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Thread: cell-tech

  1. #1

    Question cell-tech

    I was looking at the allsportsnutrition store and saw cell-tech from muscletech. Is this stuff any good?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    agreed very overpriced but i think it is a very good supp try looking for a non name brand its all the same pretty much

  4. #4
    alright, thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    works really well for putting weight on, I gained 12 pounds off of one bottle, its all water weight though, youll lose it all when you come off, so IMO I wouldnt use it, its really a waste of money if you think about it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Most of MuscleTech products are overpriced IMO. If you could make gains they advertise would be a good deal. Their one protein mix says 14 lbs muscle I think it was in 2 months... must have d-bol as ingredient

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Vitargo-CGL by Nutrex is a far superior product for gains, its mostly volumizing effect but the strength gain is amazing for both weights and sports, i was manhandling everyone in Jiu-Jitsu when i was on that stuff.
    If you used it on AAS cycle you will definetly blaot up like a balloon but probably make more gains since more nutrients and gear will be driven to your muscles .

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    unflavored whey+dextrose+creatine+koolaid= cell tech

    In other words, make your own for a lot less money and it will even taste better.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    unflavored whey+dextrose+creatine+koolaid= cell tech

    In other words, make your own for a lot less money and it will even taste better.

    Taste is every thing. Well to some extent any way.

  12. #12
    Muscle tech put some weight on me, but I would have to agree it was all water weight and the stuff was way overpriced.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I always use it for carb loading... the mixture of dextrose, creatine and some other stuff helps top off glycogen. Could you make a similar product yourself - or find one equally helpful for less money? Probably...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Horrible product. 75grams of sugar.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Horrible product. 75grams of sugar.

    That is a lot of freackin sugar. Are they trying to kill you.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Horrible product. 75grams of sugar.
    Whats wrong with 75grms of sugar, if your using it PWO its perfect man.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Horrible product. 75grams of sugar.
    Are you suggesting that there is no application for 75 grams of dextrose in a bodybuilder/athletes diet?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Are you suggesting that there is no application for 75 grams of dextrose in a bodybuilder/athletes diet?
    I've always found 75 grams of sugar excessive, and i'm sure its not high quality dextrose they are using.... and what 'bodybuilder' do you know actually uses Muscletech products.....come on..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by buff-man-22
    Muscle tech put some weight on me, but I would have to agree it was all water weight and the stuff was way overpriced.
    taufeedawg1, here is a tip - don't worry so much about brand names dude... just stick to companies that have a decent track record versus new, unproven names. Nothing wrong with MuscleTech. But your primary concern should always be what is on the back of that label - not the front. If you hear of a supplement and you want to consider trying it, look at the ingredients... thats what you should be keeping track of - not brand names... but what it is that you are consuming and how best apply it to your workout.

    The primary ingredients found in Cell Tech are dextrose and creatine; with some other supportive stuff - basically, it's going to help you spike endogenous insulin and begin the repair/recovery processes in the body. This typically works best right after a workout - to combat cortisol and keep the body anabolic.

    All the sugar (dextrose) will add water weight - especially if you are currently overtrained and under-nourished... or if you have been limiting carb intake in general. Glycogen uptakes around 2.7 grams of water with each gram it stores... Creatine also uptakes with water... the net result means you could easily fill out with this. If you are glycogen depleted - intentionally or otherwise - it is easy to swing 10 pounds depending on your current lean body mass. Does this water, glycogen supercompensation and extra creatine uptake affect training? Hell yes - it can help you aerobically and anaerobically... cardio or resistance training... having topped off glycogen and creatine helps better prepare you for a physically demanding workout... period.

    Products like this are also good to use in tandem with exogenous insulin use... they can keep you from going hypo. But thats prolly not for your concern at all.

    Now, if you have too much bodyfat - than this is generally not something to take everyday - but perhaps once a week to carb up before going back to a hard training week that restricts calorie/carb intake.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    taufeedawg1, here is a tip - don't worry so much about brand names dude... just stick to companies that have a decent track record versus new, unproven names. Nothing wrong with MuscleTech. But your primary concern should always be what is on the back of that label - not the front. If you hear of a supplement and you want to consider trying it, look at the ingredients... thats what you should be keeping track of - not brand names... but what it is that you are consuming and how best apply it to your workout.

    The primary ingredients found in Cell Tech are dextrose and creatine; with some other supportive stuff - basically, it's going to help you spike endogenous insulin and begin the repair/recovery processes in the body. This typically works best right after a workout - to combat cortisol and keep the body anabolic.

    All the sugar (dextrose) will add water weight - especially if you are currently overtrained and under-nourished... or if you have been limiting carb intake in general. Glycogen uptakes around 2.7 grams of water with each gram it stores... Creatine also uptakes with water... the net result means you could easily fill out with this. If you are glycogen depleted - intentionally or otherwise - it is easy to swing 10 pounds depending on your current lean body mass. Does this water, glycogen supercompensation and extra creatine uptake affect training? Hell yes - it can help you aerobically and anaerobically... cardio or resistance training... having topped off glycogen and creatine helps better prepare you for a physically demanding workout... period.

    Products like this are also good to use in tandem with exogenous insulin use... they can keep you from going hypo. But thats prolly not for your concern at all.

    Now, if you have too much bodyfat - than this is generally not something to take everyday - but perhaps once a week to carb up before going back to a hard training week that restricts calorie/carb intake.

    That is some good stuff. That is the kind of advice I am looking for here. Thanks a bunch.

  21. #21
    yeah I dont know too many bodybuilders on muscle tech. But that is not a ton of sugar for a bodybuilder definitely not going to kill anyone

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by buff-man-22
    yeah I dont know too many bodybuilders on muscle tech. But that is not a ton of sugar for a bodybuilder definitely not going to kill anyone
    I know I was just kidding

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