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Thread: Sustevol

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peace_frog Sustevol 01-18-2007, 11:37 AM
TheDuke sustEVOL 02-26-2007, 03:08 AM
K.Biz well ur an idiot 02-26-2007, 04:13 AM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    trash can alley, VT


    Im not thinking of taking this, but I thought it might be worth getting some feedback on. Im not familiar with the company or the product but it says it takes the best of Halodrol, SD and PP. Hmm, sounds a little hard to believe all in one pill. Doesnt mention how much of each per dose though. Heres the email they sent me. Sounds like bunk to me. But Im no scientist.

    Evo-Labs is proud to introduce SustevolTM the strongest multiple compound mass building product available today. The three anabolic compounds present in Sustevol are:

    2α, 17α-dimethyl-17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one

    SustevolTM has been specifically designed as a mass and strength building compound. When taken with a high protein diet, one providing at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, can produce substantial increases in both lean body mass and muscle strength. SustevolTM can produce noticeable results in just days.

    SustevolTM employs enzyme blocking herbs (DHB, Buplerum, Hoelen), whose function is to bind with, and remove destructive CYP and P-450 liver enzymes from the body. The reason for this is that these same enzymes are responsible for destroying anabolic compounds before entering the bloodstream. Removing these enzymes clears the way for the active anabolic ingredient to travel into the bloodstream with little or no interference, increasing the effectiveness of anabolic agents like SustevolTM by as much as 40%!

    SustevolTM side effects are generally mild. These side effects can include heightened alertness, increased sex drive and potentially increased aggression. There are very few physical side effects including little or no effect on body-hair, acne or water retention.

    Dosages range from as little as one capsule per day for athletes under 200 lbs, to two capsules for those exceeding 200 lbs. Do not exceed 2 capsules per day.

  2. #2

    Cool sustEVOL

    Hi I new around,

    I have peronally done quite a bit research on sustEVOL. I plan to run a 2wk on 1wk off cycle for 6 consecutive terms. Will keep posting the results!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDuke
    Hi I new around,

    I have peronally done quite a bit research on sustEVOL. I plan to run a 2wk on 1wk off cycle for 6 consecutive terms. Will keep posting the results!
    well ur an idiot

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