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Thread: creatine

  1. #1
    alex_gix is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2007


    hi i took the creatine (powder) and as i was loading up i got diarrea for about 3 days and stomach cramps,so i have discontinued the stuff,why is this happened? and i am not thinking of taking the kre alkylyn what do u guys think of this stuff? they are the pink capsules

  2. #2
    CSAR's Avatar
    CSAR is offline AR's Cunning Linguist
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    First of all, what brand of creatine, what type of creatine, and how were you using it? Please be specific so that we can help you to the best of our abilities.

  3. #3
    alex_gix is offline Junior Member
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    it was nutrisport hy-(something cant remeber) i was taking 7. 1/2 flat teaspoons 3 times day (which is my load) then i really never got round to doing the rest because this diarreea nearly killed me,lol stomach cramps sometimes even started sweating when i got the i am just recovering now,but im thinking of taking kre alkylyn any thoughts?

  4. #4
    max2extreme's Avatar
    max2extreme is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you drinking enough water?? Try to double it. Most people think they drink enough, but not many actually do. This can cause cramps, but I dont know about the diarrhea.

  5. #5
    NightTrain's Avatar
    NightTrain is offline Senior Member
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    i'ma go out on a limb and say that you were over dosing your self on the creatine..... i started taking monohydrate back when i eas in Iraq and like a dumb assi was taking two spoons before workout and 2 after work out and 1 at lunch... almost like clock work about 45 mins after the 2nd dosage after work out i would get the shits so bad...... i was taking tablespoons not teaspoons... and 7 teaspoons sounds pretty high..... plus loading really isnt nessary... just my .02cents

  6. #6
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    #1. You probably have some cheap creatine, no biggy still works.

    #2. skip the loading phase, do one tablespoon pre workout, and one pwo,

    #3. In the future stick with a kre aklyn or CEE.

  7. #7
    CSAR's Avatar
    CSAR is offline AR's Cunning Linguist
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    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by alex_gix
    it was nutrisport hy-(something cant remeber) i was taking 7. 1/2 flat teaspoons 3 times day (which is my load) then i really never got round to doing the rest because this diarreea nearly killed me,lol stomach cramps sometimes even started sweating when i got the i am just recovering now,but im thinking of taking kre alkylyn any thoughts?
    Okay, let me be more specific.

    First what type of creatine was it (e.g., creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, etc.)?

    Second, 7 1/2 teaspoons doesn't tell us much. How many grams were you taking per serving and how many grams were you taking per day?

    Third, were you taking the creatine with any type of fruit juice, dextrose or maltodextrin powder, etc.?

    Fourth, how much water were you drinking per day?

    Finally, if you were taking creatine monohydrate with only water, most of it is just going to be "passed through the ass" (for lack of a better term) causing diarrhea.

    You need something to spike insulin and act as a transport system. Dextrose and maltodextrin are fine, but can cause bloating and stomach discomfort. Waxy maize starch (Vitargo) is superior to dextrose and maltodextrin as it is more efficient at transporting creatine without the bloating/discomfort. CEE and Kre-Alkalyn can be taken in pill form and do not have the sides associated with creatine monohydrate.

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