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  1. #1
    Carmine20's Avatar
    Carmine20 is offline Junior Member
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    stimulants and brain receptors?

    i was just browsing the board and i noticed that when taking ephedra your brain receptors develop more of a tolerence to the drug. i have been taking eca for the past two years wheather it be for a preworkout buzz or an all night study session and my question is can my receptors eventually fizz away? ( i have been taking the same amount 25 mg of Ephedra, 81mg Asprin, and 200 mg Caffine, i may take this dose once to twice a day very rarely three times in one day.and i still feel a nice energy rush as i did when i first started to take these together) and one other question would caffeine alone have the same effect as eca on the receptors. thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    have you been taking eca for two years straight?

  3. #3
    ThePump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    have you been taking eca for two years straight?

    yeah if that were the case then that's prolly a pretty bad idea. lol

  4. #4
    Carmine20's Avatar
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    well some times i may go a few days without it but for the most part i take it often, i usually dont take it on the weekends unless i am working out, any feed back appreciated.

  5. #5
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    eesh thats a long time!!! your receptors might be fried from em (although if its still working then maybe not???)

    if you run something like an eca stack for a prolonged period of time you should take benadryl every 3rd week to keep your receptors fresh...or run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

  6. #6
    ThePump's Avatar
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    yeah 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off has always been the way i run mine. i've never heard it being run any other way rly.

  7. #7
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Your receptors dont fizzle away but the will tend to be less expressive than if they were virgin to the compound. Caffiene for example is a highly fat soluble compound. Some compounds need a second messenger to elicit a responce for the particular compound meaning they cant pass through the cell membrane and need a membrane receptor protien to pass the message along. Caffiene isnt one of these since it will pass directly through the phospolipid cell membrane and attach to the receptor site on DNA. Ephedra since it mimics epinephrine and norepinephrine can cause beta and alpha receptors to go into a state of insensitivity. where the Ephedra alkaloid will either bind and cause no reaction for the recepter or it will be blocked all together. Its best to cycle compounds like this to maintain there effectiveness.

  8. #8
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you better knock that off. you should know better. you could be putting yourself at risk for suppressed thyroid function, and dependancy on stimulents. I know college is a sonbitch, but even stayin on caffien al year round is not cool.
    Yes eventually your receptors will stop responding. Use that stuff cyclicly. 8 weeks on,12 weeks off.
    i would stop the eca and start a a beneadryle dose of 100mg every evening for a month and then 25-50mg for a few months after that. your receptors are probably fried bbut maybe not to bad since the stuff still works for ya. But the stress to your adrenal glands is not good. Prolonged use will mostlikely cause adrenal burnout. Your gonna feel like carp when you come off for awhile due to suppressed thyroid level also. You may get cold, lethargic, lose or gain weight, but you will even out eventually.
    I would jump on some tyrosine, cocconut oil and posibly kelp to re-awaken the thyroid. sub the cocconut oil to like half your other fats. Adding it on top of your fat intake causes weit gain imo.
    Also, if you still feel crappy. you may want to run a post cycle therapy . Yes, a PCT. The same youd use for steroids . Why? Well it seems clomid and hcg are able to stimulate thyroid.Anthony Roberts has 2 articles about clomid and HCG increasing thyroid production. With clomid so available i would try that first. If that doest work do hcg with nolva. gott have nolva with the hcg. If you have thebucks you could add clomid here too, but probably overkill. Its just nolva prevents desensitization of the cells to LH, which HCG can cause. and nolva is better at blocking estrogen in titties than clomid, and HCG causes aromatizaton to some extent.
    Anyway, good luck. im sure youll be fine. live and learn.
    respect the stimulants bro.

  9. #9
    Carmine20's Avatar
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    wow thanks for the very informative feedback fellas, i am definintely going to take a 3-4 month hiatus from ephedra and try to take some benadryl@100mg a day for the first month and 25-50mg for 3-4 months after that, i hope that everything works out for the best. , also do you guys think taht it would be beneficial to take a nonephedra based fat burner while i am not taking the ephedra or would this just negate the whole building the brain receptor process?

  10. #10
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    By the looks of your avatar i dont think you need a fatburner!

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