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Thread: Clen Questions

  1. #1
    irow is offline New Member
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    Clen Questions

    I'm new to this forum and I am happy that I found such a wealth of information. I have been trying to read peoples experiences on clen , but I am not finding a lot of concentrated advice or facts. I know that the questions I'm about to ask have probably been asked before, so any links to past entries would be awesome as well as specific advice.

    Alright, now that that's out of the way. I'm a collegiate rower, and I have turned to Clen to help me get a lot of body fat off of me. For this sport, I really need to have a lean body with minimal fat. I was measured as having 17.2% body fat last week (professionally), and I want to get it down to 10% by the beginning of the fall semester. I eat a healthy diet and excersise 5 days a week, and atleast two times during the week, I practice twice a day. It is a balanced fitness plan, I will work on speed sprinting for one practice, distance the next, and weight training the next. (All set out by the coach).

    I bought a bottle of clen and it should be arriving soon. Here are some of the questions that I have.

    What kind of cycle should I use with it? I have read to start at 60mg for 2 days, 80mg 2 days, 100mg 4 days, 120mg 2 days, 100mg 4 days, 80mg 2 days and then 60mg 2 days. I have also read just to take 60mg for 2 weeks, as well as 60mg for 3 weeks, 120mg for 2 weeks and 120mg for 3 weeks (all seperate posts). What, in your opinion, would be the best plan?

    Soon our schedule will go from winter workouts to spring workouts. We won't be lifting weights. I will have finished my first cycle before this (end of Feb.) Is there anything I should consider about my current workout plan and clen or anything in the spring? Should I change my workout plan in any way to make it more effecient?

    I will admit to having the occasional whiskey weekend. How does alcohol affect people who are taking clen? Is it something that should be abstained from?

    What kind of results should I expect? Right now I am 188 with a body fat percentage of 17.2%, meaning I have 34lbs of fat. I read that studies of clenbuteral on horses had them loose 21% of their body fat in the first two weeks and increase their fat free mass by 4.4% over the 6 weeks after taking it. Given these facts, I could expect to have only 21.6lbs of fat, an overall weight of 184, and a BF% of 11.7%. I know that these results won't even be close, but what can I expect? Maybe half of those results? A quarter?

    My times right now are low now (heigth helps a hella lot), but dead weight hurts bad. For every 12lbs in a boat, you can expect to be 1 second slower. And in the rowing world, that's a big big big number.

    I really would appreciatte the advice. I tried to give enough information to give you guys a complete picture of my situation, but if I left something out, let me know.


  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    read everything in this thread:
    Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by irow
    I'm new to this forum and I am happy that I found such a wealth of information. I have been trying to read peoples experiences on clen , but I am not finding a lot of concentrated advice or facts. I know that the questions I'm about to ask have probably been asked before, so any links to past entries would be awesome as well as specific advice.

    Alright, now that that's out of the way. I'm a collegiate rower, and I have turned to Clen to help me get a lot of body fat off of me. For this sport, I really need to have a lean body with minimal fat. I was measured as having 17.2% body fat last week (professionally), and I want to get it down to 10% by the beginning of the fall semester. I eat a healthy diet and excersise 5 days a week, and atleast two times during the week, I practice twice a day. It is a balanced fitness plan, I will work on speed sprinting for one practice, distance the next, and weight training the next. (All set out by the coach).

    I bought a bottle of clen and it should be arriving soon. Here are some of the questions that I have.

    What kind of cycle should I use with it? I have read to start at 60mg for 2 days, 80mg 2 days, 100mg 4 days, 120mg 2 days, 100mg 4 days, 80mg 2 days and then 60mg 2 days. I have also read just to take 60mg for 2 weeks, as well as 60mg for 3 weeks, 120mg for 2 weeks and 120mg for 3 weeks (all seperate posts). What, in your opinion, would be the best plan? Check the clen FAQ there are too main protocols that people follow you must choose one that you feel comfortable with

    Soon our schedule will go from winter workouts to spring workouts. We won't be lifting weights. I will have finished my first cycle before this (end of Feb.) Is there anything I should consider about my current workout plan and clen or anything in the spring? Should I change my workout plan in any way to make it more effecient? You do not need to be lifting for clen to work. You do need to keep your cardio up to see good fat loss results, im guessing you do lots of cardio being a rower.

    I will admit to having the occasional whiskey weekend. How does alcohol affect people who are taking clen? Is it something that should be abstained from? It will not particuarly affect the clen but it will affect your fat loss. Drinking empty carbs is not a good way to shed weight. If you are serious enough to use clen then get serious and drop the booze too.

    What kind of results should I expect? Right now I am 188 with a body fat percentage of 17.2%, meaning I have 34lbs of fat. I read that studies of clenbuteral on horses had them loose 21% of their body fat in the first two weeks and increase their fat free mass by 4.4% over the 6 weeks after taking it. Given these facts, I could expect to have only 21.6lbs of fat, an overall weight of 184, and a BF% of 11.7%. I know that these results won't even be close, but what can I expect? Maybe half of those results? A quarter? Some people respond VERY weill to clen others do not, it is impossible to comment on your possible results.

    My times right now are low now (heigth helps a hella lot), but dead weight hurts bad. For every 12lbs in a boat, you can expect to be 1 second slower. And in the rowing world, that's a big big big number.

    I really would appreciatte the advice. I tried to give enough information to give you guys a complete picture of my situation, but if I left something out, let me know.

    be aware of the risk associated with clen (especially long term or heavy use). It is not a compound to be taken lightly. I hope you read the FAQ and are able to make some informed conclusions. You might want to list your diet for critique in the diet forum, you will get some great advice there. Good luck!

  4. #4
    irow is offline New Member
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    I can't thank you enough for the advice. The link was exactly what I was looking for, and the answers really helped.

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I prefer the 2weeks on 2weeks off, for a total of 6 weeks on. But do what ever your body responds best to.

  6. #6
    irow is offline New Member
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    Jan 2007
    I just got the bottle of clen in today. In looking at the side of the bottle, I am a little worried.

    It tells me that there are 50mcg of Vitamin B12 and 577mg of Clen.... That's 577,000mcg of clen per 2 pill serving.

    Is this something I should be concerned with? I really don't understand. I would post the link from the site that I got it from, but that is against the rules right? (I don't know if that is considered 'the lab' or whatever).


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