6/85x8/95x4/95x4
    preacher curl machine 80x10/95x10/110x10/125x5
    incline bench (hammer strength machine) 155x10/ 170x3..... ouch.....

    ok chest was feeling strong today until i tweeked my shoulder... i need to stop trying stuff that hurts and just stick to what i know works for me....
    biceps work out today was awesome i improved on all my curl excersizes and i left the gym with and incredible pump, the next two weeks are gona be fun....

  25. #25
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    9 jan 16..................weight 197

    Chest and Biceps

    incline db press 65x10/70x10/75x8/80x4
    flat bench 185x10/205x3........ had to stop due to pain in shoulder.... i stoppeed doing flat bench 9 months ago cause it hurts my shoulder, but i was being hard headed today...
    cable crossovers 60x10/60x10/60x8

    seated incline DB curls 35x10/40x7/40x8
    preacher curl (w/ ezcurl bar) 85x6/85x8/95x4/95x4
    preacher curl machine 80x10/95x10/110x10/125x5
    incline bench (hammer strength machine) 155x10/ 170x3..... ouch.....

    ok chest was feeling strong today until i tweeked my shoulder... i need to stop trying stuff that hurts and just stick to what i know works for me....
    biceps work out today was awesome i improved on all my curl excersizes and i left the gym with and incredible pump, the next two weeks are gona be fun....
    ahh you too w/ the shoulder train? it suckssss

    newayz keep it up!!!

  26. #26
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    thrusday 11 jan 07.......shoulders and triceps

    seated db presses 60x10/60x10/65x7/65x5
    db lateral raises 30x810/30x10/35x8
    front db raises 25x8/25x8/25x10/25x8
    db shoulder shrugs 90x10/90x10/90x10

    tricep press downs (rope)
    tricep over head cable extentions
    DB over head tricep press/extention

    WOW..... i shoulda started out and ran 30 mg from the get go..... i can really feel the difference from 20 mg..... weights went up on today work out and i left gym feeling really pumped and strong.... awesome work out.... still having headaches and lethargy but i will continue to fight it as i love the way i feel this week

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    ahh you too w/ the shoulder train? it suckssss

    newayz keep it up!!!
    tank i thought you knew i had a bad shoulder, i talked about it in my PP log back in aug.... it is still giving me hell but i have found that if i do incline DB presses. i can get a good chest work out and it doest bother me much

  28. #28
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    friday 12 jan 07..... BACK .... day 19..... weight 193

    iso lateral rows 230x10/ 290x10/ 320x8/ 340x5

    iso lateral low rows 180x10/ 200x10/ 230x8/ 250x6

    seated cable rows 160x10/ 200x10/ 240x3

    assisted pull ups 4 sets of 8

    another awesome workout; i love this stuff at 30mg.... i have actually dropped weight... i look bigger and fuller, most deffinately stronger but weight keep fluxuating on me.... i was hoping to get up over 200lbs but it doesnt look like that is gona happen, oh well i will take size over just weight any day......

  29. #29
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    friday 12 jan 07..... BACK .... day 19..... weight 193

    iso lateral rows 230x10/ 290x10/ 320x8/ 340x5

    iso lateral low rows 180x10/ 200x10/ 230x8/ 250x6

    seated cable rows 160x10/ 200x10/ 240x3

    assisted pull ups 4 sets of 8

    another awesome workout; i love this stuff at 30mg.... i have actually dropped weight... i look bigger and fuller, most deffinately stronger but weight keep fluxuating on me.... i was hoping to get up over 200lbs but it doesnt look like that is gona happen, oh well i will take size over just weight any day......
    ahmen brother

  30. #30
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    friday 12 jan 07..... BACK .... day 19..... weight 193

    iso lateral rows 230x10/ 290x10/ 320x8/ 340x5

    iso lateral low rows 180x10/ 200x10/ 230x8/ 250x6

    seated cable rows 160x10/ 200x10/ 240x3

    assisted pull ups 4 sets of 8

    another awesome workout; i love this stuff at 30mg.... i have actually dropped weight... i look bigger and fuller, most deffinately stronger but weight keep fluxuating on me.... i was hoping to get up over 200lbs but it doesnt look like that is gona happen, oh well i will take size over just weight any day......
    sounds like lean muscle mass. great job train.

  31. #31
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    You might not have as much shoulder problems if you did not train them back to back. You work your shoulders and tri's hard on chest day just to turn around and do them again. Just my .02.

  32. #32
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    16 jan 23..................weight 195

    Chest and Biceps

    incline db press 65x10/70x10/75x8/80x7/85x3... this is the heaviest DB press i have been able to do with out a spot getting it off my shoulder, so the strength has really gone up on this cycle
    cable crossovers 60x10/60x10/60x10
    incline bench press(machine) 125x10/140x7/155x5was really spent after the 5 sets of DB incine presses

    preacher curl machine 80x10/95x10/110x10/125x10
    seated incline DB curls 35x8/40x10/40x10/45x5
    preacher curl (w/ ezcurl bar) 75x10/85x6/85x4

    man really great workout today, arms were so spent that by the time i got to regular preacher curls i couldnt get to the 95lb bar.... what a pump. im sad this is my last chest and bicep work out on MM/ winztrol.... i totally recommend this stack to anyone looking for lean mass, not a good bulk stack but deffentally a muscle builder and strength amplifier.

  33. #33
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    big weights train!

  34. #34
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    dude i was so psyched to get the 85lbers yesterday...... i have pressed them before but i always had to have my spotter hand them to me in the up postion and i would go from there, but yesterday i kicked em up to the shoulders and then pressed them from there off my shoulder, thats a great accomplishment for me.....

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    i didnt know that about the palmetto, maybe i should up the doseage. well tank, im looking to get some where around 205-210 this go round and then keep it.... i gained like 8lbs from the PP cycle i did in IRAQ but then i went into a major cardio phase, had to get the body fat down.... i was at almost 24% BY ARMY STANDARDS and that is all im allowed so i was killing myself losing weight and running my ass off.. i dropped 3.5-4% and im still where i was plus i have gained almost 10 lbs again. i maxed out at 202 last time i would really like to see 210-215 to be totally honest.. oh well we will see..NT
    ok now im quoting myself....

    anyways what i was looking to do is show that allthough i have not gained the weight that i had hoped to, i have gained strength and size while dropping Bodyfat, when i started this cycle i was 20% and i taped out this morning at 18% so im pretty happy, now that being said i still have a ways to go, but almost a year ago i got into the gym heavily and i have dropped from 24% to 18% and have gained upwards of 20 pounds, but was up 30 pds at my heaviest... so has been a pretty productive year... i have 4 more days on this cycle then it is into PCT, lets see how much of this size and strength i keep.....

  36. #36
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    good progress train!

    murder the weights these last few days!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    good progress train!

    murder the weights these last few days!
    thanks partner.... and i did!! im so pumped it hurts....

  38. #38
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    thrusday 18 jan 07.......shoulders and 24... weight 197.5 lbs

    seated db presses 65x10/ 70x6/ 70x5
    db lateral raises 30x10/35x10/40x7/40x6 ohh the trap pump is so painful
    front db raises 25x9/25x10/25x8/25x8
    db shoulder shrugs 90x10/90x10/90x10

    DB over head tricep press/extention
    90x10/95x10/100x10.... whoot whoot theres the 100's
    tricep press downs (rope)
    160x10/175x10/175x8/175x8 i so love the triceps pumps
    tricep over head cable extentions
    160x10/175x10/ 190x5

    AWESOME!!!!! need i say more, damn and my cycle is over in 3 days WTF.... no sides to speak of, well thats not true i have noticed my nuts have shrunk, i sure hope they come back on pct..... god i love this stuff....
    Last edited by NightTrain; 01-20-2007 at 09:00 AM.

  39. #39
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    saturday 20 jan 07..... BACK .... day 27..... weight 195

    iso lateral rows 230x10/ 290x10/ 320x10/ 340x6

    iso lateral low rows 180x10/ 200x10/ 230x10/ 250x8

    seated cable rows 160x10/ 200x10/ 240x5

    behind the neck pulldowns 120x10/140x10/160x5

    all red colors are increases from last week, nothing huge but a couple extra reps at the higher weights.. last back work out... even though i havent gained but a total of 7-9 lbs on this cycle i look much fuller and have gained some strength... plus as previously stated i have lost 2% body fat which is really awesome....

  40. #40
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    Mar 2006
    whoring it up
    ok fellas, im not gona start a new thread about my PCT for this cycle... i will just continue the log thru PCT....

    pct looks like this....
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    niacin 1000mg ed
    milkthisle 3000mg ed
    hawthorne berry 1700 mg ed
    saw palmetto 365mg ed
    fish oil 2000 mg ed
    whey protein 40mg pre and 40mg post work out
    green magnitude once pre work out
    3 caps AMP on days i feel less motivated

    22 JAN 07
    day 1 PCT CHEST AND BICEPS weight 197 lbs

    incline db press 70x10/75x10/80x8/85x4
    cable crossovers 60x10/70x8/70x8
    incline bench press(machine) 140x10/155x10/170x4

    preacher curl (w/ ezcurl bar) 75x10/95x8/95x6/105x1
    seated incline DB curls 35x10/40x10/45x8/50x4
    preacher curl machine 95x10/110x10/125x7 couldnt complete the last 3 reps as i couldnt bring my arms any closer together.... major pump on arms today... awesome workout

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