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  1. #1
    JJP480's Avatar
    JJP480 is offline Associate Member
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    How and What Supplements To Live Mostly Off Instead of Food .

    I need all experienced nutritional gurus and experts advice and input on this one .
    PROBLEM- My job takes me away from the creature comforts of home and sticks me in the middle of a desert mountainous region for 6 months stints .
    Very spartan accommodations. No real food. We are fed pre packaged food very high in fat and full of sulphides. PURE FU&#*& SHIT !! My gym consists of lifting what ever I can find to put in my hand that has some weight to it.
    Very long dangerous days full of high stress physical exertion blah blah blah.
    You get the point.
    My question is I need to know what MRP's (preferably bars as water is at a premium and me mixin shakes would not be looked upon very kindly. And the MRP bar would have to be oat based not chocolate n such as the temperature of the land is extremely hot and it would turn my bars to muck.)would sustain me with proper nutrition to survive healthy and keep weight and muscle on.
    I know I will have to eat a Ration Pack once and awhile and we do get a hot meal once in a blue moon but for the majority it would be the MRP's.
    I can use some power MRP's too but it will have to be at a minimum.
    I need to bring supplemement too ( pill form ) to keep me going too.
    I need some guidance here and would like ALL who read to put their 2 cents in.
    Cost is not an option!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by JJP480
    I need all experienced nutritional gurus and experts advice and input on this one .
    PROBLEM- My job takes me away from the creature comforts of home and sticks me in the middle of a desert mountainous region for 6 months stints .
    Very spartan accommodations. No real food. We are fed pre packaged food very high in fat and full of sulphides. PURE FU&#*& SHIT !! My gym consists of lifting what ever I can find to put in my hand that has some weight to it.
    Very long dangerous days full of high stress physical exertion blah blah blah.
    You get the point.
    My question is I need to know what MRP's (preferably bars as water is at a premium and me mixin shakes would not be looked upon very kindly. And the MRP bar would have to be oat based not chocolate n such as the temperature of the land is extremely hot and it would turn my bars to muck.)would sustain me with proper nutrition to survive healthy and keep weight and muscle on.
    I know I will have to eat a Ration Pack once and awhile and we do get a hot meal once in a blue moon but for the majority it would be the MRP's.
    I can use some power MRP's too but it will have to be at a minimum.
    I need to bring supplemement too ( pill form ) to keep me going too.
    I need some guidance here and would like ALL who read to put their 2 cents in.
    Cost is not an option!!!!

    WTF do you do for a living? I mean, I guess work with what you can, but no gym for 6 months? Again, what is it you do?

  3. #3
    JJP480's Avatar
    JJP480 is offline Associate Member
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    Will be in Panjuay District in Afganistan. Front line shit.
    I do get to work out, just not with all the pretty gym equip. more make shift.

  4. #4
    BigTurk is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2007
    Balance bars and zone perfect bars are good, but I think they only have 15 grams of protein each. It shouldnt be a problem since you won't be heavy lifting.

  5. #5
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    One time I ordered some supps and they sent this Xyience bar in with it. The bar was about 30 grams of protein. It tasted like cardboard but the nutrional profile of it was very good. Not sure what the name of it was but Im sure you could look around on and find em.

  6. #6
    Primalinstinct's Avatar
    Primalinstinct is offline Associate Member
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    You can incorporate protein powder in many basic cooking methods and meals. Here is a link of recipes to back that up. I am not saying you can use all of them listed but it can get your brain going. Grab a tub of Vanilla or Chocolate flavor for diversity. I use P r o C o m p l e x because it has 55 grams per 2 scoops. It also has a nice BCAA line up, as well as a Glutamine profile. Both are great for recovery after stress.

    Good Luck and be safe.

    HERE IS THE LINK (thanks 1** mofo):

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    I would get a shit load of animal pak nitro and take that and the no shotgun. I was told that the no shotgun has glutamin, creatine, and some other good stuff in it. creatine has been show to help very much in sleep deprived people. and the bcaa would be very easy to cary and weigh and size are great for what you are looking for. the regular animal pak would also work very good for you to being its small asorted vitamen packs and takes up very little space and weighs almost nothing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Scottsdale, AZ
    I would definently get some BCAA powder. You can pick up a kilo of it for about $45 online. You figure you would be taking about 20g/day, so it would maybe just take about 2 kilos with you next time you go to work. It will definently help when you are calorie deprived to retain muscle, as many people use it during a cut.

  9. #9
    JJP480's Avatar
    JJP480 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for all the info . Ya the bcaa's are a must with a good meal bar .
    I cant get the bcaa in powder due to mobility and transport, so I will have to pay more and go with the pills .

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