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  1. #1
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    L Glutamine best for keeping muscle?

    I jsut got this stuff L Glutamine (amino acids), cause i am now cutting up after a bluking cycle of AAS i am using this to keep as much muscle and burn fat. does this stuff really help protect your muscle from catabolic state? i was thinking of takeing this stuff after eveyr cycle in pct to help keep muscle not going into catabolic state.

    Please clear this up if i'm not right.

  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hephens
    I jsut got this stuff L Glutamine (amino acids), cause i am now cutting up after a bluking cycle of AAS i am using this to keep as much muscle and burn fat. does this stuff really help protect your muscle from catabolic state? i was thinking of takeing this stuff after eveyr cycle in pct to help keep muscle not going into catabolic state.

    Please clear this up if i'm not right.
    im pretty sure bcaa's are better suited to prevent muscular catabolism, while glutamine would help to aid in recovery

  3. #3
    JC.1987's Avatar
    JC.1987 is offline Associate Member
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    Canada eh
    i usually take glutamin beofe i do my cardio workouts and sometimes before i got to bed...i think before cardio its supposed to prevent muscle catabolism

  4. #4
    BladesOfBlood's Avatar
    BladesOfBlood is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hephens
    I jsut got this stuff L Glutamine (amino acids), cause i am now cutting up after a bluking cycle of AAS i am using this to keep as much muscle and burn fat. does this stuff really help protect your muscle from catabolic state? i was thinking of takeing this stuff after eveyr cycle in pct to help keep muscle not going into catabolic state.

    Please clear this up if i'm not right.
    L-Glutamine is one of the body's most abundant amino acids. Its also one of the first to deplete during an intense workout. I've always had great success using this after a workout. Its one less thing your body has to spend energy on regenerating during the recovery process.

  5. #5
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    so how should i take this stuff? i only want to take this stuff while i am cutting up in my cutting stages. i was told to take it after training, for my cutting i do 3 sessions of cardio and 2 wieght sessions a week.

  6. #6
    stlhrse's Avatar
    stlhrse is offline Junior Member
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    also, how much should you take PWO?

  7. #7
    bigrose's Avatar
    bigrose is offline Associate Member
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    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in skeletel muscle. Levels are severly depleted during times of stress, i.e. resistance training. Best way to take it would be 10-30g postworkout, as well as before bed and upon waking if you want. It is mildly anti-catabolic, but BCAAs would be best for that as was already stated. To me, glutamine is a staple supplement with whey and BCAAs.

  8. #8
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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    indeeed bcaas and glutamine are a must with a multi vitamin

  9. #9
    stlhrse's Avatar
    stlhrse is offline Junior Member
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    where is the best place to get pills or powder with a concentration that high. My glutamine is only 500mg per pill. I thought I was doing ok taking four a day.

  10. #10
    Hephens's Avatar
    Hephens is offline Member
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    I am takeing about 10mg before training or anytime of the day before and after training 10mg anytime after. i just want to take it cause i am cutting up want to keep as much muscle as possible. I feel the stuff is working in keeping my muscle after workouts, but is this stuff ment to help keep muslce?

  11. #11
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    im pretty sure bcaa's are better suited to prevent muscular catabolism, while glutamine would help to aid in recovery

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